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FFX Grapple Swap 101

Started by TaskMasterX, January 05, 2009, 05:43:34 PM

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I've had alot of questions about getting the Grapple Swaps working so I thought I'd type up a basic step-by-step instructions to hopefully clear things up.

The first thing is finding a good animation to use. Yellow Lantern has made grapple animations for some meshes here:

Other than that, you'll have to skope your own. The Grapple Swap will lock a character's animation at a certain point so the animation is never really completed, so you could use an animation that looks like they're grappling at first, but the rest of the animation doesn't. The swap will lock the animation and not play the rest of it so you'll never see it. It's all in the timing. Hopefully, more meshers will include grapple animations with their meshes.

Once you figured out which animation you want to use, here are the steps to create the swap.

1.) Add a Power to the character using the state you want to swap the Grapple for.
The type of state will determine the type of grapple. If you choose Hex, Blind, Purgatory, or Stasis, the Grapple will be Mystical in nature and the target's defenses vs. Mystical will be used to determine if they can break free or not. The same goes for PowerNull, Weaken, Hypnosis, Panic, Mental Blank, and Enraged, which swap to Mental-based Grapples, and Density Max swaps to Energy-based Grapples.
To create a physical Grapple, like a wrestling hold or bear-hug, use Energize, Energy Surge, Stun, Speed Increase, or Speed Decrease.
Frozen can also be used. Frozen will swap to a Physical-type Grapple (ice is a physical object and requires physical Strength to break), but it inflicts Cold damage rather than physical during the Grapple.
EXAMPLE: I load my Fantastic Four Thing hero file in the game and add a melee Power called Grapple. I give it the Energise State and adjust the Energy Cost and Swiftness to my liking and save the character.

2.)Open the file with a text editor. This file is located in C:\Program Files\Irrational Games\Freedom Force vs The 3rd Reich\ffx3\Missions\Scripts, if you installed the game and FFX to their default locations.

3.) Scroll all the way to the bottom of the file and add the swap line for the character. Follow the format that you see the other swaps have. Add a line above the last bracket ] and copy and paste an existing swap into that line. Now you just replace the character name, state to be swapped, and the grapple swap to be used. Save and close This line has to be here or the character's Power will never get swapped to Grapple.
NOTE: If you open FFXCC and select the character with a Grapple swap, the line you added for them in is erased!! You'll need to add it again after closing FFXCC! It might be wiser to customize any other swaps or attributes for the character in FFXCC first and then add the swap line to after.
EXAMPLE: I added the swap for Thing at the bottom. Yours should look something like this:
["blackbird","speeddecrease","mentaldamage","blackbird Shriek"],
["mentor","powernull","mentaldamage","mentor Shutdown"],
["black_jack","speedincrease","pull","black jack Grappling Hook"],
["evil_black_jack","stun","pull","black jack Grappling Hook"],
["blackbird","stun","vertigo","blackbird Shriek"],
["mentor","speedincrease","throw","mentor Tractor Beam"],
["microwave","hex","teleport","microwave Teleport Beam"],
["adam zorn","exile","teleport","all"],
["law","exile","crystallise","law Imprison"],
["liberty_lad","limeylure","icepatch","liberty Marble Bomb"],
["dark_shaman","hex","lifedrain","dark shaman Aura Blast"],
["dark_shaman_friendly","hex","lifedrain","dark shaman Cloud of Pain"],
["el_diablo","hex","firecage","eldiablo Flame Cage"],
["ironox","speeddecrease","gravityincrease","ironox Gravity Disc"],
["m-girl (stone)","hex","absorb","all"],
["m-girl (metal)","hex","absorb","all"],
["m-girl (wood)","hex","absorb","all"],
["m-girl (ice)","hex","absorb","all"],
["m-girl (fire)","hex","absorb","all"],
["m-girl (energy)","hex","absorb","all"],
["m-girl (rubber)","hex","absorb","all"],
["pan","blank","transmute","pan Transmute"],
["quetzlcoatl (ffx)","stun","hex","all"],
["quetzlcoatl","stun","hex","quetz Serpent Strike"],
["sea_urchin","powernull","staticcage","sea urchin Static Cage"],
["subterrestrial","stasis","gravityincrease","subterrestrial Down To Earth"],
["eye_major","panic","zerog","eye of the reich Panic Beam"],
["eye_minor","panic","zerog","eye of the reich Panic Beam"],
["ironox","weaken","taunt","ironox Taunt"],
["ironox","powernull","zerog","ironox ZeroG Touch"],
["wraith_manta","stun","strengthdrain","manta wraith Neon Bolt"],
["wraith_warrior","powernull","crystallise","wraith warrior Binding Force"],
["time_master","exile","teleport","timemaster Chrono Stop"],
["time_master_playable","exile","teleport","timemaster_p Chrono Stop"],
["tricolour","stun","weakspot","tricolour Elegant Melee"],
["tricolour","stun","weakspot","tricolour Precision Blade"],
["tricolour","stun","throw","tricolour Judo Flip"],
["the_bard","blind","transmute","the bard Transmute"],
["the_bard","rally","cloak","the bard Ariels Blessing"],
["order","powernull","weaken","order Weaken"],
["sea_urchin","stun","magnetise","sea urchin Magnetise"],
["blackbird ffx","speedincrease","pull","all"],
["blackbird ffx","stun","vertigo","all"],
["blackbird ffx","speeddecrease","mentaldamage","all"],
["blackbird","speeddecrease","vertigo","blackbird Shriek Cone"],
["blackbird","speedincrease","pull","blackbird Birdrope"],
["sky_king","limeylure","magnetpull","sky king Magno Grenade"],
["sky_king_ground","limeylure","magnetpull","sky king Magno Grenade"],
["the connector+","rage","mentaldamage","all"],
["the connector+","blind","zerog","all"],
["jelly baby","weaken","crystallise","all"],
["magnetic spirit","empathy","magnetpull","all"],
["papa legba","limeylure","summon","all"],
["the connector","weaken","mentaldamage","all"],
["the connector+","displace","mentaldamage","all"],
["fire spirit","limeylure","firewall","all"],
["john snow","empathy","selfheal","all"],
["papa legba","blind","transmute","all"],
["quetzalcoatl","stun","hex","quetz Serpent Strike"],
["fantastic 4 Thing","energise","grapple","all"],

4.) Open with a text editor. It's located in the same folder as the file. Scroll down to the section that starts with ### Grapple. By default, the Grapple will work like a wrestling hold. You'll only need to add a line if you want the grapple to operate in a way other than the default. For instance if you want it to use a FX, or not use use the character's Strength as the Hold Strength. Save and close the file.
EXAMPLE: Because Thing is using the Grapple swap as a wrestling hold, I don't need to add anything to the file. Thing's Grapple Swap should work now in game.

As you can see, it's fairly simple to setup a Wrestling Hold type of Grapple. It gets more complicated if you want to customize the Grapple or when using one of the other Grapple swaps like Ranged Grapple or Tangle. The thing to remember is that you have to add the swap line for the character in the file. This has to be done for every character that wants to use a Grapple Swap regardless of the kind of Grapple Swap or the state it's being swapped for.

Here's several examples of customizations I made for certain characters in the file:
### Explosive Tangle Wire
["types","aExplosion","OTangle FX","iHold Strength"],

### Tangle
["types","OTangle FX","iHold Strength","PDamage"],
["alpha flight shaman","effect_ffx_tree_entangle",4,"No"],
["young gods harvest","effect_ffx_tree_entangle",4,"No"],
["x-factor polaris","effect_ffx_tanglewire",5,"No"],
["blizzard i","effect_ffx_iceblock",4,"No"],
["blizzard ii","effect_ffx_iceblock",4,"No"],
["x-men classic iceman","effect_ffx_iceblock",4,"No"],
["x-men Iceman","effect_ffx_iceblock",4,"No",""],
["x-men jean grey","effect_ffx_tkbubble",5,"No"],
["x-men professor x","effect_ffx_mindlock",7,"No"],
["young gods brighsword","effect_ffx_tanglewire",5,"No"],
["baron zemo i","effect_ffx_blobby",8,"No"],
["baron zemo ii","effect_ffx_blobby",8,"No"],
["captain cold","effect_ffx_iceblock",6,"Yes"],
["celestial arishem","effect_ffx_tkbubble",10,"No"],

### Grapple
["types","OFX","PUse Current Strength","iHold Strength","PDamage"],

### Ranged Grapple
["types","OFX","PUse Current Strength","iHold Strength","PDamage"],
["x-force dominio","effect_ffx_yellowrope","No",4,"No"],
["fantastic 4 mr fantastic","effect_ffx_tanglearm1","Yes",0,"Yes"],
["arabian knight","effect_ffx_crimsonbands","No",7,"No"],
["avengers quasar","effect_ffx_yellowbubble","No",7,"No"],
["booster gold","effect_ffx_yellowbubble","No",6,"No"],
["x-factor ArtieMaddicks","effect_ffx_mindlock","No",4,"No"],
["zodiac i capricorn","effect_ffx_crimsonbands","No",4,"No"],
["carnage ","effect_ffx_crimsonbands","Yes",0,"Yes"],

### Ranged Grapple Custom Damage
["types","OFX","PUse Current Strength","iHold Strength","sPower"],
["coc live wire","effect_ffx_yellowrope","No",4,"ffx_electric_charge"],

### Throw2
["types","iMesh Size","iPick Up Time","iLeave Hand Time","AThrow Animation"],
["alpha flight sasquatch",1.3,2,1.5,""],
["alpha flight snowbirdsasquatch",1.3,2,1.5,""],
["avengers hercules",1.2,2,1.5,""],
["avengers hercules with mace",1,2,1.4,""],
["avengers hulk-1960s",1.4,2,1.5,""],
["avengers giant-man 12ft",1.8,2.8,0.2,""],
["avengers giant-man 16ft",2,2.9,0.2,""],
["avengers giant-man 22ft",2.5,2.8,0.4,""],
["avengers goliath I 15ft",2,2.2,1.4,""],
["avengers goliath I 20ft",2.5,2,1.5,""],
["avengers goliath II 15ft",2,2.85,0.3,""],
["avengers goliath II 20ft",2.5,2.9,0.3,""],
["avengers rage",1.2,2,1.5,""],
["avengers wonderman",1.4,2,1.8,""],
["aoe tower-giant",1.8,2,1.5,""],
["avengers she-hulk",1.2,2,1.6,""],
["big sir",1.3,2,1.5,""],
["blood brother",1.3,2,1.5,""],
["x-men classic beast",1,2,0.7,""],
["x-men beast",1,2,0.7,""],
["x-men beast pestilence",1,2,0.7,""],
["elders champion",1.3,2,0.7,""],

Notice how the ### Grapple section is nearly empty. That's because most of my characters that use this swap use it as a Wrestling Hold. The other swaps have several characters using the swaps in different ways - with different FX, Hold Strength, etc.

Things to Remember:
-Grapple and Throw2 is used only for swapping with Melee Powers.
-Tangle, Explosive Tangle, Ranged Grapple, and Ranged Grapple Custom Damage are all for swapping with Projectiles and Beam Powers.
-If you add the line for a Grapple Swap in and then open FFXCC and select the character, the line will be erased.
-You only need to add a customization line for a Grapple Swap if you want the Grapple Swap to operate differently than the default.


I can help out, if TMX doesn't respond right away.  Instead of stasis attacks, you could use a grapple attacks for things like glue guns, snake arms ala Anaconda, nets, bolas, etc.  Yes, grapple can simulate wrestling, but it can also simulate ranged entangling attcks.  Heck, it could be a melee entangling attack too.  The strength of the grapple attack represents how difficult it is to escape the grapple.  So, grapples are pretty useful and more fun than simple stasis. 


Xenolith summarized it well. I'll be a bit more detailed.
I've been asked why not use the Stasis Power? For one, Stasis has it's own FX that plays on the target. With Grapple Swaps, you can have a customizable FX loop on a target playing during the duration of the Grapple. Second, Stasis is a Mystic attack. There's no way to simulate a physical hold, or even a mental hold. With Grapple Swaps, the state you swap determines the type of hold that will be placed on the target and the appropriate resistances are calculated into breaking/maintaining the hold. Third, when the target is in the Stasis state, only the target is held and the "Grappler" is able to run around and use other powers when, if they're suppose to be really Grappling a target, they should be locked in place too, holding onto the target. The Grapple, Ranged Grapple, and Ranged Grapple Custom Damage all lock the grappler as well as the target. The Tangle and Explosive Tangle Swaps do not lock the user.
The Tangle Swaps are meant to simulate things like Net Arrows, Bolas, Glue Guns, Entagling Vines, Mental Holds that allow the user to move and use other powers, Telekinetic Bubbles, Mystical Bonds, Frozen in a Block of Ice, etc. Fliers fall to the ground and are held while the FX plays on them. Ever few seconds the target's resistance (Strength if the Tangle was Physical, Mental or Mystical Resistances if the Tangle was mental or mystical) is pitted against the Hold Strength. If the target wins, they break free. I've begun to use the Tangle Swap for swapping Frozen states, because it makes the fliers fall instead of leaving a frozen block of ice in the air  :) The Explosive Tangle is just a Tangle Swap with a twist. After a few seconds, if the target hasn't broken free, a customizable explosion power triggers on the target.
The three Grapple Swaps work similar to the Tangle Swap, except the grappler is locked in place and fliers do not fall. They're meant to simulate Wrestling Holds, Stretchy Arms Tangling, Lassos, Tangling Whips, Mental Holds that the user has to concetrate to maintain, etc.
So, depending on the Power Swapped, FX loop, and Hold Strength, you can virtually create any kind of Grappling/Tangling/Hold you can imagine.


Quote from: Xenolith on January 05, 2009, 06:45:03 PM
I can help out, if TMX doesn't respond right away.  Instead of stasis attacks, you could use a grapple attacks for things like glue guns, snake arms ala Anaconda, nets, bolas, etc.  Yes, grapple can simulate wrestling, but it can also simulate ranged entangling attcks.  Heck, it could be a melee entangling attack too.  The strength of the grapple attack represents how difficult it is to escape the grapple.  So, grapples are pretty useful and more fun than simple stasis. 

Actually of your suggested uses.... (glue gun, snake arms, nets, bolas) only one of them I even see applying... the snake arms.. because all the rest you apply something to hold the opponent that no longer requires your attention.

glue gun - you shoot them, they get stuck.. you shoot other people... no need to stand locked in place while they are stuck.
net - You throw the net, it ensnares the opponent... again no seen need to remain in place while they do
bolas - This is a thrown weapon that strikes the target and wraps around them (usually legs) ... why would I stare at the opponent laying on ground?

Mostly I see this ability VERY good for ropes and lassos and as you mentioned the snake arms for that character. I see you guys are interested in more anims being made to use this grapple swap... well might help to spell out what all you think it's good for. I think several meshers started including a anim or two per anim set that was a snatch and toss type.... because I think they thought that was what you meant by grapple.

Honestly when I heard grapple, the first thing that came to miind was wrestling, and all the myriads holds and such that get applied in that field such as bear hugs, arm bars, chicken wings, figure four, the claw,etc ... ( I could go on all day naming wrestling holds) Most of these would be VERY hard to animate because we don't have the opponent "available" to operate around during animation... and besides having the attacker executing the moves sounds great till you realize the target won't be animating the response :(

Honestly though other than ropes and lassos please feel free to spell out (in the most simplistic terms [pretend we're idiots] that you can possibly manage) every situation you see that uses this type of swap.

P.S. Also I have a question, I see you take an animation... freeze it and it never completes later on.... might I suggest another version perhaps??
Many times you have characters who throw objects that should return to them. Would it be possible to have the animation start.... get to the point where the object is thrown.... FREEZE... then after the FX completes.... unfreeze and finish the anim (catch the object)?
A wise man knows, he knows nothing
I must be the wisest man on Earth,
cause I don't know squat

laughing paradox

I use Ranged Grapple for quite a few things.

Black Mamba's darkforce power, where she suffocated a person with darkforce
Storm and Red Tornado's (and Crystal) whirlwind attack. The hero focuses on an opponent, who cannot move when in a whirlwind, and they take damage the longer they are stuck
Magneto's magnetism hold.. should cause damage
Jean Grey's/Phoenix telekinesis hold
Green Lantern's bubble hold.. squeezing it.

The applications are varied with some imagination.

I use the melee grapple with Mr. Fantastic and other elastic characters. Oh, and wrestler characters, like the Gladiatrix.. who can be found on my site! Plug plug. :p


Quote from: Vertex on January 05, 2009, 08:17:55 PM
Actually of your suggested uses.... (glue gun, snake arms, nets, bolas) only one of them I even see applying... the snake arms.. because all the rest you apply something to hold the opponent that no longer requires your attention.

glue gun - you shoot them, they get stuck.. you shoot other people... no need to stand locked in place while they are stuck.
net - You throw the net, it ensnares the opponent... again no seen need to remain in place while they do
bolas - This is a thrown weapon that strikes the target and wraps around them (usually legs) ... why would I stare at the opponent laying on ground?
Read the part about where I talk about the Tangle Swaps, Vertex. How do you simulate Bolas, Nets, and Glue Guns etc.,? There's no way to simulate a physical hold, only a mystical one with Stasis. Do you enjoy watching your fliers tangled with bolas, nets, and blocks of ice hang in the air? Or would you prefer a little more realism and watch them crash to the ground? And wouldn't you like a customizable FX loop played on the target with wires, nets, etc. rather than the simple Stasis FX?

Quote from: Vertex on January 05, 2009, 08:17:55 PM
Mostly I see this ability VERY good for ropes and lassos and as you mentioned the snake arms for that character. I see you guys are interested in more anims being made to use this grapple swap... well might help to spell out what all you think it's good for. I think several meshers started including a anim or two per anim set that was a snatch and toss type.... because I think they thought that was what you meant by grapple.
Honestly when I heard grapple, the first thing that came to miind was wrestling, and all the myriads holds and such that get applied in that field such as bear hugs, arm bars, chicken wings, figure four, the claw,etc ... ( I could go on all day naming wrestling holds) Most of these would be VERY hard to animate because we don't have the opponent "available" to operate around during animation... and besides having the attacker executing the moves sounds great till you realize the target won't be animating the response :(
The snatch and toss type animations I've seen are for throwing the target behind the thrower which is useful for using the original Throw Swap. The Throw2 Swap uses the pickup_object and throw_object animations because it's basically the same as picking up and tossing objects except that it's used on characters and throws them in the direction the thrower is facing.
We currently have meshes from Tommyboy (Mr Fantastic, Blacklash, etc.) that have the character stretch out part of the body in the direction of the target that can be used for those ranged grapple attacks. The ones needed are melee type grapples. The target is set in a looped pain animation during the grapple/tangle. Any kind of animation that has the grappler reach out in front of them is good for this swap.

Quote from: Vertex on January 05, 2009, 08:17:55 PM
P.S. Also I have a question, I see you take an animation... freeze it and it never completes later on.... might I suggest another version perhaps??
Many times you have characters who throw objects that should return to them. Would it be possible to have the animation start.... get to the point where the object is thrown.... FREEZE... then after the FX completes.... unfreeze and finish the anim (catch the object)?
Interesting, but don't we already have this with meshes like Thor and Captain America where some ranged animations show them throwing their weapon and it leaves their hand and returns? Wouldn't it be easier to mesh this than use code?


Quote from: laughing paradox on January 05, 2009, 08:54:53 PM
I use Ranged Grapple for quite a few things.

Black Mamba's darkforce power, where she suffocated a person with darkforce
Storm and Red Tornado's (and Crystal) whirlwind attack. The hero focuses on an opponent, who cannot move when in a whirlwind, and they take damage the longer they are stuck
Magneto's magnetism hold.. should cause damage
Jean Grey's/Phoenix telekinesis hold
Green Lantern's bubble hold.. squeezing it.

The applications are varied with some imagination.

I use the melee grapple with Mr. Fantastic and other elastic characters. Oh, and wrestler characters, like the Gladiatrix.. who can be found on my site! Plug plug. :p

I agree that these are all very good uses of the grapple swap.. not sure what new anim ya need for this since the mechanic allows ya to use any existing ranged anim for the attack.
A wise man knows, he knows nothing
I must be the wisest man on Earth,
cause I don't know squat


No new animations needed other than the physical grappling, and the grappling response, as you indicated in an earlier response.  I was just responding to ips question about what grappling does.   :)


Quote from: TaskMasterX on January 05, 2009, 09:02:47 PM

Quote from: Vertex on January 05, 2009, 08:17:55 PM
P.S. Also I have a question, I see you take an animation... freeze it and it never completes later on.... might I suggest another version perhaps??
Many times you have characters who throw objects that should return to them. Would it be possible to have the animation start.... get to the point where the object is thrown.... FREEZE... then after the FX completes.... unfreeze and finish the anim (catch the object)?
Interesting, but don't we already have this with meshes like Thor and Captain America where some ranged animations show them throwing their weapon and it leaves their hand and returns? Wouldn't it be easier to mesh this than use code?

Oh and as to the other uses you pointed out... lol you were posting that.. as I was posting the post.. that you quoted.. ergo hadn't seen it yet.

Well here's the ugly truth about any of those animations that currently exist. Let's say cap's shield throw, alright the anim takes the shield and tosses it YAY! Now there are a couple variables to consider from this point. How long does it take the character's shield to reach the target? How long does it take to return? I daresay more often than not.. your character mesh is throwing the shield.. and probably already catching it long before it probably would in reality. I've hardly ever used player made fx since early on in FF creation. I used to install fx that came out routinely but it's honestly been years since I have. If you try to animate in the time it takes for the thrown item to reach the target .. best you can do is guess how long on average and hope it comes close. A variable that halts the animation to not complete until the  target is struck however, ensures that the thrower can't "reload" yet till then.  Anyways not like it's needed at all was just curious if possible.
A wise man knows, he knows nothing
I must be the wisest man on Earth,
cause I don't know squat


Beyonder's Doc Ock mesh (byd_male_4tentacles) has a great melee grapple animation, melee_5.


Quote from: TaskMasterX on January 07, 2009, 02:25:23 PM
Beyonder's Doc Ock mesh (byd_male_4tentacles) has a great melee grapple animation, melee_5.

Yes but then it's beyonder I would expect no less.
A wise man knows, he knows nothing
I must be the wisest man on Earth,
cause I don't know squat


Could you provide an example of how you set up wonder woman's golden lasso?  I've been trying all morning and I get get the grapple to work.  I keep energizing thugs.  Better yet, please help me figure out what I'm doing wrong.

["wonder woman","energise","rangegrapple","all"], - I'm not sure which section the lasso should appear in.  I just want crushing damage.

### Ranged Grapple
["types","OFX","PUse Current Strength","iHold Strength","PDamage"],
["wonder woman","effect_wonderwoman_golden_lasso","Yes",0,"Yes"],

### Ranged Grapple Custom Damage
["types","OFX","PUse Current Strength","iHold Strength","sPower"],

laughing paradox

Quote from: Xenolith on January 10, 2009, 05:19:38 PM
Could you provide an example of how you set up wonder woman's golden lasso?  I've been trying all morning and I get get the grapple to work.  I keep energizing thugs.  Better yet, please help me figure out what I'm doing wrong.

["wonder woman","energise","rangegrapple","all"]

It should be rangeDgrapple.. just add the "d" after the word range and you should be set.


I had the D in there previously, but I couldn't get that to work, either.  Maybe I had something else wrong at the same time I had the D in there.  I'll try that again.


Making it "rangedgrapple" should be the solution for getting the swap to replace the Energized State. If not, then check the spelling of the hero file. Sometimes, I've noticed a space at the end of my hero files' name, like wonder woman .hero. Make sure the hero files match the entry in the file exactly. Even capitalization must be matched.

Quote from: Xenolith on January 10, 2009, 05:19:38 PM
I'm not sure which section the lasso should appear in.  I just want crushing damage.

### Ranged Grapple
["types","OFX","PUse Current Strength","iHold Strength","PDamage"],
["wonder woman","effect_wonderwoman_golden_lasso","Yes",0,"Yes"],

### Ranged Grapple Custom Damage
["types","OFX","PUse Current Strength","iHold Strength","sPower"],
Ranged Grapple and Ranged Grapple Custom Damage are basically the same thing, except with RangeGrappleCD, you can choose a specific power in FFEdit that can be triggered on the grappled target, like an electric shock. With Ranged Grapple, the type of damage inflicted is determined by the state you swap. Energize, Energy Surge, Stun, Speed Increase, or Speed Decrease will inflict Crushing Damage. Using Density Max will inflict Energy damage, Frozen will inflict Cold damage, Stasis inflicts Mystic damage, Hypnosis inflicts Mental damage, etc. Only Crushing, Energy, Cold, Mystical and Mental damage can be inflicted with Ranged Grapple. Use RangedGrappleCD to inflict Piercing, Acid, Heat, Electricity, or Radiation damage. Or, if you wanted to inflict random damage, then you could use RangedGrappleCD, since it uses a power from FFEdit, while Ranged Grapple inflicts a static amount of damage equal to twice the Hold Strength.


I'll double check my hero file.  I hadn't thought of that.  Thanks.


Howdy folks, I'm having trouble getting this to work, and I'm not sure if I've done something wrong or what.  I'm trying to give Hercules a wrestling hold and a throw, but neither are working.  Here are the entries in the custom file:


He's built in, I've run the control center, and I've even generated power id's....I'm not quite sure what else I can do.  Any ideas guys?
God Bless
"If God came down upon me and gave me a wish again, I'd wish to be like Aquaman, 'cause Aquaman can take the pain..." -Ballad of Aquaman
Check out mymods and blog!


I've never had luck with custom AI's and built in characters working together.

These little lines are awefully picky about names.  make sure you don't have Herucles or space Hercules or Hercules space, if you know what I mean. 

These are the easy options.