Gold, Silver, and Bronze Age at Character Obscura 5

Started by daglob, March 20, 2010, 07:14:40 AM

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Now at CO5 we have an assortment of characters from the sublime to the ridiculous. Okay, we don't have any that are sublime, but we do have some that are open to ridicule.

In the Jap-A-Nazi Rats folder we now have The Creeper. This guy has nothing to do wiht Steve Ditko or Jack Ryder, but is a circus freak who has the ability to climb up sheer walls while wearing a costume that is more than a little reminicient of the one Batman wore when he first appeared. The skunk is a Nazi saboteur. He briefly fought Steel Sterling.

Over in the main area we have the Golden Age Brainwave, one of the JSA's recurring villains. He also caused the creation of a female version of the JSA which I'm going to have to skin one of these days...

Then we have The Sandman. Yes, I know he isn't really all that obscure, but this is a version wearing purple and lavender, and how many super villains (other than the Fightful Four) do that? Two skins for two meshes, or you could just put him on Male Heavy...

To combat this trio of evil, we offer Captain Triumph. This is a set of skins for both "halves" of this character. Rushing to Cap's aid is Rusty Ryan, a character incredibly lucky not to have caused a lawsuit. Then there is The Red Panther, the protector of the jungle, and Fire-Man (aka Fireman), a character with one of the strangest origins to have ever been invented. Not a good origin, just a strange one.

Lastly, from the Bronze Age we offer Nuklon, nowadays known as Atom Smasher.

Get 'em while they're hot at CO5: