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Megaman meshes and skins

Started by Neros Urameshi, December 11, 2016, 10:32:28 PM

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Neros Urameshi

Anyone have skins/meshes for Megaman, Roll and some Robot Masters?

Cyber Burn

As someone who has always tried to fill others Requests if at all possible, I'm going to jump in here. This now makes your 5th Request on the front page, which means others' Requests have been pushed back to the the 2nd page. As such, I'm going to ask you to please read this, and take it as nothing more than friendly advice:

I assure you, it's better that this be done now, than later when someone has had a bad day.


To be fair, I will give Neros' credit... splitting up his requests into more manageable chunks is exactly what we told him he should do 6 years ago, when he was flooding the board with 100+ character request threads. So I will grant him that he's at least trying to listen, even if he didn't completely understand our intent. However, Nero, buddy... the reason we said to do that was because you were flooding the board with what were (at least back then) unreasonable and insane requests, and the reason we asked you to split requests into manageable chunks was because we wanted you to tone things down and request things that were a bit more reasonable.

That said, I do want to say that the landscape of things is very different now than it was back then. There's models of Mario, Sonic, and tons of other characters I once thought were basically undoable, thanks to the skill of skopers like SickAlice and Detourne Me. Back then, the landscape was such that there really wasn't a way for someone who wasn't already a dedicated mesher to import meshes into FF. But now... if you want to see these characters in game, you can. So long as 3D models of the characters exist, there are ways of exporting them into FF. You just need to be willing to learn how, and willing to put the time into doing it.

I will say though, the biggest issue with Mega Man characters specifically is... there's not really a good model out there for them. Mega Man himself can be pulled from Super Smash Bros Wii U, but the model for Roll is pre-posed and you'd have to modify the heck out of it to make it useable. Otherwise, the best I found is this game for the PSP... and it's so stylized I doubt it'll be appealing. Outside of that, the only way to include them is to build new models from the ground up... and there's not really anyone here anymore with that capability.

Neros Urameshi

Have you checked the MMD models?


Those are fan creations, and that's always a tricky thing. In the case of official game models, it's unlikely that a game company would come down on someone using their models beyond what they would already do for using their characters (IE: issue takedown notices), but a fan creation is a model someone else made, and they're far more likely to see them and take some sort of action then some giant game company (especially since FF is over a decade old and no one really cares). An actual artist though, they can be a flighty bunch... myself included, tbf. 99% might be fine, but then you get that one guy who had a bad day and takes it personally and the whole thing is just drama no one wants.

Again though, it's just a case of needing to put in some extra effort. If you can find a model you like, check for some sort of readme: Most creators will have a readme or something that says "If used, just credit ______" in which case you can go nuts so long as you just copy that blurb into the readme for the released model. The best thing to do though, is to try to contact the creator directly... most will be chill about it, and it's better to ask even if it's not necessary.


Seems like I have meshes named Megaman and Megagirl on my computer, but I don't know if they are the same as requested.


I don't mean to speak for Nero, but I'd surmise given his previous requests and the fact that he listed Roll originally, he's referring to Classic Megaman rather than on of the spinoff variants (of which there are several). As for Mega Girl... I honestly would have to see it. It could be Roll, but it could also be a fan thing.


This is what I have. Megagirl doesn't have a proper skin; this is the Woman-Bot skin for the gender-swapped Freedom Force.

Neros Urameshi


If these are what you want, PM me an e-mail address and I can send them to you.


Neros Urameshi


Neros Urameshi

Now I got them.

I wouldn't mind seeing, like, a pink "Megawoman" skin, because I am using it as, like, Roll's Mega armor form.


Maybe when I get finished with the red and green one.

Cyber Burn

Quote from: Neros Urameshi on December 17, 2016, 04:33:55 AM
Now I got them.

I wouldn't mind seeing, like, a pink "Megawoman" skin, because I am using it as, like, Roll's Mega armor form.

Just a bit of friendly advice, "Please " and "Thank you " really go a long way when making Requests, especially considering the amount of Requests that you are dishing out.

As it stands, your lack of manners has nearly gotten you added to my personal "Do not help " list.


Quote from: Cyber Burn on December 17, 2016, 08:37:14 AM
As it stands, your lack of manners has nearly gotten you added to my personal "Do not help " list.
Thanks for saying this CB.

Neros Urameshi

I deeply apologize about my manners. It's just that it's been years since I posted in this forum. Plus, it's really freezing in my area currently.

Cyber Burn

With all due respect, it doesn't matter how long it's been since you've last posted here, nor does it matter how cold it is where you are, we all have issues that we have to deal with in life, but I'm watching Daglob go well out of his way to help you out here, and not once have you demonstrated any appreciation for his efforts. Instead of using the simplest of courtesies, you instead turn around, and ask for more, similar to what you have done in your "Sonic the Hedgehog" thread.

I know I'm coming off harsh here, but it's situations like this that have caused Content Creators to leave in the past. I'd hate to see what few we have left get fed up and leave because people are demanding new Skins/Skopes/Meshes/Etc., and then being unappreciative about it. Now, I'm not trying to pick on you, or push you away, or anything like that, all I'm asking, is that you slow down a little, and show a little appreciation for what has been done so far.

Neros Urameshi

Yes, I will slow down from now on.


I'll pitch in some conversions. I love Megaman and have been working on them anyways, I'll just up the priority. Give me a bit what with other stuff I'm working on and the holidays and such k?

Neros Urameshi