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certain characters won't show

Started by Neros Urameshi, March 07, 2017, 09:12:01 PM

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Neros Urameshi

I'm having major problems with certain characters for :ffvstr:. For some reason, only white cubes with black X's are shown in place of the following:

Blue Darkman
Purple Darkman


That should mean that you either don't have them or they may be incorrectly named (charactre.nif, caracter.nif, something like that.), You are sure they are for FFv3R, right?

Neros Urameshi

Yes, and yet, they are correctly named "character.nif". But the cubes are still there.


I believe that you have the wrong meshes. The ones you have are meant for :ff:, not :ffvstr:. The base meshes for FF show up as cubes in FFvtTR. A similar experience happeed to me when I tried porting the O'Conner mesh over to the new game.

If you are looking for the meshes for in-game characters, open the art.ff file in your Data folder. You'll be able to find everything that you are looking for.


What I have done (and this may or not may not work for you), is I created a folder in the Custom Characters folders I call freedomforcemesh, copied the art.ff file there, changed the name to, unzipped all he characters there, and I have them handy if I need them. I erased the art file (since it was a copy). So long as there is no .nif file in the folder, it won't show up in CTool or the character creator section of FF. Of course, most of the built-ins have effects versions, and I put those in the regular characters folder, but if I want to make a skin for the built-ins, I  change it's name to something like alchemiss2 or microwave_copy, copy the built-in to the main character folder, and it can be seen by the Character Tools. I can change the name of the original back, of course.

Neros Urameshi

I fixed it! The Darkmen and the gangster are seen again! I followed your advice, and it works! Thanks a lot! :thumbup: