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Started by oktokels, May 25, 2022, 03:42:28 PM

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When i watch my Absorbing Man battle, he works very well more or less, but sometimes he crashes and stops moving. He keeps throwing this error in the script:

Quoteexceptions.AttributeError TAbsorbLiquid

It seems that the AI don't recognize the TAbsorbLiquid attribute.

When reading the TAbsorb part in, it seems that the attribute is well placed among the others:

Quote################## Absorb Materials ##################

And that's how it should be, because when playing with absorbing man i can click the fountain and the absorb_liquid command appears and i can transform into water.
So, i go to the and the tactic for the attribute is named "TAbsorbWater":

Quotedef AIGen_absorbmat(char):
   return [

So, i assume the problem is here. So the question is, what should i change? Should i change the to TAbsorbLiquid
or should i change and rename all TAbsorbLiquid into TAbsorbWater?? I've never even touched this 2 scripts, so i'm worried i might destroy the game  :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:

#update: i changed the m25ai file for absorbing man, from TAbsorbLiquid to TAbsorbWater and the error is gone. Still have to test the AI to see if it recognize the liquid objects.