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Loss of a Pet / Vet PSA

Started by Xenolith, February 18, 2009, 03:53:25 PM

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Yesterday I lost my cat, Ray, who was just about 12 years old.  He was a great cat and I loved him.  He will be missed.  His kidneys were failing and over the last few years he lost a lot of weight.  Near the end he was unable to eat or drink and the vet told me that he was dehydrating and starving.  I had to put him to sleep. 

I bought a lot of special food for him over the years, and took him to the vet for check ups on a regular basis.  The vet told my girlfriend that all the time and effort and love I gave Ray let him have another 14 months of life.  Ray was happy until his last few days.

Please, please, please take your pets to the vet for regular check ups.  They may seem healthy, but you never know if there is something wrong with them.  I'm so glad I was able to spend that little bit of extra time with him before he passed and I'm sure you will be to if you are in a similar situation.

1997 - 2009

Thanks for reading.


Mis condolencias, as a cat owner I know this is a difficult thing to go through.



Hey Xenolith, last summer we lost my cat Ron.  I'd had him for years and years, and I've never known an animal like him.  I understand what it is to lose a pet.  I share your loss.
God Bless
"If God came down upon me and gave me a wish again, I'd wish to be like Aquaman, 'cause Aquaman can take the pain..." -Ballad of Aquaman
Check out mymods and blog!

Glitch Girl

Deeply sorry for your loss Xenolith.  I can only imagine what it's like; I love "Glitch Cat", and make sure she gets her checkup once a year no matter what and I'd hate to lose her. My deepest condolances.
-Glitch Girl

"Cynicism is not maturity, do not mistake the one for the other. If you truly cannot accept a story where someone does the right thing because it's the right thing to do, that says far more about who you are than these characters." - Greg Rucka


My condolences. I lost a cat to kidney failure a few years ago- I know what that's like.

My vet disappeared suddenly last year- fortunately, I've recently found a new (and, I think, better) vet, just a few blocks from me. Plan to take my cats there for regular checkups.
Fear the "A"!!!


My sister found a kitten lying in the gutter in front of her house. It was unconcious, having a trememdous head wound, apparently hit by a car. She had thought it was a dead 'Possum, and was going to get her husband to clean it up. Instead she took it to the vet and told him to either heal it or put it to sleep-just so the little thing didn't suffer. The kitten fought hard to stay alive. I ended up with this kitten, given the name 'Possum, a couple of years later, and she lived with me for eigthteen years. Her body was wearing out and, like when she was a kitten, she refused to die. I had to make the decision for her.

Dog, cat, ferret, if you keep an animal and treat it well, it will reward you with loyalty and affection, and not a small amount of entertainment.


Thanks for responding everyone.  Today was pretty rough but I'm getting over the worst of it.  Thank you all.


My condolences, Xenolith. My mother's cat, Amanda, had kidney problems as well some years back.



Very sorry to hear that, man.  I had to put my cat to sleep a couple weeks ago (detailed in the show your pets thread).  I'm still checking for her under the covers when I go to sleep, or looking around when the heater pushes the door a bit, making noise.  For me, the show your pets thread helped a lot, hearing stories and feeling the love for pets.  I hope the transition from mourning a loss to loving remembrance of a life is smooth and quick.