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Do people play this thing online?

Started by davy jones, January 22, 2012, 09:18:09 PM

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davy jones

Just wondering.

It seems to be fun online, and all.

Is there a competitive scene, or are  there any games at all?


It's never been a very good multiplayer game.  There were a small handful that did play it online when it was first released, and you might find one or two willing to try it here now, but it's always been primarily a single player game.
I am the cat that walks by himself, all ways are alike to me.

davy jones

Doesn't  :ffvstr: get repetitive after a playing it twice?

Also are there any  :ffvstr: mods with long/good/hard multiplayers you can recommend??


Yeah, Freedom Force is a bit more fun as a sandbox, where you make your own fun.

Lucky us though, some people have gone in and created a ton of fun for us, mostly in the form of mods.

As far as multiplayer goes... if you can find a good multiplayer partner it is a ton of fun. I used to do a bunch of Versus battles with a fellow forum member and we kinda adhered to the same character creation rules therefore it was... fair, kinda sorta.

That said multiplayer excludes mods (which are indispensable) and is impossible to balance for fairness. I jumped in a lot when the game was originally released and you had a lot of characters specifically designed to win, rather than represent heroes and villains. Also unfortunately the guys at irrational kind of nerfed the game to promote multiplayer, and it hurt. For example they got rid of transference of kinetic energy by a thrown object and reduced range on attacks. To explain the first part, if somebody throws a car at you it hurts but that is it. In the original freedom force it would work like a pool ball, where it would send the target flying as you would expect.

Either way a great game, I just wish the did not hurt the main game to "balance" a barely used multiplayer.