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What if... there was a Freedom Reborn series?

Started by Glitch Girl, April 02, 2009, 01:44:30 PM

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Glitch Girl

Tomato's avatar thread here got me thinking about the characters we have hanging around the board.

While I have no plans to actually make any kind of series, I thought it might be fun to throw this idea out there and see what y'all come up with. 

So... Asuming it's animated, what would a Freedom Reborn series be like?  Would it be more like JLU or would it be more like Freakazoid?  Anthology or ongoing?  Who would be in it and in what capacity: hero, villian, sidekick, flunky, comic relief, narrator, or something else completely different?  What kind of art style: more realistic like the Marvel animated movies, or more stylized like DCU animated, or just really cartoony like Spectacular Spiderman, or what per se?  Is the setting real world (New York, Chicago, etc) or more fictionalized (a la Metropolis)?

You can suggest yourself in there, but not as the star - this is a team effort.  You can suggest other people's characters that you think would work well (just try not to take them over)  This is strictly a "what-if" so have fun with it.  You don't have to answer all the questions above, just whatever pops into your head.

Here goes nothing...
-Glitch Girl

"Cynicism is not maturity, do not mistake the one for the other. If you truly cannot accept a story where someone does the right thing because it's the right thing to do, that says far more about who you are than these characters." - Greg Rucka

Spring Heeled Jack

I think JLU style would be great. And anthologized, with a rotating spotlight to accommodate all the dozens of heroes and villains we have. Considering how many angles from which we all have approached our avatars, we'd need something flexible to do justice to all the unique styles we enjoy.

I could envision a two-part Valiant story, with SHJ and FF and a few others. But then it would change up, and some other team or heroes could step into the center ring.

Mr. Hamrick

I think there would probably be a core group of people honestly.  A group of heroes and a group of villains maybe. 

Intermingled with that would be a bunch of guest heroes.  Akin to JLU, where you would have a "core hero" or two and a guest or two.  Some of our avatars wouldn't be "heroes" or "villains" in the traditional sense though.  I know my avatar . . . well most of the avatars that I have had here have been a bit in the morally gray area. 


if my avatar were in it, he would be a character from the golden age,semi-retired.a reserve member/character.


I guess some of the Titans (heroic) and more post-county members would form the base hero team, Tortuga, GG, Gday, BAD, Benton, MJB, MikeB7, etc. with Randy and Hellscorp as recurring villains. Captain Spud and Tater Tot would be the B&R of the show- not official members but still very prominent (everyone would ignore them being vicious killers). Sword would make an appearance in every single scene, at least until he left*. Generally, comedy would work best, there are too many ridiculous characters for it to be serious. And it would take an "Unlimited" approach: good, evil, and just crazy sides having so many guest stars that... I dunno, analogy.

The Triumvirate of Insanity being the coolest super-group ever would totally need their own show, which would be hilarious and full of action. But crossovers would work to boost the ratings of the less popular Freedom Reborn: TAS. Naturally, when the two teams fight at the beginning due to a misunderstanding, ToI would come out on top.

*that was a post count joke
I apologize in advance for everything I say on here. I regret it immediately after clicking post.


Wouldn't mattter how it was done, The Glob would be like Plastic Man (and he has been since I was 10 years old)

The Hitman

I think it would be a lot like JLU, with a major stroy arc stemmining over most episodes, even if it were just hints of it here and there.

And if there was a Hitman episode... it'd be like watching Freakazoid, most definitely.


Freedom Reborn - The Animated Series...

... would be a mixture of Brave & the Bold and JLU.

The tone of the stories would be based off the characters featured.  Serious stories for serious characters, a bit of humor for the characters of those types.  While the animation would be more stylized it shouldn't be overly distracting.  There would be a rotating trio of several regular characters featured in each story, but not every story would center on those characters.  A few stories would be centered around those who aren't as much in the mix of things and the first 5 minutes of each show would feature a quick bit of action that wouldn't be related to the main story.  Toss in the occasional two parter, especially for season end cliff hangers.  The last 2 minutes would pretty much be an introduction or spotlight feature of one character from the Freedom Reborn universe... perhaps of one of the characters from the starting 5 minute segment.



I agree, it'd be best in the JLU style. Who knows maybe we could contact someone on Newgrounds and actually make it happen!
"Go ahead and shoot me. I CAN'T DIE ANYWAYS!"


I've imagined Lunarman in a series before, a young and headstrong moonlight-weapon wielding hero who has all these grand ideas of honour and truth and justice that just get torn apart in the dirty world of 'heroing'. So, in my mind the style would change slightly for each character or setting, like Heroes does. E.g. in Heroes Manhatten is always shot in blue lightning, Texus with an orangy tint...

Lunarman and his story would be drawn in bright colour at first until he meets the darker side of FR. I imagine the drawing would be in a style like X-men Evolution (so a standard cartoon style nowadays: ).

The plot would be something about an oldish and tired team of heroes from the 70s trying to recruit fresh blood to reinvigorate their team whilst figthing off old villains and new threats. There'd be a core 3 or so (I hope no offense is caused by the next bit ;) ), probably Glitch Girl, who's an intelligent and excitable technowizard but she's losing her enthusiasm because so many of her friends and allies have died in the struggle for peace. House Quake, who's big, tough and totally a strong and silent type. He's a team leader of sorts, at least he tends to direct things as they move into action, he's not gonna give up being a hero unless he meets his end... MJB, the icemaster, he's jovial and cynical and like the El Diablo of the team. He's also the youngest and is always trying to persuade the team to stick together and not move towards this 'retirement' they all seem to be seeking. They've also got their super-intelligent computer who appears in the form of two hologrammatic floating eyes and is affectionately known as Stumpy.

Most episodes they meet new/other heroes and have several frequent characters which aid them in their actions; the mysterious Turtle-man, Tortuga. An eccentric millionaire, known as Ernest, with a passion for inventing and bright purple clothing. Anyway, loads of cameo appearances from all members :P

And of course, the bad guys get a few episodes each of story, unless they're really major or only powerful enough to get one episode). Syn, Reepicheep, Carravagio.... and of course. RANDY!


Think it would start like JL...just a few core members (ie The Titans) then after a few seasons it would expand to be more like GI JOE (bet you thought I would say JLU).  Our villains are all one big conspiracy anyway...not conspiracies as some of you believe..hehehe


uhmm i think it will be a lot like JLU... and the lovely baronesa well... she will be mostly support character and maybe having 2 or 3 episodes focused on her.. not part of the team though... just helping sometimes but mostly an outcast... her origin story would be great though :P   no seriously... i don't think we have ever seen a transexual heroine story on tv so far...but i may be wrong.

the fact that will only appear on certain episodes is cause she will mainly be involved solving crimes against the LGBT comunity... will work on other crimes, but for her to be one of the main in the episode it would have to be that kind.

will also appear in her secret identity if any hero need legal services :P


JLU style!!!

Doctor  Challenger would appear once - in newsreel footage dating back to WWII - in the teaser reel of the episode - a la Spy Smasher in "Patriot Act".


The mods would be in every episode just like they are in every thread. Lugaru would show up as a villain who mixes aztek magic and high technology to play horrible pranks that leave damages, usually getting defeated in the first minute of the episode before Freedom Reborn faces the real threat of the episode.


Personally, I would understand it as being a very mutable series, with characters coming and going at leisure. (Not self-referential at all!  :rolleyes:)
In my mind it would probably begin with the dissolution of previous supergroups (FxForce, Hamster, Cream etc.) as a way of showing the avatars who composed them and allowing them to resurface as cameos later. Representative members from these groups along with unassociated avatars would then be led into individual stories, introducing them in detail before leading them all towards the sole antagonist. During this time, their paths would interweave (with some conflict in lieu of sitewars) before forming an 'FR' group for the finale.
Pending on whether they were successful, this could lead into an 'Age of Apocalypse' type of series, with new, old or mutated avatars making an appearance, or the foundation for a more JLU-type constantly changing rota. (Either way, cast reshuffle.)

Animation style would begin as individual to each focal avatar, mirroring the variety of art styles in the community. This would then coalesce into something more generic as the unified team began.
Yours sincerely, Judi Dench.


I'd love to see the interaction of characters with similar powers--Glitchie and I would have some delightful witty banter! ^_^

Also, at some point there HAS to be an Age of Hellscorp story arc. Like...the opening of one season shows Freedom City no longer a bright cheerful metropolis but a giant oppressive dark world, and everything  has changed, and throughout the season it is revealed that the Big Baddies changed the very fundamental nature of reality! Of course, the good guys would stop them.

One thing I think would work really well would be alternate worlds. Maybe not all the FR guys are in one singular universe, but instead split among the various factions. Where would a dark avenger like Flesheater mingle with the bright and shining Afghan Ant? What about the WWII antics of the London Fog against the high-tech high-stakes adventures of Courtnall 6? Only at the Forum, the crossroads of the various worlds, of course!


Setting it in a place that is a keystone for various worlds would be cool.

As for Unko Man, he probably would only show up in the background of large group battles or scenes where it didn't matter. Perhaps one line or two of humorous dialogue, then back to the shadows.

Except for one episode. There always has to be an episode where you take a few of the side characters and toss them together in something awesome. Like the Seven Soldiers of Victory episode in JLU.

In fact, yes... I would definately base it on JLU, like most people. They did so well with so many characters.

The Hitman

Quote from: UnkoMan on April 04, 2009, 02:56:16 AM
Except for one episode. There always has to be an episode where you take a few of the side characters and toss them together in something awesome. Like the Seven Soldiers of Victory episode in JLU.

Howsabout "Challengers of the Obscure?" Ehh? Ehh? No? Okay.

The Troll

What role would  non-contributing members such as myself make to the series? Red shirts? Cannon fodder? Snarf?


Quote from: The Troll on April 04, 2009, 08:29:40 PM
What role would  non-contributing members such as myself make to the series? Red shirts? Cannon fodder? Snarf?

Wacky guest episodes!


Quote from: The Troll on April 04, 2009, 08:29:40 PM
What role would  non-contributing members such as myself make to the series? Red shirts? Cannon fodder? Snarf?
No the Role of Red Shirt would be filled by members who signed up, posted 4 times two or more years ago and haven't signed in since.  Their Avatar would be a 60's Adam West Batman-style henchmen outfit - Black sweatshirt with their screen name in white block letters across the chest.


Quote from: doctorchallenger on April 05, 2009, 12:31:48 PM
Quote from: The Troll on April 04, 2009, 08:29:40 PM
What role would  non-contributing members such as myself make to the series? Red shirts? Cannon fodder? Snarf?
No the Role of Red Shirt would be filled by members who signed up, posted 4 times two or more years ago and haven't signed in since.  Their Avatar would be a 60's Adam West Batman-style henchmen outfit - Black sweatshirt with their screen name in white block letters across the chest.

Haha. I love this.


Woo, I'm popular now!

... Anyway, yeah, I'd be all for a JLU type show (though I guess in my own mind I see the style as something more exaggerated and fluid, kind of like how Spectacular is but not nearly so much so), but I don't think that dynamic really would work in this case... With JLU, we were always talking about a singular team, despite the size, and FR really isn't that type of world to me... it's more like FR is our version of the Marvel U and everyone here is this or that character.

No, for a FR "show" to work, we'd need a central character who tied everyone together, somewhat like how B&B is, though perhaps with less of a "Main character + Pals" dynamic and more just a way to tie everything to a single arc... I guess in my head I'm seeing someone less like a superhero and more like a reporter or a detective. Someone equivalent to the Question would probably work, a more worldly character who would investigate this or that during each episode. It would also provide a convenient way to introduce an over-arching plot, by slowly introducing another, much larger case.


Quote from: doctorchallenger on April 05, 2009, 12:31:48 PM
Quote from: The Troll on April 04, 2009, 08:29:40 PM
What role would  non-contributing members such as myself make to the series? Red shirts? Cannon fodder? Snarf?
No the Role of Red Shirt would be filled by members who signed up, posted 4 times two or more years ago and haven't signed in since.  Their Avatar would be a 60's Adam West Batman-style henchmen outfit - Black sweatshirt with their screen name in white block letters across the chest.

Hey! I already skinned those guys.


I think I would be like Booster Gold. A young hero in training.
The Ultimate Fan!


Lots of stories about using someone's comb, getting Direcub sugar :direcub, and looking for a rock....

Glitch Girl

There it is.  ;)

Guess it's time for my $.02.

I imagine something stylisticly closer to Spectacular spider-man than DC:A but still somewhere in the middle. Definitely go for the anthology format - maybe some two or three parters in there, but use it as a chance to tell a wide range of stories in a variety of tones from goofy to pretty dark and serious (kinda like JLA in that respect).  I do see some recurring characters that'd be considered major players, but they don't appear in EVERY episode.  It'd be a weekly half hour format of course, run for three seasons, then spawn a few spinoffs and a revamp.  :)
-Glitch Girl

"Cynicism is not maturity, do not mistake the one for the other. If you truly cannot accept a story where someone does the right thing because it's the right thing to do, that says far more about who you are than these characters." - Greg Rucka

The Phantom Eyebrow

I'm liking the sound of this and the ideas being bounced around.  I think the tone would have to be at least somewhat silly, as that is my experience when interacting with other posters' characters here.  (It was mostly in the Fiefdom though, so that might have coloured my view  :P )

The mods, admins and titans are the core members and the series would have to reflect that.  From my own point of view, The Phantom Eyebrow (if I may talk about him in the third person...) would certainly be an eager and active member of the superteam, at least when it comes to hogging camera time.  He might also have the odd Quixote-esque run-in with the narrator and his somewhat skewed depiction of how the events transpire.  In his own mind he would fill a twin role for the team, (1) as a mentor figure giving everyone inspirational instructions on what to do and how to do it and (2) as a stalwart man of action who gets in there at the coal face and Gets Things Done!  In reality he is more of a peripheral (but hopefully eloquent) blow-hard who is slow to use his powers in anger in case the opposition attacks him back. 


The Beyonder would have to be the Narrator/ Opening Monologue guy :lol:
I so need booze -_-


I would like it if it was a bit brave & the bold but done in JLU style.  That way everybody would have a shot at being in the show.  Like in the beginning it could be Mike & me taking down a villian and after the title block it would go to the FR HQ where we see GG and others about to handle a mission.  Just throwing that out there...
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