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EZscript story - first encounter not playing

Started by glsix, June 16, 2009, 03:23:29 PM

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I've start learning EZscript and as a test, I write a little story.
Everything is running like it should except that the first encounter is not playing. The game skip directly to the second one. Could someone look at story and tell me where the problem is ?
Story: Pinstripe1

Encounter: Early morning patrol
Type: Cutscene

Start Cutscene:
Set lighting to sunrise
Camera on Hero1
Narrator says, "The sun rise on Patriot City and Pinstripe's criminal empire seems to rise once again even as the lavander criminal is still in jail."
Narrator says, "Let's catch on MinuteMan as he is returning to the Freedom Fortress after a night of patrols in the city."
Hero says, "Stars and Bars !"
Hero says, "I'm exhausted ! How can Pinstripe manage to reinforce his organization while beeing in jail ?"
Hero says, "Even Mentor could not find any clues about it !"

Encounter: You must save her!
Type: Chat
Allies: civilian_male

Alert Cutscene:
Camera on Ally1
Ally1 says, "Thank God! MinuteMan!"
Camera on Hero
Hero says, "This man looks afraid."
Yellow arrow on Ally1

Chat Cutscene:
Remove arrow on Ally1
Cinematic camera on Ally1 to Hero
Ally1 turns to Hero
Hero turns to Ally1
Ally1 says, "You must help her! Those men, those beast..."
Hero says, "Tell me where she is and I'll take care of her! Quickly citizen!"
Ally1 says, "Over there! Please, save her!"

Encounter: Saving an innocent
Type: Save Civilian
Villains: thug_with_bat, thug_with_bat
Allies: civilian_female

Alert Cutscene:
Yellow arrow on Ally

Start Cutscene:
Villain1 turns to Villain2
Villain1 says, "Let's have some fun..."
Villain2 turns to Ally1
Villain2 says, "I bet we'll have far more than her."
Ally1 says, "Help ! Somebody help !"

Ally Thanks Hero Cutscene:
Cinematic camera on Hero to Ally
Ally says, "Thank you, MinuteMan ! Thank you so much !"
Hero says, "Freedom Force will always stand in the way of those scums !"

Encounter: More thugs
Type: Fight
Minions: thug_with_bat, thug_with_gun

Alert Cutscene:
Yellow arrow on Minion

Start Cutscene:
Minion says, "MinuteMan ! Take him out !"

Encounter: Time to ask some questions
Type: Interrogation
Villains: mafioso
Minions: thug_with_gun

Alert Cutscene:
Yellow arrow on Villain

Start Cutscene:
Camera on Hero
Hero says, "One of Pinstripe's upper class goon ! He might know something useful."
Camera on Villain
Villain says, "MinuteMan !"

Interrogation Cutscene:
Camera on Villain
Hero moves to Villain
Hero says, "Now tell me... Who's giving order for Pinstripe ?"
Villain says, "I could tell you... but I'm sure you'll like the surprise !"
Villain says, "And there's no need to threaten me, the Boss would do me worse than anything you could think of if I talk !"

Encounter: Time to talk to a blue boy
Type: Chat
Allies: cop
Marker: policestation1

Alert Cutscene:
Red arrow on Ally

Start Cutscene:
Ally turns to Hero
Ally says, "MinuteMan ! An honor to see you, sir."

Chat Cutscene:
Remove arrow on Ally
Cinematic camera on Hero to Ally
Ally turns to hero
Hero turns to Ally
Hero says, "Officer, do you have any informations about the goons I brought into custody this morning ?"
Ally says, "You know as much as we do, MinuteMan. They're working for Pinstripe."
Hero says, "But Pinstripe can't be giving them orders from his jail cell. Someone must be doing it for him..."
Ally says, "If that's the case, we have no idea who it might be. We thought for sure that Pinstripe's criminal organization would crumble after the Freedom Force had him put in jail."
Hero says, "That's what we hoped too. Seems we were wrong."


I find a way around the problem by adding another cutscene at the start of the story.
Now, it look like this:
Story: Pinstripe1

#map: City Landmarks
#Hero: MinuteMan

#test - without this, the intro is not playing (why ??)

Encounter: test
Type: Cutscene

Start Cutscene:
Set lighting to night
Camera on Hero
Hero says, "Time to go patrol the city."
Fade for 2 seconds


Encounter: Early morning patrol
Type: Cutscene

Start Cutscene:
Set lighting to sunrise
Unfade for 3 seconds
Camera on Hero
narrator says, "The sun rise on Patriot City and Pinstripe's criminal empire seems to rise once again even as the lavander criminal is still in jail."
narrator says, "Let's catch on MinuteMan as he is returning to the Freedom Fortress after a night of patrols in the city."
Hero says, "Stars and Bars !"
Hero says, "I'm exhausted ! How can Pinstripe manage to reinforce his organization while beeing in jail ?"
Hero says, "Even Mentor could not find any clues about it !"

#Enc1: Chat1

Encounter: You must save her!
Type: Chat
Allies: civilian_male

Alert Cutscene:
Camera on Ally1
Ally1 says, "Thank God! MinuteMan!"
Camera on Hero
Hero says, "This man looks afraid."
Yellow arrow on Ally1

Chat Cutscene:
Remove arrow on Ally1
Cinematic camera on Ally1 to Hero
Ally1 turns to Hero
Hero turns to Ally1
Ally1 says, "You must help her! Those men, those beast..."
Hero says, "Tell me where she is and I'll take care of her! Quickly citizen!"
Ally1 says, "Over there! Please, save her!"

#Enc2: Save her

Encounter: Saving an innocent
Type: Save Civilian
Villains: thug_with_bat, thug_with_bat
Allies: civilian_female

Alert Cutscene:
Yellow arrow on Ally

Start Cutscene:
Villain1 turns to Villain2
Villain1 says, "Let's have some fun..."
Villain2 turns to Ally1
Villain2 says, "I bet we'll have far more than her."
Ally1 says, "Help ! Somebody help !"

Ally Thanks Hero Cutscene:
Cinematic camera on Hero to Ally
Ally says, "Thank you, MinuteMan ! Thank you so much !"
Hero says, "Freedom Force will always stand in the way of those scums !"

#Enc3: Thugs

Encounter: More thugs
Type: Fight
Minions: thug_with_bat, thug_with_gun

Alert Cutscene:
Yellow arrow on Minion

Start Cutscene:
Minion says, "MinuteMan ! Take him out !"

#Enc4: Interrogation

Encounter: Time to ask some questions
Type: Interrogation
Villains: mafioso
Minions: thug_with_gun

Alert Cutscene:
Yellow arrow on Villain

Start Cutscene:
Camera on Hero
Hero says, "One of Pinstripe's upper class goon ! He might know something useful."
Camera on Villain
Villain says, "MinuteMan !"

Interrogation Cutscene:
Camera on Villain
Hero moves to Villain
Hero says, "Now tell me... Who's giving order for Pinstripe ?"
Villain says, "I could tell you... but I'm sure you'll like the surprise !"
Villain says, "And there's no need to threaten me, the Boss would do me worse than anything you could think of if I talk !"

#Enc5: Chat2

Encounter: Time to talk to a blue boy
Type: Chat
Allies: cop
Marker: policestation1

Alert Cutscene:
Red arrow on Ally

Start Cutscene:
Ally turns to Hero
Ally says, "MinuteMan ! An honor to see you, sir."

Chat Cutscene:
Remove arrow on Ally
Cinematic camera on Hero to Ally
Ally turns to hero
Hero turns to Ally
Hero says, "Officer, do you have any informations about the goons I brought into custody this morning ?"
Ally says, "You know as much as we do, MinuteMan. They're working for Pinstripe."
Hero says, "But Pinstripe can't be giving them orders from his jail cell. Someone must be doing it for him..."
Ally says, "If that's the case, we have no idea who it might be. We thought for sure that Pinstripe's criminal organization would crumble after the Freedom Force had him put in jail."
Hero says, "That's what we hoped too. Seems we were wrong."

That second version is fully fonctionnal by the way.


Howdy Glsix, glad you're trying your hand at EZScript.  I don't have time at the moment, but I'll try and give you a hand with this tonight or tomorrow. 
God Bless
"If God came down upon me and gave me a wish again, I'd wish to be like Aquaman, 'cause Aquaman can take the pain..." -Ballad of Aquaman
Check out mymods and blog!


As I wanted more missions to play (after playing some of the nice mods available), I figured that I could create some with EZscript. I'm also curious to see how far you can go with the story system.

Thank you for taking the time to look at it.


You can do just about anything with EZScript.  It is one of the greatest things to happen to FF :D.  As far as this mission is concerend, I'm not seeing anything that jumps out at me.  Would you be so kind as to run this mission as you had it originally and then post your script.log?
God Bless
"If God came down upon me and gave me a wish again, I'd wish to be like Aquaman, 'cause Aquaman can take the pain..." -Ballad of Aquaman
Check out mymods and blog!


Here it is:

>>> system/ executed
>>> system/ executed
>>> system\ executed
loading datfiles version 0.256000
loading cshelper ...
Starting v. 3.3.1 build 0; branch = main release update
Loading v. 3.3.0 build 3; branch = Gold v.3.3 with Patch
importing v1.20
importing MLOG Reader 1.0.23
Starting General Utilities 1.0.1
missionobjvar(FixLongs): Fixing overflow issue with <SCSTATE_BUOYANT>
missionobjvar defining functions for Rumble Room play.
Loading v.3.3.07 January 30, 2009
CustomHeadCurrentTime 1245421474.234000
Starting Height Check module 1.4
Starting System Utilities 1.5
OBJECTS_HEIGHT: 604 entries
NIF_OBJECTS: 482 entries
Starting  v 0.79 beta
skXMapInfo: m25ai available
Loading v.3.2.0 final; branch = swingman 4
FFX Mission Plugin 'firehydrant' imported
FFX Mission Plugin 'zombie' imported
Loading v.1.0.0 build 0; branch = main
FFX Mission Plugin 'freeroam_keepbuildingdamage' imported
FFX Mission Plugin 'm25ai_lowjumper' imported
FFX Mission Plugin 'm25ai_realitymanipulation' imported
FFX Mission Plugin 'cutscene_power' imported
Loading v.3.3.07 January 30, 2009
Loading v. 3.2.0 build 7; branch = m25 branch 1
FFX Mission Plugin 'm25encexit' imported
Loading v.1.0.0 build 0; branch = main
FFX Mission Plugin 'm25enc_opendoor' imported
FFX Mission Plugin 'm25enc_reqchar' imported
Loading v.1.0.0 build 0; branch = main
FFX Mission Plugin 'm25enc_simplechoice' imported
Loading  v.3.3.07 January 30, 2009
FFX Mission Plugin 'm25encstory' imported
Starting Built-In Function Wrapper 1.5
('Object_CalcPrestige', 'js')
ffx3\Missions\Scripts\ importing FFX
ffx3\Missions\Scripts\ loaded
>>> C:\Documents and Settings\Geoffrey\Local Settings\Application Data\Irrational Games\Freedom Force vs the 3rd Reich\temp\MiniMod executed
>>> C:\Documents and Settings\Geoffrey\Local Settings\Application Data\Irrational Games\Freedom Force vs the 3rd Reich\temp\ executed
! GetMapInfo
>>> C:\Documents and Settings\Geoffrey\Local Settings\Application Data\Irrational Games\Freedom Force vs the 3rd Reich\temp\MiniMod executed
MLOG_Init(keepRunningModules=0): starting up
mlogreader.MLOG_Init: current mission = 'CITY LANDMARKS'
initialising FFX: skirmish=0
mapinfocaliper0 is not a valid explosion object
mapinfocaliper1 is not a valid explosion object
mapinfocaliper2 is not a valid explosion object
mapinfocaliper3 is not a valid explosion object
storing hero_0: id_1,-43
m25obj_2 civilian_male encounter1_ally1
initialising FFQ_initialiseExtras()
FFX_UpdateSun: getting default sun
FFX_UpdateSun: setting = (-140.0, 70.0, 1.0, 0.800000011921, (0.699999988079, 0.600000023842, 0.600000023842))
initAttribsForChar: working on civilian_female_4 (civilian_female)
initAttribsForChar: working on civilian_female_2 (civilian_female)
initAttribsForChar: working on civilian_male_1 (civilian_male)
initAttribsForChar: working on civilian_male_4 (civilian_male)
initAttribsForChar: working on civilian_male_3 (civilian_male)
initAttribsForChar: working on civilian_female_3 (civilian_female)
initAttribsForChar: working on civilian_female_1 (civilian_female)
initAttribsForChar: working on civilian_male_2 (civilian_male)
initAttribsForChar: working on hero_0 (minute_man)
initAttribsForChar (minute_man): looking at attribute disciplined
initAttribsForChar (minute_man): looking at attribute jumper
initAttribsForChar (minute_man): looking at attribute superleaper
execInitAttrib: init superleaper attribute
    on hero_0 of template custom_template_43 (minute_man)
initAttribsForChar (minute_man): looking at attribute heroic
initAttribsForChar (minute_man): looking at attribute extra heroic
initAttribsForChar: working on m25obj_2 (civilian_male)
Plugin 'firehydrant' OnPostInit() called
Plugin 'zombie' has no OnPostInit()
Plugin 'freeroam_keepbuildingdamage' OnPostInit() called
Plugin 'm25ai_lowjumper' has no OnPostInit()
Plugin 'm25ai_realitymanipulation' has no OnPostInit()
Plugin 'cutscene_power' has no OnPostInit()
Plugin 'm25encexit' has no OnPostInit()
Plugin 'm25enc_opendoor' has no OnPostInit()
Plugin 'm25enc_reqchar' has no OnPostInit()
Plugin 'm25enc_simplechoice' has no OnPostInit()
Plugin 'm25encstory' has no OnPostInit()
addArrow m25obj_2arrow m25obj_2 1 1
Template_GetMesh() fatal error: template 'custom_template_43' not found
Template_GetHeight() non-fatal error:
    template 'custom_template_43' not found in list of template heights.
    To detect approximate height, use
    checkHeight(templateList, precise = 'no', repeat = 0, replace = 0, giants = 1, campaign = 0)
Template_GetMesh() fatal error: template 'custom_template_43' not found
Template_GetMesh() fatal error: template 'custom_template_43' not found
Template_GetMesh() fatal error: template 'custom_template_43' not found
Template_GetMesh() fatal error: template 'custom_template_43' not found
Template_GetMesh() fatal error: template 'custom_template_43' not found
Template_GetMesh() fatal error: template 'custom_template_43' not found
Template_GetMesh() fatal error: template 'custom_template_43' not found
Template_GetMesh() fatal error: template 'custom_template_43' not found
Template_GetMesh() fatal error: template 'custom_template_43' not found
Template_GetMesh() fatal error: template 'custom_template_43' not found
Template_GetMesh() fatal error: template 'custom_template_43' not found
Template_GetMesh() fatal error: template 'custom_template_43' not found
Template_GetMesh() fatal error: template 'custom_template_43' not found
m25obj_4 thug_with_bat encounter6_villain1
m25obj_6 thug_with_bat encounter6_villain2
m25obj_8 civilian_female encounter6_ally1
addArrow m25obj_8arrow m25obj_8 1 1
initAttribsForChar: working on m25obj_8 (civilian_female)
initAttribsForChar: working on m25obj_6 (thug_with_bat)
initAttribsForChar (thug_with_bat): looking at attribute timid
initAttribsForChar (thug_with_bat): looking at attribute weak minded
initAttribsForChar: working on m25obj_4 (thug_with_bat)
initAttribsForChar (thug_with_bat): looking at attribute timid
initAttribsForChar (thug_with_bat): looking at attribute weak minded
Traceback (innermost last):
  File "C:\Program Files\Freedom Force vs the third Reich\.\ffx3\missions\scripts\", line 685, in MapInfo_CheckObjects2
    Object_UpdateGridPos (ms)
  File "C:\Program Files\Freedom Force vs the third Reich\.\ffx3\missions\scripts\", line 565, in Object_UpdateGridPos
    if ts not in ff.MapInfo [maGrid
  • ] [maGrid [1]]:
    KeyError: -5
    addArrow m25obj_8arrow m25obj_8 1 0
    Template_GetMesh() fatal error: template 'custom_template_43' not found
    Template_GetMesh() fatal error: template 'custom_template_43' not found
    Template_GetMesh() fatal error: template 'custom_template_43' not found
    Template_GetMesh() fatal error: template 'custom_template_43' not found
    Template_GetMesh() fatal error: template 'custom_template_43' not found
    Template_GetMesh() fatal error: template 'custom_template_43' not found
    Template_GetMesh() fatal error: template 'custom_template_43' not found
    Template_GetMesh() fatal error: template 'custom_template_43' not found
    Template_GetMesh() fatal error: template 'custom_template_43' not found
    Template_GetMesh() fatal error: template 'custom_template_43' not found
    m25obj_10 thug_with_bat encounter12_minion1
    m25obj_12 thug_with_gun encounter12_minion2
    addArrow m25obj_10arrow m25obj_10 1 1
    initAttribsForChar: working on m25obj_10 (thug_with_bat)
    initAttribsForChar (thug_with_bat): looking at attribute timid
    initAttribsForChar (thug_with_bat): looking at attribute weak minded
    initAttribsForChar: working on m25obj_12 (thug_with_gun)
    initAttribsForChar (thug_with_gun): looking at attribute timid
    initAttribsForChar (thug_with_gun): looking at attribute weak minded
    m25obj_14 thug_with_gun encounter8_minion1
    m25obj_16 thug_with_gun encounter8_minion2
    m25obj_18 mafioso encounter8_villain1
    villain ['m25obj_18']
    addArrow m25obj_18arrow m25obj_18 1 1
    initAttribsForChar: working on m25obj_18 (mafioso)
    initAttribsForChar (mafioso): looking at attribute disciplined
    initAttribsForChar (mafioso): looking at attribute unbeliever
    initAttribsForChar: working on m25obj_14 (thug_with_gun)
    initAttribsForChar (thug_with_gun): looking at attribute timid
    initAttribsForChar (thug_with_gun): looking at attribute weak minded
    initAttribsForChar: working on m25obj_16 (thug_with_gun)
    initAttribsForChar (thug_with_gun): looking at attribute timid
    initAttribsForChar (thug_with_gun): looking at attribute weak minded
    cshelper: Cutscene [cutscene] submitted for playing
    cshelper: Now playing cutscene [cutscene]
    Step 1 of 2
    Step 2 of 2
    cshelper: Cutscene [cutscene] has ended
    m25obj_20 cop policestation1_ally1
    addArrow m25obj_20arrow m25obj_20 0 1
    initAttribsForChar: working on m25obj_20 (cop)
    Template_GetMesh() fatal error: template 'custom_template_43' not found
    Template_GetMesh() fatal error: template 'custom_template_43' not found
    Template_GetMesh() fatal error: template 'custom_template_43' not found
    Template_GetMesh() fatal error: template 'custom_template_43' not found
    Template_GetMesh() fatal error: template 'custom_template_43' not found
    Template_GetMesh() fatal error: template 'custom_template_43' not found
    Template_GetMesh() fatal error: template 'custom_template_43' not found
    Template_GetMesh() fatal error: template 'custom_template_43' not found
    Template_GetMesh() fatal error: template 'custom_template_43' not found
    Template_GetMesh() fatal error: template 'custom_template_43' not found
    Template_GetMesh() fatal error: template 'custom_template_43' not found
    Template_GetMesh() fatal error: template 'custom_template_43' not found
    Template_GetMesh() fatal error: template 'custom_template_43' not found
    Template_GetMesh() fatal error: template 'custom_template_43' not found
    Template_GetMesh() fatal error: template 'custom_template_43' not found
    Template_GetMesh() fatal error: template 'custom_template_43' not found
    Template_GetMesh() fatal error: template 'custom_template_43' not found
    Template_GetMesh() fatal error: template 'custom_template_43' not found
    Template_GetMesh() fatal error: template 'custom_template_43' not found
    Template_GetMesh() fatal error: template 'custom_template_43' not found
    Template_GetMesh() fatal error: template 'custom_template_43' not found
    Template_GetMesh() fatal error: template 'custom_template_43' not found
    Template_GetMesh() fatal error: template 'custom_template_43' not found
    Template_GetMesh() fatal error: template 'custom_template_43' not found
    Template_GetMesh() fatal error: template 'custom_template_43' not found
    Template_GetMesh() fatal error: template 'custom_template_43' not found
    Template_GetMesh() fatal error: template 'custom_template_43' not found
    Template_GetMesh() fatal error: template 'custom_template_43' not found
    Template_GetMesh() fatal error: template 'custom_template_43' not found
    Template_GetMesh() fatal error: template 'custom_template_43' not found
    Template_GetMesh() fatal error: template 'custom_template_43' not found
    >>> C:\Documents and Settings\Geoffrey\Local Settings\Application Data\Irrational Games\Freedom Force vs the 3rd Reich\temp\MiniMod executed
    >>> C:\Documents and Settings\Geoffrey\Local Settings\Application Data\Irrational Games\Freedom Force vs the 3rd Reich\temp\MiniMod executed


Okay, THIS seems to be your problem:

Traceback (innermost last):
  File "C:\Program Files\Freedom Force vs the third Reich\.\ffx3\missions\scripts\", line 685, in MapInfo_CheckObjects2
    Object_UpdateGridPos (ms)
  File "C:\Program Files\Freedom Force vs the third Reich\.\ffx3\missions\scripts\", line 565, in Object_UpdateGridPos
    if ts not in ff.MapInfo [maGrid* ] [maGrid [1]]:
KeyError: -5
addArrow m25obj_8arrow m25obj_8 1 0
Template_GetMesh() fatal error: template 'custom_template_43' not found
Template_GetMesh() fatal error: template 'custom_template_43' not found
Template_GetMesh() fatal error: template 'custom_template_43' not found
Template_GetMesh() fatal error: template 'custom_template_43' not found
Template_GetMesh() fatal error: template 'custom_template_43' not found
Template_GetMesh() fatal error: template 'custom_template_43' not found
Template_GetMesh() fatal error: template 'custom_template_43' not found
Template_GetMesh() fatal error: template 'custom_template_43' not found
Template_GetMesh() fatal error: template 'custom_template_43' not found
Template_GetMesh() fatal error: template 'custom_template_43' not found

Unfortunately I'm not good enough with EZScript to interpret exactly what it means.  If I had to guess, I would say that it seems to have something to do with the map.  I'd check and make sure you've got all the markers you need on the map you're using.  That includes Hero1-Hero4 and others.  Other than that, I'm not sure.
God Bless
"If God came down upon me and gave me a wish again, I'd wish to be like Aquaman, 'cause Aquaman can take the pain..." -Ballad of Aquaman
Check out mymods and blog!


Could it possibly have something to do with a character that EZscript can't find? Either a buit in mesh or a hero file.


I'll check the story with an other map tomorrow.
This story is not using any custom character and I've played it with MinuteMan. I'll check what custom_43 is supposed to be.


There might be something about it in your FF.log.
God Bless
"If God came down upon me and gave me a wish again, I'd wish to be like Aquaman, 'cause Aquaman can take the pain..." -Ballad of Aquaman
Check out mymods and blog!


There's no mention of custom_template_43 in FF.log nor in FFedit template tab.
What I find strange is that in the first version, the encounter is not playing at all while in the second (where I added an additional cutscene before it), it works without problems.

The same happened for the second story I'm writing and I solved it in the same way.

PS: Changing map and adding a defined spawn point asn't solved the issue.


Yes, it is a very bizarre issue, there is no doubt about it.  I'm inclined to think that it may be a bug with EZScript.  What version of FFX are  you using?  Do you have the newest updates for EZScript?  I really wish M25 was around.  I'm afraid I'm out of my depth here. 
God Bless
"If God came down upon me and gave me a wish again, I'd wish to be like Aquaman, 'cause Aquaman can take the pain..." -Ballad of Aquaman
Check out mymods and blog!


I'm using FFX 3.3 and have installed the updates available on the EZscript wiki.
That problem is more of an annoyance as I can work past it.
Maybe someone could test the story on his system to see if it happens for them ?
Here is a link to the story for those wanting to help with the issue

I'll make a proper release of the stories in the release forum when all 4 or 5 will be complete.