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Recommended graphics card

Started by freegentile, November 29, 2010, 04:58:15 AM

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Currently have GeForce 8600GT (I know, don't laugh), XP Pro, w/ 2.0 GB RAM, 2.2 GHz Core 2 Duo. What would you recommend for an upgraded graphics card? Really, only other thing I play is Battlefield 2, but it has some pretty heavy duty mods & they're starting to throw more @ the card than it can take. Thank you very much, sirs!


I recently got a GTX 460, which is relatively low cost top of the line card.  It works beautifully, although takes a lot of room in the computer and a fair amount of power to run.  It also will set you back $200, so it may be a big more high end than you had in mind. My CPU specs are about the same, and the card can handle far more than my CPU can, meaning you would actually not be able to quite get full use out of the card, but the result are still fantastic, especially compared to the one you have now.
I am the cat that walks by himself, all ways are alike to me.


I greatly appreciate your guidance, sir. Looks like ableshoppers has quite a few good deals on that card. Had no idea there were so many makes of "GTX 460", though!