Wanted to buy on Steam, ran into some problems

Started by Ziji, May 30, 2009, 02:38:40 AM

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I decided to try the demo before I bought this on Steam, and I ran into (what seems to be) the infamous "Compatibility Error."   

I tried downloading the 1.3 patch, but it wouldn't install (most likely due to it being a demo, not the full game) and was curious as to whether it would work on SP3.

I really want to try the game out, but all places I could get help seem to be down or have no information whatsoever. (Freedomfans, 2kGames)

Any help is appreciated, thanks.


detourne_me installed both games from steam on Vista (which seemed to be a bigger hassle than XP) and claims that both work fine. So Im assuming that the full version SHOULD work on XP.



Alright cool.

I got the Reich demo to work anyway, so I figure I'd buy both and even if the first one didn't work, I can still play Reich.

Thanks for the assistance, it's a shame the main site is down, and Steam offers virtually zero support.


When Steam and similar places re-release older games, they always update them to ensure compatibility with newer systems, so the steam versions of both games should work on all OS's commonly available.
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