Pulp heroes, Evil Mutants, and Giant Rabbits, all at Character Obscura IV

Started by daglob, August 21, 2009, 05:36:29 PM

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Yes, we put the "mixed" in Mixed Bag.

First up is The Crimson Clown, another creation from the fertile mind of Johnston McCullley, the creator of Zorro. While not a "super-hero", he fits in with other costumed adventurers like Batman, The Shadow, and The Phantom Lady.

Then we have the three mutant brothers from Doom Patrol # 115-116. Nasty characters with foul dispositions, they are just aching to take on some heroes.

We also present Thunderbunny, an anthropormorphic rabbit with powers an abilities far beyond those of mortal rabbits...

And lastly we have Ultimate Special Agent, one of the characters from Alan Moore's 1963 series.

Obscure or not, we got weirdness at CO4...