Scope help... New version of the same old thing.

Started by daglob, August 11, 2019, 10:51:18 PM

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Are there any glasses that look like this:


I have asked before and been given instructions but...

How do you stick a mesh piece to another mesh piece? What I've been told involves pressing [shift] when you click on them, but it has never worked for me. I want to stick the shoulder rings from a TV mesh on a Spiderman mesh. I've tried sticking them to the clavicle and spine2, and neither one really works; the shoulder rings still move around.


Cyber Burn

Just transplant them to the same spot on a different Mesh?

If you haven't messed with the NiSkinInstance, then possibly try a copy/paste of the Shoulder Rings from your TV Mesh to the Scene Root of the Spider-Man Mesh.


The problem is that they still move around. I should have mentioned that I have tried copying them to the scene root with the  niskininstance intact. The thing is the way the arms animate in some "spidery" actions move the mesh beyond where the shoulders actually are. I also want to stick them on a spidey scope with a body transplant from Male Teen Tall, and they really move around on it.


If they are from a TV mesh, they are most likely rigged to certain nodes with NiSkinInstance. So if you posted them to Scene Root, their original location in regards to the nodes is kinda coded in there. You would need to delete the SkinInstance and post them directly onto the clavicles.

They may still move around though.

One possible way of doing it would be to paste one shoulder ring into a brand new .nif and 'reset' it's position to X:0, Y:0, Z:0 and all zero rotations too.
Then you could paste it directly onto the clavicle bones of your spidey mesh.


I've never been able to resolve it and if anything just use Blender to burn it. Hair is a common example especially in game vs. CTool. Someone went over this with me in detail once but something about the object, so it's matrix in other words beings assigned to the bone but not it's vertices thus it appears to revolve around the bone at it's matrix though in truth the weighted parts of the mesh are moving and it's just staying in one place on the bone. There's a way to assign the verts in Nifskope but it was real long and tedious and I found just weighting the piece in Blender is that much easier.