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Started by thanoson, July 20, 2009, 03:53:12 PM

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Ok, went to see this yesterday. OMG funny! Not sure if anyone else has seen this yet. If you have thick skin and appreciate off kilter humor, this is the movie for you.
Long live Slaanesh, Prince of Pain!!!


Ok, can't believe that nobody has seen this yet but myself.
Long live Slaanesh, Prince of Pain!!!


I intend to see it, just haven't gotten around to it yet.


I saw it last weekend, actually.

It was definitely hilarious, but overall I think I liked Borat better. Even though Borat was wildly inappropriate, he still had that ignorant innocence that made him all the more endearing. Bruno just comes across as obnoxious. He's hilarious, but I couldn't blame some of the peoples reactions to Bruno's behavior, like those campers and how he makes questionably sexual advances on them. Yeah, you could tell they were homophobic, but even if they weren't, it'd be completely reasonable to get upset at someone doing what Bruno did.

There are, however, more funny moments than not. My favorite being the "gay converters" and the hollywood parents selling their children  :lol:


Yes, selling their kids was awesome. And Straight Dave was a hoot.
Long live Slaanesh, Prince of Pain!!!


That was the closest that I've seen of gay porn in my life.  Not that I have a problem with gay people.  Or porn for that matter.  It wasn't like laughing at comedy.  It was like laughing at someone's immaturity.  It's not supposed to be funny, it shouldn't be, but it is unfortunately.


For me, I was not laughing at all at some things and splitting my sides at others, but overall it averaged out to a fairly good movie. Not nearly as funny as Borat, but pretty funny none the less.