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Q Weekend, EU Internationalization Re-Launch, and IDIC Tribbles

Started by BlueBard, March 29, 2012, 02:35:19 PM

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This weekend is a Q weekend... (until Monday, April 2nd, around 10 AM (PDT)/ 6 PM (UTC). )  It also marks the new French and German language versions just released.

If you need an XP boost, visit Q at Earth Spacedock or the Klingon homeworld.

Also, logging in during the weekend will give you a special accolade (per character, not account wide) that will allow you to claim an IDIC Tribble (one per character).

These tribbles grant career-specific bonuses to your entire team.

•Tactical: 2.5% Damage Increase
•Engineer: 2.5% Damage Resistance
•Science: +0.02 Health Regen

If your team has all three bonuses active (Tac, Eng, and Sci, one of each), your team gets an additional Synergy bonus.

•2.5% Additional Damage Increase
•2.5% Additional Damage Resistance
•+0.02 Additional Health Regen

EVERYONE in our fleet should claim one of these Tribbles for each of their current characters! This will be the best Tribble ever. The Full Synergy bonus is not trivial and will be very useful for ground team missions, especially if you like to run on Elite mode.

STO/CO: @bluegeek