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Help with FFEdit?

Started by jackhartt1967, February 22, 2017, 01:05:00 AM

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Can anyone help me w/ FFEdit?

Not sure that the paths are set to the correct folders. Not able to bring anything up in any of the main tabs, and all the buttons are grayed out.


John Jr.

You're trying to edit  :ff: or  :ffvstr:?
Abenavide's site have FFEdit version with "Program menu options to easily set FFEDIT paths to GOG, Steam, or original CD versions", you can download it here:


Hey Jackhartt,

Here are the paths that I have everything set to:

QuotePrimary Data Path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Freedom Force vs. the 3rd Reich\Data
Secondary Data Path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Freedom Force vs. the 3rd Reich\Data
NIF Library Path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Freedom Force vs. the 3rd Reich\Data\Art
Sound Path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Freedom Force vs. the 3rd Reich\Sounds
Game EXE: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Freedom Force vs. the 3rd Reich\ffvt3r.exe
Level Editor EXE: C:\ff\fforce_e.exe
Python Editor: C:\Python20\pythonw.exe C:\Python20\tools\idle\idle.pyw -e

The parts in bold depend on where you have :ffvstr: installed. Say you have the GoG version. The Primary Data Path might be "C:\GOG Games\Freedom Force vs. the 3rd Reich\Data". Just make sure you know where your Freedom Force vs. the 3rd Reich folder is located and it should be pretty easy to set everything up.

The two in red aren't really all that important for FFEdit, so I ignored them. You should be pretty safe doing so as well.

Hope this helps :)


Thanks for the help guys.

I thought maybe if I got FFEdit working that would help me figure out what is wrong with the FFX Control Centre.

So now FFEdit works, but still having the same issues w/ control centre. gah.

Anyway, thanks for the walk-through. Much appreciated.     


What's the issue with your Control Centre?


Been years since I've used it, but right now it just scans, never stops scanning, and even when i bring up a character, I only get two sets of drop down boxes. One FFX attribute with options for changing the effects, and the character state customizations. But I seem to remember being able to work with all the Attributes and various other customizations. I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling a number of times, but this is all I can get it to do.