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talking heads help

Started by gyy, May 25, 2009, 12:08:00 PM

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hello crew, im new here and i need help on ezscript. In cutscenes, the talking heads wont appear, the dialogue appears on the screen during gameplay. Please help. I am using :ffvstr:

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Talking heads wont work until you add the dialogue to the speech.txt file and then regenerate the language files.

I believe there is an M25 mission in the latest FFX (like the Generate AI mission) that will add the dialogue from all EZScript missions in the stories folder to the speech file. You just need to run that mission, then regenerate the language files, and the heads should show up.


If the dialog appears bu the talking head doesnt, thats because you need to set up resources.

In the resource tab of FFEdit, add an entry called animportrait_<char name> eg if your character template is "beardman" you need to add "animportrait_beardman" and point it to the head.nif file.
Stranger Than Fiction:
The Strangers, Tales of the Navigator and Freedom Force X


What if the heads are pink circles? I have the animportraits set up in resources and they are pointing to my mod folder. All my characters have head.nifs and portraits but for an unknown reason, some of the characters appear in pink circles in some missions but the same characters are fine in others. Any idea what would cause this?


Do you mean the telepathy pink swirl effect? Are your characters just pink circles or you're seeing the talking head with a pink swirly effect overlaid?

If its the telepathy effect, then that happens by default to characters who arent present in the mission.



will display mentor talking using his telepathy effect if there isn't a 'mentor' type character on the map at the time. I fhe is present you dont get the pink swirls.

Does that explain what youre seeing?
Stranger Than Fiction:
The Strangers, Tales of the Navigator and Freedom Force X


I know what you mean about the swirl but that isn't the problem. The circles are completey pink as if they were colored in. The face can't be seen at all.


I think he's talking about one of the alternate head .nifs that are two dimensional.  Pink means you are missing textures that the .nif is trying to use.
I am the cat that walks by himself, all ways are alike to me.


Well he indicated that the same character heads work in other missions, which leads me to think it may be a graphic card/memory issue on certain maps.