Can anyone provide details on how to install FFEdit on Steam FFvTTR?

Started by ElijahSnowFan, December 25, 2009, 03:02:38 PM

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Hi, guys!

So, I have decided to rebuild after all, and as what I thought was a bonus, I went ahead and joined Steam, as well, and did the digital download of FFvTTR.

I've seen the threads about how you have to make some modifications to install FFEdit...and, to be honest, it's a little beyond my comprehension -- I've never modified a registry file, sooooo...I'm really not sure exactly where to find it, or how to create it.

So, I was wondering if anybody would be willing to list exactly what I'm supposed to do? I don't mind being treated like a complete imbecile, because a) I'd like to get the darn thing running, and b) maybe if someone else has a hard drive crash off their XP-based systems and decides to go the Steam route with Windows 7, they might need detailed assistance, as well --  think of it as teaching the entire village how to fish!

BTW: The transition from XP to this platform is traumatic, not that I don't like Windows 7, because I do...I just used XP for, like, eight years! (Right, guys? Anybody here? Bueller? Anybody? Bueller?) :unsure: :D


ive been seeing this around but ont understand it...what exactly is steam?