Reinventing the Superhero MMORPG Pax Panel Briefing

Started by RTTingle, March 27, 2010, 08:53:25 PM

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Nice.  For those too lazy to read the whole thing, here's some new information that I haven't seen anywhere else.

Going Rogue

Praetoria covers levels 1-20
Side switching system starts at level 20
Two new powersets, Electric Control and Kinetic Melee.  This makes one for every class.
New Incarnate system added, which adds ten new levels, apparently after 50.  You can only get the first one in GR, though, the next 9 are part of Issue 19.  This is also known as the End Game System.
Characters switching sides will remain in their old supergroup, just temporarily suspended from it until they switch back.  It may be possible to be a member of both a hero and villain group at the same time.

Future stuff

Incarnate system mentioned above.
New powersets, inluding a staff based one.
Defenders will be tweaked to make them more soloable.
more zone events and rewards

EDIT: Found a video of the event, which includes video of Kinetic Melee (which looks really, really cool) and Electric Control.  Also this clarifies some things, so I've updated my summary.

EDIT2:  Forgot to post said video, but that is done below anyways.  They also mentioned that I 17's new enemy group is the Dopplegangers, which will be mirrored versions of whatever team is playing in that mission.
I am the cat that walks by himself, all ways are alike to me.



It looks like all the new powersets at least look cool.  Kinetic Melee looks fun to play, and a bit different.

I'm guessing we'll continue to get the new powersets released one a month.  So with I 17 and Demon Sum out April, that would make KM, which is definitely the farthest along, since they have video, for May and EC for June, with the full release of GR in July.  Just a guess, but it would make sense.
I am the cat that walks by himself, all ways are alike to me.


Was there a mention of altering the defender's abilities to make them more soloable?

Not that It ever stopped me from playing Saint before, but...
PROTIP: If you?re going to build a robot that can think for itself and then make it do menial labor, don?t make it twice your size, indestructible, and strong enough to pick you up and use your body to beat your friends to death. Alas, such is ever the folly of man.


Answered my own question:

From the PAX transcript -

Issue 17 will change Defenders inherent system to make them solo better
Saturday March 27, 2010 12:15

That's a long time in coming.
PROTIP: If you?re going to build a robot that can think for itself and then make it do menial labor, don?t make it twice your size, indestructible, and strong enough to pick you up and use your body to beat your friends to death. Alas, such is ever the folly of man.


I believe that came up in the question and answer session, which I have yet to watch.
I am the cat that walks by himself, all ways are alike to me.


I wonder what gets tweaked, and how much. I would like to see my secondaries do a bit more damage than an old  lady with a cane.
PROTIP: If you?re going to build a robot that can think for itself and then make it do menial labor, don?t make it twice your size, indestructible, and strong enough to pick you up and use your body to beat your friends to death. Alas, such is ever the folly of man.


Quote from: B A D on March 31, 2010, 05:24:38 PM
I wonder what gets tweaked, and how much. I would like to see my secondaries do a bit more damage than an old  lady with a cane.

Once they release Incarnates, I hear that the old lady with a cane can be upgraded to an old lady with a walker.  Which can transform into a wheelchair as a movement power.
