How to make individual voicepacks to work in FFX 3.3?

Started by Outcast, November 06, 2011, 03:02:08 PM

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Hi. I'm trying to get some individual voicepacks i installed in :ffvstr: to work in ffx 3.3.

The voices work just fine in  :ffvstr: but they don't seem to appear when i use ffx 3.3.

I noticed the ffx folder has a file aside from the usual speech.dat file inside it's Lang\English folder. I'm guessing it has something to do with it. :unsure:

Anyone know how to do this?


ffx 3 is a mod. If you want add-ons to appear in it at all, beyond meshes and skins, then you need to add the files to its dat files via ffedit. You may also merge. Always backup.
Disappear when you least expe--


To get voices to work in FFX, I believe you have to merge your  :ffvstr: character and sounds dats with FFX's dats. 

Setting up voices in  :ffvstr: isn't as easy as it was in  :ff:, unfortunately.



Thanks for the quick reply Previsionary. ^_^

So if i wanted my custom made voicepack to appear in ffx, i'll need to add which files to it's dat files?

I just tried merging the captions,speech, and strings.dat files in the ffvtr data folder with the ffx ones in the lang\english folder. (selected the dat files in ffx first , followed by the dat files in data folder) Didn't seem to work so far, so maybe i misunderstood something. :banghead: :doh:

Thanks Dana, i'll give merging character dat and sound dat files next.

Edit: Ok that didn't seem to work either. :banghead: Why do the dat files in the ffx folder have like these back up dat files with .new extensions?  :wacko:


Hmmm...I'm not sure what to tell you, Outcast...Have you tried opening the FFEditor, changing the data paths to FFX and then creating your character voice templates there?  I'm just wondering if that will work (maybe try it with one to experiment and you can always just delete it, if it doesn't work).

And I don't know why FFX has all those extra dats (maybe they were left over as it was being developed?).



Installing individual voicepacks doesn't require you to merge dats after all. :doh:

Ok here's a step by step guide.

Unzip the voicepack file. A folder will be created containing the mp3 files as well as some text document files. Look for a text document file that have a long list of lines that look like this...SPEECH_Y4_ALERT_01, speech\english\sh_emma_frost\Y4AL01.mp3, these are the speech text files. Choose one of these speech text files (i chose the ffvt3r generic version) and open it using notepad. Highlight/select all the lines from top to bottom and copy.

I then go to my ffx3 folder, open it's Lang folder, then the English folder. Open the "Speech" text document there using notepad. Go to the bottom line and paste the speech text files there and save.

Go to your data folder/sounds/speech/english.

C:\Program Files\Irrational Games\Freedom Force vs The 3rd Reich\Data\Sounds\Speech\English

Create a folder for your new voicepack. For example:

C:\Program Files\Irrational Games\Freedom Force vs The 3rd Reich\Data\Sounds\Speech\English\sh_emma_frost

and copy all the mp3 files inside that folder.

Since we want to install the voicepack in ffx3, we want to make sure our target paths are correct in FFEdit. Open FFEdit and then go to the Options tab.

Our Primary Data Path should be on the ffx3 folder. For example,

C:\Program Files\Irrational Games\Freedom Force vs The 3rd Reich\ffx3

In the Output Directory [Speech,Text and Languages] browse in your ffx3 folder, select the Lang folder, then select the English folder. It should look something like this.

C:\Program Files\Irrational Games\Freedom Force vs The 3rd Reich\ffx3\Lang\English

I left the other paths in their default paths.

Secondary Data Path: C:\Program Files\Irrational Games\Freedom Force vs The 3rd Reich\Data

Nif Library Path: C:\Program Files\Irrational Games\Freedom Force vs The 3rd Reich\Data\Art

Sound Path: C:\Program Files\Irrational Games\Freedom Force vs The 3rd Reich\Data\Sounds

Game EXE: C:\Program Files\Irrational Games\Freedom Force vs The 3rd Reich\ffvt3r.exe

Level Editor EXE: C:\Program Files\Irrational Games\Freedom Force vs The 3rd Reich\ffvt3rEdit.exe

Python Editor: C:\Windows\Notepad.exe

Then go to the Characters tab. Select a mesh. For example: Alchemiss and click Copy. Rename it to correspond to the voicepack. For example: sh_emma_frost. Uncheck Campaign Only. Then change the Speech ID to correspond to your voicepack. In this case. Y4. Then save.

Then go to the Templates tab. Select the same template you used. In our case "Alchemiss".  Make a copy of it. and rename it to match the name you used in the character tab. In our case. It's sh_emma_frost. Then save again.

Now go back to the Options tab. Double check that the paths are correct. Then click on Generate Language Files. Wait for a few minutes and be patient. After that. Open your FFX3 mod. You should be able to see your new voicepack among the list of voices availabe when you create/edit characters. :)
