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Life Update

Started by Figure Fan, August 03, 2010, 05:47:41 AM

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Figure Fan

Hey FR friends,

It's been a long time since I've been an active user on here. I thought about it today, and it's been over seven years that I've been part of this community. I joined when I was 14 (going on 15). I'm 22 now. That's crazy. Recently, I've been reading up on what's new with you guys and thought I'd take this opportunity to tell you what's been going on in my life.

Many of you played a big part in my developing artistic abilities. I remember when I used to draw different forum members' avatars and post them each week. That was always fun. The calendar projects were also great times (I still have every one I participated in). I've been painting professionally for nearly a year now, and I've had some great opportunities. In October 2009 The Michigan House of Representatives chose a charcoal drawing of mine for their Arts in the House project. The drawing is on display at the state capitol until this October. I've had gallery showings at the Contemporary Art Institute of Detroit, community art organizations, and universities in the area. I've sold a few original pieces and prints along the way, too!

It's been great to be able to develop my art and find my voice as an artist. Though I don't directly work with superhero art anymore, growing up with them (and playing/modding this game) has had a lasting effect on me and my work.

I wanted to say thank you to all of you since I never really have. Your encouragement made a world of difference and I really appreciate it. :)

P.S. I post all of my new pieces (and WIPs) on my Facebook fan page. Add it if you'd like and let me know what you think:


1 - My, my , my how our boy has grown, You make me feel old.
2 - I'm glad and proud of you for your work. Past & Present  :thumbup:

Keep up the good work and I hope that you will continue to visit the site, even if it's just to say hi.  Funny, my daughter (who is 6) is getting into drawing and art, so guess what's the first things she draws....Superheroes.  I see a pattern here.
I don't call for tech support, I AM TECH SUPPORT!
It's the internet, don't take it personal!


That is awesome, son.

Hell, Jey's daughter wasn't even born when he started kicking around here.

Nice to see our little gang still is at it after all this time.
PROTIP: If you?re going to build a robot that can think for itself and then make it do menial labor, don?t make it twice your size, indestructible, and strong enough to pick you up and use your body to beat your friends to death. Alas, such is ever the folly of man.


Heh, I guess you and I have always been kind of analogues in some respects, FF.
I also joined when I was 15 (and am now 22, seven years later. yikes.) and was barely a fledgling artist. (god it embarrasses me to look at some of the stuff I used to upload and be proud of  :rolleyes:) The artists here in this community really inspired me to keep pushing myself, and you were one of those artists that I wanted to try and 'keep up' with, Fig. :) You've come a long, long way, and it's been pretty cool to watch. I keep tabs on what you put up on Facebook, and it's some neat stuff; you should definitely be proud. :)

It's weird to have essentially 'grown up' in an online community like this. Granted, I've fallen to a very inactive status in the past few years, but this group of crazy people and awesome creatives has always been one of my favorite places on the 'net. :)


-Eric :cardmaster


I joined at 12. So I win.

Thats some awesome news, FF. My brother has just gone through a similar purge of success, and its wonderful for an outsider to know the human being behind it. I'm really very impressed!


it is quite strange when you look at the art side, i was 19/20 when the game came out wanted to be a comic illustrator and knew nothing of photoshop, now i'm on the opposite side of things i used to post my badly drawn art here quite often but have moved away from any serious sketch work and now 9.5/10 would rather use a camera, and use PS everyday of my life

Figure Fan

Thanks, Jey. :)

Thanks, B A D ^_^

Thanks for the compliments, CM. I also keep up on your animation work when I can. You're right, too. We did pretty much grow up with this place. It's funny that the Web has been around long enough for people to actually do such a thing.

Reep: Congratz to your brother! :D

TUE: I've gotten so used to seeing your real name on Facebook that I forget your name on here. Haha.

The Phantom Eyebrow

Hey there FF, good to hear from you.  Er, and welcome back!


Amazing pieces and amazing artist.  It humbles me to say " I knew you back then..."
"I am the world's first fully functioning homicidal artist.  I make art until somebody dies"--The Joker