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Star Trek ships

Started by Tomato, June 24, 2020, 06:48:48 PM

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So. As a part of my continuing missing not to go stir crazy, I bought a few model kits for Star Trek: Specifically, ones for the Enterprise D, the Defiant, and a Klingon Bird of Prey (which also comes with a USS Grissom, which... eh). I recently finished Picard, and have been burning through DS9 again, so I've been on a Trek kick anyway.

However, the Bird of Prey got me thinking... while there are other Klingon ships of note (the company I got the other kits from also makes a D7 and K't'inga kit) because of it's prominence in the shows and movies, a Klingon Bird of Prey is almost as iconic to the franchise as the USS Enterprise itself (rather ironic given its backstory). It made me curious what the equivalents are for other races... Romulans, Vulcans, Dominion, Cardassians, etc.

So yeah, that's what I wanted to discuss: If you could choose one ship that's iconic for each Star Trek race as the Enterprise, the Borg Cube, or the Bird of Prey, what would it be?


Which Klingon BOP are thinking is more iconic, the older light-grey one, or the later green one?  As far as iconic for Klingons, for me it's a toss-up between a BOP and the D7.

For Romulans, I'd say either their original BOP design, or the D'deridex that started showing up in TNG.

I can't say that the Vulcans ever had an iconic design, as their ships weren't shown enough to be readily recognized.

I'd have to think some more on other races, but the on that comes to mind at the moment is the Ferengi.
The Best There Is At What I Do......when I have the time.


Sorry for missing this response, life happened.

-I was mostly talking about the muted army green ones, from the DS9/TNG era. Personally, I much prefer the BoP, mostly because it's just plain sleeker. The D7 isn't bad, but it's a bit awkward with the giant hull/head. Plus, like it or not, the BoP has more of a history... it's the main ship in both III and IV, and it's the ship I associate with notable Klingons like Martok over in DS9.

-I'd say the D'deridex is probably the most known, and the one I recognize most... but honestly what turns me off is the color scheme. I know it's ironic considering the greenish Klingon BoP from Star Trek III was originally supposed to be Romulan (the Klingons were supposed to have stolen it from the Romulans, but after the model was made they decided to simplify to it just being a Klingon ship), but I never really liked the green color for both Romulans and Klingons. That said, while I feel like a lot of TOS era ships are a bit samey (most are very muted greys) I do actually really like the more modern redesign of the classic era Romulan Bird of Prey (Picard), which gives them a darker sheen. A more Black color scheme fits the Romulan mindset in general, IMHO.

-Vulcans tend to be a bit tricky, as even by TOS they tend to just pal around in the Federation ships (since they're part of the Federation and all). The only series that really has any notable Vulcan ships is Enterprise, since it's pre-Federation. [img=]http://This image[/img] covers the three main ships seen in that series. Personally, Iike the D'Kyr... it's sleek, simple, and the warp ring feels integrated into the design (and can fold down as needed). The Sh'Ran just feels awkward, like a gun glued to a warp ring, and not something a logical species would put together.

For other races I'll probably have to break it down one at a time, and I've got 4th of July plans. Cardassia, Ferengi, and Dominion are probably next tbh.


So here's where I'm at right now.


As I said, I didn't want to get bogged down in Federation ships... there are a TON, especially variations on the Enterprise. Instead, I opted to get two: The Enterprise D (main ship of TNG) and the USS Defiant. They're the flagships of my favorite Star Trek shows, and many of the others start to blend together.


I'm meh on this one... it's a pretty basic BoP, but I'm not 100 happy with the deco. The intent was to make it like Martok's ship (smaller, with red paint on the underside, basic BoP) but the decos I saw when I made it seemed to only have both top and bottom. I might try another version.


So I waivered a bit on this one. I actually would have preferred the T'liss Refit from Picard, but it's not available because rights. I still opted to switch to a different paint job for it, since as I said I'm not really fond of the green for both Romulans AND Klingons.


Would have preferred this one in more of a magenta-y color, like in some of the show, but it wasn't possible in game so I went with this instead.


STO doesn't have an option for getting Borg ships, at least as far as I'm aware, so instead I opted to get a 6" Borg cube micro computer case, since that was still far cheaper than the minis of comparable size and quality.


This one was pretty clear cut for me... there are a few others, but the Galor class is the standard Cardassian ship, it's the type of ship Dukat has before his demotion in season 4, it's the ship based on their species logo, etc.


Haven't bought the next two yet, but I feel like the D'kora class is pretty set in stone as my "Ferengi" ship. I wavered because I was sort of trying to match ships to characters, and Quark is the quintessential Ferengi, and this isn't a ship he's ever used in the series. However, the ship I do associate him with, "Quark's bounty" is UGLY. Now, technically in STO there is a variation of the D'kora that's named after Quark, but the only difference seems to be the size... and frankly I don't care about scale differences beyond a vague "big/small" dynamic.


This is the one I'm still the most torn on. I'd say the fighters are more iconic, but I'm not THAT fond of the design. In the end, these are the two I'm torn between: The one on the left is a Jem'Hadar battleship, and it's the more beefy ship we see most in DS9. The one on the right is a non-canon ship unique to STO... but it's also Odo's flagship in that game. Part of the reason I'm torn is, the former is a very muted in terms of color (in some ways resembling most of the Federation ships), while the later s sleeker and more starkly colored.


Are these Available for download anywhere Tom?
Their Amazing!!!