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Ez Script : 2nd encounter not starting

Started by Lemon_Ex, July 27, 2009, 02:54:56 AM

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This is my problem, my first encounter plays but I'm having a little of a hard time figuring how to get the 2nd encounter to start. I have marked the 2nd encounter in red so you can find it faster.

Story: Deadpool Vs Freedom Force

Encounter: Intro
Type: Cutscene

Start Cutscene:
Cinematic camera on Hero
Hero says, "Lot's of high tech toy's, I wonder if they have a high tech rest room? I have been holding it since the AIM mission."

End Cutscene:
Narrator says, " Deadpool VS Freedom, nuff said!"

Encounter: Defeat liberty lad and sea urchin
Type: Fight
Villains: liberty_lad, sea_urchin

Alert Cutscene:
Yellow arrow on sea_urchin

Start Cutscene:
Cinematic camera on sea_urchin
sea_urchin turns to liberty_lad
sea_urchin says, "It sucks we have to stay behind."
Cinematic camera on liberty_lad
liberty_lad says, "We should make our own group called Young Freedom."
Cinematic camera on Hero
Hero says, "Look it's Earth 2 Bucky and Namor."
Cinematic camera on sea_urchin
sea_urchin says, "EEK, a intruder!"
Cinematic camera on liberty_lad
liberty_lad says, "Get ready for a tussle."

End Cutscene:
Cinematic camera on Hero
Hero says, "Teens when will they learn?"

Encounter: The Ant Fight
Type: Fight 2
Villains: the_ant

Alert Cutscene
Red arrow on the_ant
the_ant says, "Ant sense tingling!"

Start Cutscene:
Cinematic camera on the_ant
the_ant says, "Liberty Lad and Sea Urchin! My ant sense is tingling at a high level, you must be truly evil to beat up children."
Cinematic Camera on hero
Hero says, "Earth 2 Spider-Man! I love you're Earth 2 costume Spider-Man."
Cinematic Camera on the_ant
the_ant says, "I'm The Ant not a arachnid got that chuckles."
Cinematic Camera on Hero
Hero says, "You remind me of the Stan Lee era Spidey and thats a good thing."

End Cutscene:
Cinematic camera on Hero
Hero says, "Earth 2 Bucky, Namor, and Spidey, whats next Captain America and Bob agent of Shield."


maybe because the type of encounter is Fight 2? I really don't know about this stuff :lol:, just happened to browse random forums.


I fixed it  :thumbup:, the tool Ez Script Editor just pointed out what I did wrong. It was the smallest thing I left out a : after cutscene.