Comicstar100's Request Thread

Started by comicstar100, May 29, 2015, 07:06:44 AM

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Anyone have any Transformers Mesh's?


You can find them here

All of them are there, as far as I'm aware.



If they're of any interest as well there's a bunch of Beast Wars stuff at the following link. There's also a Transformers mod somewhere that pretty much has it all though I don't remember where to find it.


Thanks guys, I am a bit confused though. with robot mode and vehicle modes being two different files does that mean I can't make them transform?


Most users use an add-on for  :ff: or  :ffvstr: called FFX that was developed by users. It can be found at the following link.

With that players can add an attribute called Shapeshift. Most players use that to give a character another from, in the Transformers case to turn them into vehicles and back to robots again. There is also a Transformers mod add-on that has the feature all set up, though it's been years for me and I can't remember where it can be downloaded. Maybe someone else will know though.

Cyber Burn

Time depending, I'll check my back up disks tomorrow. If I find it, I'll load it up to MediaFire.


Thank you for the mod. I did have another request. Not sure if anyone has a mesh for it but has anyone made DC comics Triumph?

Cyber Burn

If I remember correctly, both Skins are on the same Skope, but I was never really happy with this, so I don't think it ever got released.


Anyway I could download them?

Cyber Burn

These preview pics are pretty old, I just used them since they were the only one's I had. This isn't quite ready for release yet, plus I don't quite remember where I put it. Next weekend, I should have some free time to find and hopefully finish it. Once that happens, I'll send it out so it could be uploaded to Force Of Paradox for download.


I like em. Thanks for the TF mod BTW, totally grabbing that tonight.

Cyber Burn

Ok, I took a break from studying, and I found the "Triumph" least the updated one I had started. Knowing that I have this, though, means that the previous version should be on a specific Back-Up Disk, and that means that the Skins should be there as well. Long story short, I'll be able to work on it next week. It will take a little longer since there are more changes that I want to make to it.

NOTE: Just a heads up though, this is for FFvt3R only.

Quote from: SickAlice on June 02, 2015, 01:00:47 AM
I like em. Thanks for the TF mod BTW, totally grabbing that tonight.

I seem to have a bunch of old Mods, and now I'm wondering if we may need to update the Mod List soon.


We should update all lists imo as it's 2015 and a lot of hosting shifted this year. I use the Game Extractor program I mentioned before to get the files out of the executable in case your wondering. Seriously that program is an invaluable resource for modders and anyone should get it. Freeware of course.


Cyber have you had a chance to work on Triumph at all?

Cyber Burn

Sorry, between not feeling well, and just trying to find those files, I haven't made any progress on "Triumph" yet.


No problem man just curious, hope you feel better.

Cyber Burn

Thank you, looking at my Skope, and not being able to find the Skins, I'm not really happy with it in general, so I want to re-do it. In that case though, I may need to find someone to Skin it.

Cyber Burn

A bit of good news (For me anyway), I finally found the last version of the "Triumph" Skope that I had been working on. Depending on how I'm feeling, hopefully I'll be able to get it finished by the end of the week.


That is awesome, I've always loved Triumph's character. I remember reading the JLA story Crisis Times 5 over and over where Triumph takes on the League. Also Justice League issue Zero where Triumph founds the Justice League but nobody remembers him.  I'd always hoped for a DC exiles type series with characters like Triumph and Aztek.

Cyber Burn

Yeah, I always hoped that DC would have utilized him more.  :(

I had to re-do the Skope from scratch because I didn't have a list of where the pieces had come from, so I wouldn't have been able to release what I had, but the new Skope is almost finished.


Quote from: Cyber Burn on June 29, 2015, 06:08:38 AM
Yeah, I always hoped that DC would have utilized him more.  :(

I had to re-do the Skope from scratch because I didn't have a list of where the pieces had come from, so I wouldn't have been able to release what I had, but the new Skope is almost finished.

Cyber, I won't even lie:

I am totally stealth-stalking this thread, waiting for you to wrap up your work. I have wanted a Triumph for years, even asked about him once, but figured he was such a minor character that no one remembered him and he would never be done

No pressure on you to finish or anything; you know I'm not like that. But yeah, the minute you release that bad boy, he is getting downloaded and used!

Cyber Burn

To be honest, there is quite a bit of rust on my Skope-Fu. I've spent so much time doing FX, that I've neglected making actual Skopes, and I'm finding that I'm having a bit of difficulty in remembering some steps here and there.  :doh:


Quote from: Cyber Burn on June 29, 2015, 01:16:10 PM
To be honest, there is quite a bit of rust on my Skope-Fu. I've spent so much time doing FX, that I've neglected making actual Skopes, and I'm finding that I'm having a bit of difficulty in remembering some steps here and there.  :doh:

No worries on my end; it's done when it's done. I can't do what you're doing, so I certainly have no expectations

Amazo Version 2.2

thats cool. how did you get that "T" look on the chest?
For anyone, and everyone, who has ever done anything to improve the FF/FFvs3R gaming experience, I want to say thank you. Life is so short, and you have all brought me so much joy. I hope that one day, I am somehow able to return the kindness and generosity that all of you have shown.

Cyber Burn

Quote from: Amazo Version 2.2 on June 29, 2015, 06:41:18 PM
thats cool. how did you get that "T" look on the chest?

A little bit of a pain, but I used Thor's Hammer. I think I would have preferred an actual "T", mainly to have even proportions, but this will work for now. I'm hoping to have this version finished by the weekend (Depending on life in general), but I may also revisit the Skope later down the line.

Cyber Burn

I'm going to have to apologize here (I seem to be doing that a lot lately), but I really messed up my Skope, so I'm going to have to start over from scratch...Again  :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: .

Again, I apologize because this adds more delays here.