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Resources Question

Started by jackhart1967, May 09, 2022, 06:03:16 PM

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Hi folks,

I've only been back at FR for a short time but I'm finding it difficult to figure out who is still doing what & who to turn to resources that used to be up on sites that are gone now.

I know some of you are working on posting this stuff to sites, but maybe if you're still out there, making new stuff, or just have collected stuff & are still active on this board, we could start a thread with the up-to-date links & such? Digging through years & years of posts when I'm not always sure what I'm even looking for, is a major time suck.

Anyway, it's just a thought. I'm sure I'm not the only returnee on this board trying to find my way again after a long break.




Thanks Mal,

Clearly that list has not been updated in a long time & it is difficult (as always) to figure out what is just FF & what was made/works in ffvt3r, nevertheless I did find an absolute gem so I wanted to share it just in case others haven't found it yet.

tobenalexander has a Character Backup folder at & it is well organized & frickin' amazing. The Marvel Character files alone are outstanding & overflowing with meshes I've struggled to find for years.

If all the rest of his Character Backup files for his non-Marvel stuff are this extensive then this site is a treasure trove. 


Yes that is a great resource.

Most meshes that were initially for FF or vice versa can be converted to be compatible with the version of the game you are using with the Ezhero tool found at Alexff site.


I've gotten so accustomed to converting meshes with that EZNif converter I just do it there almost automatically.

It's the maps that drive me nuts. Once I download them I can tell if they are FF or ffvt3r or not, just wish I could tell before I download them. Unless it's a ds_map those always seem to work for me. It's just a labeling thing in the folders, not a big issue, just annoying. Download something that sounds awesome & turns out it's a map for FF.

Too bad there's no EZ converter for Map files. I saw today that you can run FF maps in ffvt3r but not in FFX3 which (as you know) is pretty much the only way I play.   


I believe maps are on the frp and frp2 backup sites on the list above and they are split into different folders of FF and ffvt3r.


Quote from: jackhart1967 on May 10, 2022, 04:18:27 AM
Too bad there's no EZ converter for Map files. I saw today that you can run FF maps in ffvt3r but not in FFX3 which (as you know) is pretty much the only way I play.   

I think (?) you can also process the .nif map files in EZ converter. Haven't tried myself, but i read somewhere that you can do that.


Ahh, I will have to fiddle around with that. Thanks.

By the way, off topic question here but I found a female mesh in tobenalexander's Marvel character back up file, he used her for his Titania, she's big, has great key frames, & it looks like her hair actually changes color depending on the skin. Do you know the mesh I'm talking about, & are there less big versions of her out there somewhere?

Female meshes can be such a pain, would love to have more options like her.