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I figure someone might know.

Started by grasshopper2132, July 08, 2016, 01:19:01 AM

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I just bought both Freedom Forces a week ago, and enjoy the depth and characters the modding community has brought to life. thank you.

Ive added a few meshes, skins, and hero files I could find into FFv3r folders. Ive added the goodies offered on Alexs freedom Fortress website, EZ Hero v3.7, EZ FX 6.0 for FFv3R, FFv3R Mod Tools (AFF version), and Superhero TV v1.0. I installed all of them in the appropriate folders but have not had to use ffedit yet(im kinda scared to at this point).
But I'm having issues with the Superhero TV v1.0, Ive double checked several times and I installed according to the directions listed on that page.

INFO listed with Superhero TV. on that webite

In order for Superhero TV to work properly, use Notepad to add these 3 lines to your LOCALINIT.PY file:

import js
import ff

I have several choice's to choose from in game but nothing like whats shown in the picture with the

AFF-Superhero TV (listed at the bottom of choices.)

After installation I have a series of choices in game but the only one that looks remotely close to Super hero TV is this choice and its not.


I have an init(py)file type and I have a localinit(py)file type. This is probably a smaller deal, compared to most of the issues i was reading on forums though. I cant get Superhero TV,  to work in FFvT3r.  Can anyone guide me?


Hey Grasshopper!

Welcome to Freedom Reborn!

Just to make sure, you installed the tool to your main :ffvstr: directory, correct? It seems like there was an installation error or something seeing as the name of the gamemode is "Skirmish_gametype_AFF_superhero_TV"


Thank you very much Spydermann, first time posting and joining a forum, so that's cool.

The website(alexs freedom fortress)under Superhero TV lists
(This file is normally found in C:\Program Files\Irrational Games\Freedom Force vs The 3rd Reich\System\)

Mine is a steam version, and so was located in C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Freedom Force vs. the 3rd Reich
where I directed it to install per the installation directions included with installer.

Directions from installer.
Superhero TV
Install this add-on to your Freedom Force vs The 3rd Reich game folder.

[FF GOG version]
C:\GOG Games\Freedom Force vs the 3rd Reich

[FF Steam version]
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Freedom Force vs. the 3rd Reich

[FF CD version, Windows 7 and up]
C:\Program Files (x86)\Irrational Games\Freedom Force vs the 3rd Reich

[FF CD version, WinXP / 2000]

Do I need to install in system folder?
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Freedom Force vs. the 3rd Reich\System

BTW, even though this is in the technical issues, I'd like to say thank you to the modders, skinners, and contributors.


Nope, you should only need to install it to your main directory.

So, since you're using Steam, you'd use: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Freedom Force vs. the 3rd Reich\


okay so here's what I've tried.
Confirmed installation into Directory folder, it was there.

I do have a init (named and PY file type)
I also have a localinit (named and PY file type)

per instructions Ive added
import js
import ff

to each of these files, one at a time individually. I have also, tried adding these lines and renaming the files to literally and one at a time.
running out of ideas.
Still no super hero TV.


Forgot to add, I have also tried renaming each with capital letters and inserting the script. no avail either.


Hi, I haven't tried Superhero TV since I wrote it in 2005! :)
I just installed it now and it works fine for me (I'm using the GOG version, but Steam should be fine also).

Can you check where your files are installed ? If installed correctly, you should now have:

1. C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Freedom Force vs. the 3rd Reich\skirmish\
2. C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Freedom Force vs. the 3rd Reich\Lang\English\strings.dat
3. C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Freedom Force vs. the 3rd Reich\Lang\English\strings.txt

Also, your should be here:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Freedom Force vs. the 3rd Reich\System\
Creator of EZ Danger Room, EZFX, EZHero, The JLA Mod, The X Mod, Superhero TV, & famous Hero Recipes, coming up: New mods.


And oh yes, choose "Skirmish_gametype_AFF_superhero_TV" in the rumble room to play Superhero TV
You then choose your map, your team, and the foes.
Creator of EZ Danger Room, EZFX, EZHero, The JLA Mod, The X Mod, Superhero TV, & famous Hero Recipes, coming up: New mods.


Hello and thank you all for your help.

I love your website and your goodies, I have no doubt they work, its just operator error on my end. Something im sure in person would be no problem. 

Upon suggestion from abenavides, I have confirmed with info accordingly to what I found.

1. C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Freedom Force vs. the 3rd Reich\skirmish\
folder not in that location but instead here C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Freedom Force vs. the 3rd Reich\ffx3

2. C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Freedom Force vs. the 3rd Reich\Lang\English\strings.dat
folder not in that location but instead here C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Freedom Force vs. the 3rd Reich\ffx3\Lang\English
(confirmed strings.dat) check

3. C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Freedom Force vs. the 3rd Reich\Lang\English\strings.txt
folder not in that location but instead here C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Freedom Force vs. the 3rd Reich\ffx3\Lang\English
(I have what looks like a text document named strings, but not named strings.txt) kinda confirmed

Also, your should be here:
4. C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Freedom Force vs. the 3rd Reich\System\
Folder was in correct location C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Freedom Force vs. the 3rd Reich\System
within this System folder is my init and localinit named py files.
they look excatly like that,
init  py filetype
localinit  py filetype

So thats where im at.

(choose "Skirmish_gametype_AFF_superhero_TV" in the rumble room to play Superhero TV)
This is good to know, thank you, was not sure if it was suppose to be that choice or look like the example, at bottom of list.

Side note when moving hero files, should I be moving their .m25ai's over to said folder with hero files? Could this be the issue? I did notice that some hero files have them and some dont.

I'm aware that the .m25ai is the file that tells the hero ai scripting of nature, but do i just move those over with the hero file associated.


Just tried running a Skirmish_gametype_AFF_superhero_TV, using a herofile that didn't come with a .m25ai file, same hero eachside.
enemies attacked. "myside", stood there and did nothing, waiting on player to respond style choice.


Hmmm ... If there's no "" file, then nothing will work.
Can you use your search feature to look for that file on your hard drive? Let me know if you can locate it.
If you can't find it then the install failed somehow.
Creator of EZ Danger Room, EZFX, EZHero, The JLA Mod, The X Mod, Superhero TV, & famous Hero Recipes, coming up: New mods.


Start, then search, for "" no results found.

C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Freedom Force vs. the 3rd Reich, shows that I have the Uninstal_SuperheroTV unistaller though.
Could try unistalling then reinstalling.

uninstalled, then reinstalled, confirmed installation in same folder as before with all same results.
no "" results found.

confirmed all paths remain the same as before uninstall.


So I searched incorrectly, using the search bar and windows icon. After using index search I was capable of finding "Skirmish_gametype_AFF_superhero_TV" here though C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Freedom Force vs. the 3rd Reich\Data\skirmish..

Maybe, if I moved that file up one level to C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Freedom Force vs. the 3rd Reich\   
Superhero TV may work for me?


Moving that folder up one level did not help.  :doh:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Freedom Force vs. the 3rd Reich\Data\skirmish is where my "aff_superhero_TV" py file type is at.

C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Freedom Force vs. the 3rd Reich\System
this is where the init and localinit py filetypes are for me.

I have gone into both and put into each one
import js
import ff

If it didn't work I just reverted them back to previous states.

But currently no working superhero tv. 
Once again thank you for taking the time to help me. appreciates it.


Quick question: Which OS are you using? And if you're using Windows, which version?


C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Freedom Force vs. the 3rd Reich\Data\skirmish

should be OK.

A couple of things:

1. are you using FFX. (sounds like you have it installed if there's  FFX3 folder). I dont' recall if it works with out without it. Try running plain FFv3r

2. When you say it doesn't work - what exactly is happening? What problem are you seeing?
Creator of EZ Danger Room, EZFX, EZHero, The JLA Mod, The X Mod, Superhero TV, & famous Hero Recipes, coming up: New mods.


You are correct, I was using FFX3, pretty much all the goodies listed on freedom fortress for ffvt3r. (I started last week doing freedom fortress then got confused and uninstalled, then just reinstalled ffvt3r only and goodies pertaining to it.)EZ FX 6.0 for FFv3R,FFv3R Mod Tools (AFF version),Superhero TV v1.0.

After all installed,I was originally using the shortcut for FFX3 on desktop for game start, would go to Skirmish_gametype_AFF_superhero_TV(in ffvt3r) initialize game to watch said heroes duke it out. Enemies would attack "chosen heroes" but "chosen heroes" would not fight back. Thats all that was not working.

Operating system is windows 7-64bit system. 

per your suggestion instead of using the FFX3 launcher, I used the original ffv3r shortcut. Voila! Superhero TV is in business. "Chosen enemies" and "Chosen heroes" are now duking it out.
So question is now, am I losing anything by just using the ffv3r shortcut over the FFX3?

you gentlemen are freaking geniuses.  :D


Glad it's working now.

Yeah, I'm afraid you'd lose all the cool FFX features (extra attributes, etc).

I wrote Superhero TV almost as soon as FFv3r came out, so there was no other way to just watch super-battles at that point. I think FFX has its own "watch" mode (though I'm not sure what it's called). so you could try that as well.
Creator of EZ Danger Room, EZFX, EZHero, The JLA Mod, The X Mod, Superhero TV, & famous Hero Recipes, coming up: New mods.


Once I started to use the "ffv3r" shortcut, I was able to use Superhero TV, but I don't have the extras just regular flavor.(the choices I have are exactly like the example on your site. With superhero TV at the bottom.) I can choose enemies and champs, they duke it out as I watch.

When I use the ffx3 shortcut, superhero TV(The choice looks like "Skirmish_gametype_AFF_superhero_TV", of the list of choices thats given, and its in the middle of the list, not bottom.)I can choose enemies and champs, but enemies attack champs, while they stand there.

With the FFx3 shortcut I can play it fine and get the extra attributes, to play in game or against AI. But for watching(superhero TV) them duke it out with extra the attributes, not working for me. (this is probably user error, wholeheartedly here. Irrational designed a game, you guys[mod, mesher, and skin community] designed some really, really, fantastic stuff. Enough to promote laymen and women to submerge themselves into modding for their champ to come to life in game. 

For real I don't know jack about modding, but I want to learn, just so I can learn to use some of the cool stuff you all have produced. (Im still figuring out ffedit, and try to stay away from meshes currently that say "open xyz and ffedit."

I'm very appreciative of the time you and spydermann took to answer my question and help me.

Not really sure what to do, I really get a kick outta just watching them fight, not sure why, but its my thing I guess, at-least currently.

I have ff1 and ff2, but currently just FF 2 installed, I like the new attributes system and special effects, but in order to watch them fight, I'm using regular FF 2(which doesn't have new attributes) or choose ffx3 and get new attributes but no superhero TV.

Last week I had ff1 installed with all the goodies off Freedom fortress, and some of the new attributes(I think it was attributes up to ffx2.2) and could watch them duke it out.(once I saw some of the meshes and newest attributes, I think ffx 3.3) I wanted to install ff2. There was a lot of confusion along the way on my part, when I had both games installed I was mixing and matching all the wrong meshes, skins, and hero files.

Its a learning process. A discovery also, there's alot of work from the modder community for this game.
not sure if there's a way to get the new attributes (ffx3 or any others)  to work in superhero tv or not but if so, Id like to learn.

I also plan to see if there's a video, to confirm FFedit is set to correct paths on my computer.(I checked the help file and content option in that program, they gave an example if you wanted to follow along to build a mod. I just want to make sure its set up right before I mess with it. :)

Either way though, thank you, for your website's contribution to my enjoyment, I have had a blast watching some of my favorite heroes battle it out. I have enjoyed dozens of the skins and meshes from there for use in FF2 currently and previously with FF1.

thanks again guys.


The FFX Game Mode, BATTLE IN THE RUMBLE ROOM is used as a "Watch Mode" for FFX. On the initial Select Characters screen, the selections default to the ALL CHARACTERS menu. Choose the "-------------" character, then click NEXT. In the Enemies Selection screen, choose the hero(es) for one side. Then choose the "-------------" character that will be at the top of your character list on the left. Finally, choose the hero(es) for the other side. Now, continue to the Rumble Room. The "-------------" character chosen on the first screen is your camera. You may have to move it around to find your combatants. It helps to pan out to see more of the terrain. You will see the characters moving towards each other to start the battle. Move the selection ring around the "-------------" character closer to the action and then zoom back in to see the fight. Feel free to post if you have any questions. I use this so often that I may have forgotten some things to tell you.


Hello Hoss, thank you for the suggestion.

what I'm trying to do, is use as many updated attributes(ffx3.3?) as possible in ffvt3r, on basically AI teams(both the hero side and enemy side) and watch them fight, without me playing. I have very little experience modding so jumping around in ffedit seems much for me, and im not sure the paths are set correctly tbh.

This is what I'm doing in detail, as I am really new, I'd rather give to much information than not enough. (Ive tried screen shoting but that's not working.)

I start ffx3 by its shortcut, go to rumble room. Here there are dozens of choices for game modes.. 4 different ffx mini mode choices. then.Skirmish_gametype_AFF_superhero_TV.then.Battle in the rumble room..then. 2 ffx tools..then 5 ffx skirmish choices after there are many many more choices which look like root game choices, ironman. etc..
This includes the attributes, but when I choose game mode battle in the rumble room and pick champs for each side when game begins 1) I have white writing in the upper left corner saying xyz hero, open ffedit, with a path to hero file or atleast a path, hell im to intimidated to mess with it yet. 2) the 4 slot champ side doesn't move, defend, or attack. Enemies work well though, and always obviously beat up the non-defending, non-attacking champs. This is the same response when I use ffx3 and choose the game mode of Skirmish_gametype_AFF_superhero_TV.  only when using the FFX3 shortcut.
Again though, I'm wanting to see them duke it out AI style. 

If I use the regular ffvt3r shortcut, game starts, I go to rumble room, game mode- scroll all the way down to AFF-superhero TV. I can choose champs for both sides.(the 4 slot and then the other team) start, no writing in left corner, AI works for both teams, they fight, move, defend, take evasive actions etc...but obviously no extra attributes.

Is there a way to use ffx3(or newer attributes) with ffvt3r and choose the champs for each side and let AI fight it out?


In your base :ffvstr: directory, you'll see a file called "ffxedit2.exe"

Run that, select your mod in the drop-down menu, click save, exit the tool, and run the mod.

You should be good to go after that ^_^


Quote from: grasshopper2132 on July 11, 2016, 02:16:44 AM

I start ffx3 by its shortcut, go to rumble room. Here there are dozens of choices for game modes.. 4 different ffx mini mode choices. then.Skirmish_gametype_AFF_superhero_TV.then.Battle in the rumble room..then. 2 ffx tools..then 5 ffx skirmish choices after there are many many more choices which look like root game choices, ironman. etc..
This includes the attributes, but when I choose game mode battle in the rumble room and pick champs for each side when game begins 1) I have white writing in the upper left corner saying xyz hero, open ffedit, with a path to hero file or atleast a path, hell im to intimidated to mess with it yet. 2) the 4 slot champ side doesn't move, defend, or attack. Enemies work well though, and always obviously beat up the non-defending, non-attacking champs. This is the same response when I use ffx3 and choose the game mode of Skirmish_gametype_AFF_superhero_TV.  only when using the FFX3 shortcut.
Again though, I'm wanting to see them duke it out AI style. 

If I use the regular ffvt3r shortcut, game starts, I go to rumble room, game mode- scroll all the way down to AFF-superhero TV. I can choose champs for both sides.(the 4 slot and then the other team) start, no writing in left corner, AI works for both teams, they fight, move, defend, take evasive actions etc...but obviously no extra attributes.

Is there a way to use ffx3(or newer attributes) with ffvt3r and choose the champs for each side and let AI fight it out?

If you'll note my instructions in my previous post for Battle in the Rumble Room, the "-------------" character must be chosen on the first Select Characters or Hero Selection screen. The characters doing the fighting are chosen on the Villain Selection screen. The important part here, as I had mentioned, is to select the "-------------" character on this screen in the slot between the characters you want to fight each other. The reason your heroes weren't moving was because you selected them in the "4 slot champ side," which is user-controlled.

What Spydermann mentioned is also essential for having your characters use the FFX attributes. Opening up FFXEdit2 (not FFEdit) and having the characters load actually "brands" those characters, which enables them to use the attributes. Every time you edit a character or add a new one with FFX attributes, you will have to run FFXEdit2. You don't have to do anything to load your custom characters. The program does it on its own when it opens. The window at the bottom will show Scanning .hero files and then show a  line for each of your heroes scanned. The FFXEdit2 application is also where you will make a lot of the customizing for the new attributes and power swaps available in FFX.

I would also suggest going here:
This is the manual for FFX. If you don't want to go online to check the manual every time you want to view it, a folder for it is actually installed with FFX. If you go into the manual folder found inside your ffx3 folder, just click on the index.htm file and the manual will open up. All of the pages for the links within the manual are found in their respective folders, so all of the information is there.


Alright, so I ran FFedit2exe. It scanned all hero files, after which when I started ffx3 no more white writing in top Left corner. After which I chose rumble room,then, Skirmish_gametype_AFF_superhero_TV, picked 4 candidates and then next, then chose enemies and they all fought with AI as normal.

(Yet regeneration on some does seem to be not working, that's something else Ill look into when I read more on the manual later today.) In ffedit2 regeneration is not listed under one of the named heroes who should have it, should it be listed? this question may be answered in the manual.

Tried to follow Hoss's(sp?) directions to a T, my experience.
ffx3 launched, chose rumble room, then chose battle in the rumble room, filled first slot of squad with the "------"drop down(ty Hoss for clarification on that) hit next, then on enemies list choose 2-3 enemies, then "-----" again, still on same list, then under "----" choose the next set of champs. hit start.

Start, what happens next is it launches, but upon loading, im looking at where the champs start, but its a ring around a shadow, as i start to pan out, or move around board, board ends as if someone won. With no results posted( highscore, kos, etc..) this has happened several times.

Thank you very much for your help guys.


Appears several things have come to my attention that are definitely operator errors on my end. After reading the manual Hoss sent, , 1st) I only downloaded the first top FFX 3.3 full installer here, and not the update also right below that, where it says Freedom Force X Patch.  2) Learned that the Regeneration that was missing from champ earlier when loaded into  ffxedit2 was a slot that's not there.(probably also due to lack of patch upgrade.)

So now, to get familiar with .dat files and merge process, in order to update with patch, am I doing this right?


My eyes just glazed over, how to "text file",with the patch 3.3.1(which I believe I need, since i only downloaded the one above and learn how to merge.) seems extremely complex....


I read the manual on FFEdit (and believe I confirmed the correct paths for it.) Its not memorized but I read it and what you sent me about FFX, not memorized but not as foreign now either, and I'm convinced it is because of not updating my Patch 3.3.1.

I ran into a snag, I didn't see much about merging .dat files, So I got stuck on the update installer directions.
I'm on step four, and am not sure what its telling me.. I'm not 100% lost, but not 100% sure either.

I only downloaded the first top FFX 3.3 full installer, in order to update with this Freedom Force X Patch, Do I need to also install FFX 3.2?

As for step four, any more guidance would be appreciated.



IMPORTANT: You must have FFX 3.2 already installed to install FFX 3.3

1.) Before you do anything, (that includes unzipping!), Backup your .dat files (including your strings.dat and strings.txt!), your and your files. These are the most likely places of all your custom data that will be overwritten. Your .dat files won't be overwritten, but it's always wise to back them up before playing around with them.

2.) You can backup your custom data for attributes and swaps by opening FFX Control Centre and clicking on the Export All button. This will export all custom data to .py files in your Heroes folder. Do this before unzipping!

3.) After backing up, unzip the contents to your Freedom Force vs The 3rd Reich folder, overwriting the existing files.

4.) Open FFEdit and merge the .dat files with the ffx_ prefix to your existing .dat files.

5.) Now you can open FFX Control Centre and then click the Import All button. This will import all of your custom data back into FFX. Because FFX Control Centre does not edit, you will have to copy and paste your customizations from your backup to the new file. Also, you'll have to copy and paste any custom strings from your backup of your strings.txt into the new one anf then Generate Language Files in FFEdit.


All you need is the "Freedom Force X 3.3 Full Installer (includes patch)" installer. Download it and install it.

Once you do that, run FFXEdit2.exe in your Freedom Force folder, close it, and then launch your mod.

Simple as that ^_^


That is fantastic news, did the ffedit2. Seems to be working like it should. I'm sure I'll have more questions later.
Thanks again for all the help along the way. ^_^


No problem, Grasshoper!

Have fun! :D