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Questions on FFX EZ Script Mini Mod Examples

Started by Outcast, November 08, 2011, 03:22:14 PM

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Are there any more of these EZ Script Mini Mod examples i can download/install and try (and quite possibly custom..too)?

I want to try making an EZ Script Mini Mod someday (just for the skirmish mode first  :P). Looks simple enough, but looks can be deceiving. :unsure:

For the EZ Script Mini Mod: On Patrol doesn't seem to end. Is this like a free roaming never ending mission? Can i change it so that it ends after you defeat a certain number of villains? :)



I don't know how silly that "Party Peril" could be JKC, but i'll give it a try. Thanks! ^_^


Do yourself a favor and use the EZ Script Editor when you start writing your mods.
Yellow Lantern smash!


Quote from: yell0w_lantern on November 08, 2011, 09:20:11 PM
Do yourself a favor and use the EZ Script Editor when you start writing your mods.

YES!  The Editor is a fantastic tool and makes writing EZScript missions much, MUCH easier.

I'm glad to see you testing the waters in modding Outcast!  Please let me know if you run into any trouble, as I love to help new modders get started.  We can't have too many content creators.  If you're looking for EZScript missions and such to use as examples, remember that I've given permission for folks to use my mod work however they care to, so feel free to cannibalize my missions and base screens.  I use a pretty standardized format so that I can cut and paste stuff from one mod to another, mostly just changing names and dialog.  I tend to cannibalize my own work quite a bit!  Also, I wrote a few short articles on my blog about using EZScript, and they might be useful to you.

"The Ease of EZScript" is a crash course in the use of the program.

"The Anatomy of an EZScript Adventure" is a step-by-step walkthrough of creating an EZS mission.

"Doing More with EZScript" is about getting a bit fancier and creating slightly more complex missions.
God Bless
"If God came down upon me and gave me a wish again, I'd wish to be like Aquaman, 'cause Aquaman can take the pain..." -Ballad of Aquaman
Check out mymods and blog!


Ok. Firstly. JKC..."Party Peril"....NOT what i had expected... :mellow:.....but it was interesting enough to play to the very end, just to see how the story would have ended. :P It's nice to see what stories (no matter how bizarre or silly they maybe) people can come up with. :)

Pan and his group of minions were no match for my custom flying heroes. Pan just cowered in a corner, while the rest of his minions "panic" themselves. Making them easy pickings. Pinstripe and his group of thugs were no match either. Luckily for me that restaurant owner was pretty resilient. :P Fortissimo on the other hand was another story. His force field was too tough for my heroes to break thru. So i had to wait till that very short opening when the field turns off.

Thanks Yellow Lantern for the heads up, and Benton for those tutorial links. I'm sure they will come in very handy as i try to learn my way in EZ Script. But where is this EZ Script editor? I can't seem to find it in the ffx folder. :wacko: I'll keep looking for it though.

Edit: Ok. Found the EZ Script Editor i think...


How come the default maps of  :ffvstr: like the airfield, berlin, mansion, or village aren't available when i pick the mini mods examples in the rumble room? City landmarks and Liberty park are the only ones available by default in ffx. Is it possible to make those  :ffvstr: maps available in mini mods? If so, how can i do this? :huh:


Because ezscript enabled maps have to be set up in a specific way as outlined in its help files.
Disappear when you least expe--


Right, any map CAN be set up to work with EZScript, but you'll have to add some markers to them to make them compatible.
God Bless
"If God came down upon me and gave me a wish again, I'd wish to be like Aquaman, 'cause Aquaman can take the pain..." -Ballad of Aquaman
Check out mymods and blog!


How do i set up the maps to work with EZScript? How do i add these markers?

I did try going to FFEdit, clicking on the missions tab, then i loaded a mission file from one of the maps in the missions folder? Like 01_dream or 02_cuba? Clicked on Edit in Game, which loads up the map and other objects with lots of cnodes,impobj,and so on. Then i pressed "C" which finally gives me the option to add markers (am i on the right path here? :wacko:)..i haven't got a clue on what to do next though or how to actually add these markers and where i should click on? I could experiment some more...but... i don't want to reinstall if ever something went wrong. :unsure:

Sorry if i'm being such a noob here.. :doh:


Outcast, make sure to read the documentation about EZScript.  There is an excellent description of the necessary markers and such.  You should do that before you go poking around in FFEdit.  After you've read the maps section of the EZScript manual, choose a map you like, copy it and rename it.  So, take 02_cuba, for example, copy it and rename it 01_outcastmod, or what-have-you.  That way you won't screw anything up when you edit it.  Next, load your mission in the editor.  Make sure that the data paths of the editor are pointing to the right direction first, though. 

Editing maps is really easy.  The editor is intuitive and relatively simple to use.  There's a manual around someplace, hopefully someone with a better memory can point you to it.  Anyway, to add a marker you hit C, like you already discovered.  Select marker, and then you the editor will place a marker named "positional1" or something like that on the map.  You can now click on this marker to drag it around wherever you want it.  Place several of these markers where you want them, then exit the map itself.  Now you can rename these markers to be whatever you want them to be by clicking on the "positional" series of names in the window of the editor.  It's that simple.
God Bless
"If God came down upon me and gave me a wish again, I'd wish to be like Aquaman, 'cause Aquaman can take the pain..." -Ballad of Aquaman
Check out mymods and blog!


All of what you're asking is laid out in the FFX manual which comes with FFX 3,3 and was put together by the fine folks who actually had a hand in making said mod, so I'd implore you to read that (as I would ask any new modder to do if they were interested in the subject of modifying the game in any sense) just to get the basics down. For example, you asked:

How do i set up the maps to work with EZScript? How do i add these markers?

Here's the answer:

QuoteMaps used with EZ script must have two types of markers present.  Markers are spheres that you can add in the level editor, but are invisible when you actually play the mission. 

  • skirmishspawn  - this marker denotes where the player's squad will start the mission
  • encounter – these markers show where encounters can occur
Encounter markers must end in a number, and the number must start at 1 and increase sequentially.
For example:
<blockquote> encounter1, encounter2, encounter3
</blockquote> If you start at a number higher than 1, or do not number the markers sequentially, EZ script won't be able to use them correctly.
<blockquote> encounter3, encounter4, encounter5   - there is no encounter1, so none of these markers will be used
encounter1, encounter2, encounter5 – there is no encounter3 and encounter4 so encounter5 will not be used
</blockquote> Place you encounter markers around the map.  I find that about 12 is a good number.  Try to place them in fairly open areas, so characters don't appear on top of buildings.

Also, take a look at maps that are already EZSCRIPT enabled and compare. You have several examples to choose from ranging from PCTales to Benton's latest Ghostbusters mod. And speaking of Benton, he also put together several posts on his blog about ezscripts in an effort to help out newbies when he was organizing his "EZScript off." Take a look at those:

This post might be especially helpful to you:

As for a FFedit tutorial, the comprehensive list of tutorials thread still covers that as does FRP2 (ya'know, that site where I did a few modding tutorials? :P )
Disappear when you least expe--


Quote from: BentonGrey on November 19, 2011, 05:58:39 PM
After you've read the maps section of the EZScript manual, choose a map you like, copy it and rename it.  So, take 02_cuba, for example, copy it and rename it 01_outcastmod, or what-have-you.  That way you won't screw anything up when you edit it.  Next, load your mission in the editor.  Make sure that the data paths of the editor are pointing to the right direction first, though. 

Editing maps is really easy.  The editor is intuitive and relatively simple to use.  There's a manual around someplace, hopefully someone with a better memory can point you to it.  Anyway, to add a marker you hit C, like you already discovered.  Select marker, and then you the editor will place a marker named "positional1" or something like that on the map.  You can now click on this marker to drag it around wherever you want it.  Place several of these markers where you want them, then exit the map itself.  Now you can rename these markers to be whatever you want them to be by clicking on the "positional" series of names in the window of the editor.  It's that simple.

I was also thinking of making a copy of 02_cuba and renaming it. But i was afraid it might mess up the original campaign missions or something. Yes, I've been reading the manual and other tutorials even before i asked about the maps, i just couldn't figure out how to actually add those markers. (Only got up to that part in the level editor and hitting C part.) Thanks for explaining it to me in more detail Benton. :)

Quote from: Previsionary on November 19, 2011, 06:13:56 PM
As for a FFedit tutorial, the comprehensive list of tutorials thread still covers that as does FRP2 (ya'know, that site where I did a few modding tutorials? :P )
Yes, that's where i found the link to tempest's mod tutorial which i found very helpful. Thanks. :)

Quote from: Previsionary on November 19, 2011, 06:13:56 PM
Also, take a look at maps that are already EZSCRIPT enabled and compare. You have several examples to choose from ranging from PCTales to Benton's latest Ghostbusters mod. And speaking of Benton, he also put together several posts on his blog about ezscripts in an effort to help out newbies when he was organizing his "EZScript off." Take a look at those:
Thanks for the suggestion, i just downloaded Yellow Lantern's EZScript off. Tried playing the game first of course before i start comparing. :P  And i lost the first time around.(maybe because my niece was in the way, wanting to play it herself. :P) The mission got stuck though when i lost. I mean it didn't return to the rumble room menu. Not sure why. Anyway, I liked the Blitz character a lot. It's simple in design, yet cool. :thumbup: