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¿Blender? help

Started by windblown, December 08, 2013, 11:35:58 PM

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I've been trying to skope Marvel's Power Pack (since I don't recall seeing them in game) and I came across a problem which I don't know how to solve in Nifskope, the body base I'm using for Katie Power has a belt integrated in the body:

I was wondering if someone would know how to sink the surface of the belt to get a normal body without it, and  if he would be willing to help me with that. Thanks in advance!


Go ahead and send it my way. I'm not a complete master with Blender, but depending on how the mesh is built, there may be a way to prune triangles to remove the belt in Nifskope. I've done this a few times. Sometimes it results in a "hole" in the mesh where the part is removed, but sometimes the mesh is solid underneath the piece and will show the normal anatomy. Forgive me if you already know this. In Blender, we should be able to choose the belt vertices and shrink or scale them to make a normal looking waist. I'll be happy to check it out and try to give you what you need either way.