Save game issue - cut scenes and triggers cease to function

Started by Moon Angel, December 09, 2010, 10:23:30 AM

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Moon Angel

Having returned to FF and FFvttr after several years to replay them I decided to try out some of the mods floating around. While everything seems to work well in FF, I am having some odd problems with mods in FFvttr (Steam edition).

I have been trying to play World's Finest and the DCUG, both of which look fantastic.

If I just play them without saving or loading things seem to be fine.

However, when I load a saved game none of the cut scenes or triggers seem to work correctly. So for instance in the first DCUG mission I cannot talk to the astronauts so the objectives will not update and there is no way to finish the mission. In World's Finest the "enraged citizens" will not start fighting each other when I approach and again there is no way to complete the objective and trigger updates to the mission.

It seems to be a general problem with triggers and cut scenes after loading a saved game.

I do not know if this is related but as I was looking around trying to figure out what was wrong I noticed that I could not find the location of the save files. There is no save games folder anywhere that I can see, despite looking all around the relevant Steam directory. Further, I noticed that save files for the mods show up in the main FFvtr campaign, although obviously the game returns an error and crashes if you try to load one of them. I do not know whether these save file issues are connected to the trigger problems after loading a saved game or not but I thought I should mention them.

Anyone have any ideas? I would be grateful for some assistance.


It's a known issue that ezscript mods have issues with save files if you save in the middle of a mission. I'm not sure of the specifics there, but it has been talked about a few times around the forum. Hopefully Benton, m25, or John Jr. interjects here and fill in the gaps. As far as I know,t he only fix for this is to restart the mission and to only save just before you start or just after you complete a level.

The save game folder is hidden. Check the FF Faq in the Freedom Force Discussion Forum for more details on that. Yes, saved files are "universal" as far as FF brands them. That means that a mod save file will show up in all mods despite not working correctly with other mods. Be sure to be clear when naming them.
Disappear when you least expe--

John Jr.

Welcome back, Moon Angel.
Prev. is right. EZScript don't works very well if you try save in the middle of a mission. You just have to restart the mission and it will work fine.
Good luck and I hope you like the mods.