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Can't target AI?

Started by ZozmaSage, April 23, 2012, 02:59:27 AM

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In  :ffvstr: I created an Omega Sentinel character using Podmark's skope. When playing with Omega Sentinel as an AI in the danger room, I can't select her; the game doesn't seem to recognize her as an in-game object, and any attempts to target her results in me selecting the ground. Wayward projectiles can still hit her, the red arrow will still point to her, and other AI can target her when I play as her, but I can't target her myself. Any suggestions?


sounds like it's missing a bounding or selection box. If you know how to use nifskope, you can try to add one.
Disappear when you least expe--


Blargh. Wouldn't even know where to start with that. I'll just use it manually in the DR. Thanks :)


ZozmaSage, here are some potentially helpful links you may want to check out:

  • A similar problem discussed in the Archive Forum. (It looks like the same solution was proposed, was pretty easy to implement, and it worked.)
  • NifTools tutorial page for info on adding a bounding box.
  • Similar discussion on Mesh Matters (requires log in).

Also, if you are still stuck, someone in the hexing forum here may be able to guide you through the process, or possibly do it for you. And, of course, Podmark is active on these forums, so he may have some advice as well.
Courage is knowing it might hurt, and doing it anyway. Stupidity is the same. And that's why life is hard. - Jeremy Goldberg


I was curious and tried using the default Mystique_Ink in the game (as per the archive forums, this was one of the meshes that had some problems). All i noticed was enemy beams were passing through Mystique. I was able to add a bounding box through Nifskope. Now she isn't invulnerable to beams anymore. :P Learned something new at least. :)

What i'm not sure of is the selection box. Can you ignore copying it as well? What's it for anyways? :wacko: