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Star Trek Online

Started by Midnite, September 04, 2009, 04:53:39 PM

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So my first road block in all this has been trying to download the beta. I have tried a couple times from different sites and got corrupt files and such so we will see if I can download it anywhere else.
"That is not dead which can eternal lie, and with strange eons even death may die."


 :doh:Bagh all beta codes are gone - Ow well i'll await someones commint to make final conclusion to buy the game or not :blink:


yeah as soon as I can find a solid download for the beta I will let you know. So far the ones I have tried have all ended up being corrupt
"That is not dead which can eternal lie, and with strange eons even death may die."


I could probably get my friends to switch from Eve to this.  I hope it doesn't stink.


Well from my MMO experience of WoW, CoH, SWG and AoC this reminds me most of SWG. The begining tutorial is o.k. but it doesnt cover how to add people to your ship and such. Also even if you purchase new crew I have not found a way to add them to your roster unless you have leveled up and have skill points to spend.

Overall so far the combat isnt too difficult. You can aim and use cover and shoot the environment. Ship combat isnt too bad but the miranda ship I have arcs really really wide so I am hoping future ships are more manuverable.

So overall it isnt too bad it does a good job of explaining the combat but outfitting your crew and ship I have not seen too much instruction on.
"That is not dead which can eternal lie, and with strange eons even death may die."


Quote from: Ares_God_of_War on January 14, 2010, 09:12:52 PM
Well from my MMO experience of WoW, CoH, SWG and AoC this reminds me most of SWG. The begining tutorial is o.k. but it doesnt cover how to add people to your ship and such. Also even if you purchase new crew I have not found a way to add them to your roster unless you have leveled up and have skill points to spend.

Overall so far the combat isnt too difficult. You can aim and use cover and shoot the environment. Ship combat isnt too bad but the miranda ship I have arcs really really wide so I am hoping future ships are more manuverable.

So overall it isnt too bad it does a good job of explaining the combat but outfitting your crew and ship I have not seen too much instruction on.

try pressing U and using the tabs :P

vertical tabs will have you, your ship, and then your crew
horizontal tabs will let you change equipment, skills, allocations etc

as far as ships go, you need to hit level 11 before you can trade up, which was far easier before thismorning patch, as people were afk camping the secure sector missions, you now have to do it in groups of 5 instead of 20, fleet combat is by far more enjoyable than team combat, and team combat is again by far more preferable to solo space combat.

once again, away missions are few and far between, so concentrate on getting equipment for your ship over getting equipment for yourself and your crew.

best way to get decent equipment, is get some good mk2 shields, then kite large klingon ships in an empty secure sector mission, once you have a decent phaser array and quantum torpedoes up front and a disruptor turret on the back you're pretty much laughing.

and yes I was giving this game bad reviews earlier, because the early game was, and still is pretty dissapointing, unfortunately, the further you get in the more it grows on you, even not being a star trek fan in the slightest (which may have been another reason behind my slighting, either way...)

I was impressed to see some role play going on in the klingon honour halls of whatever, tho 2 major things prevent me from joining in, 1 being my total lack of knowledge of all things trekkie, and 2 being the fact they were roleplaying.... in klingon.

I do feel compelled to mention the character creation is fairly impressive, I was worried we were going to see a range of cartoony anthromorphic "furries" like in CO but luckily that seems to have been avoided thoroughly, tho I did see "kip" from futurama...
I suspect tho, that these will all dissapear when the game goes live and everyone becomes a joined trill, or a borg if they got the lifetime subscription.

also there's no name filter at all, which means not only hacve I seen a million kirks and 5 million enterprises, i've also seen a million ships named with phallic verbs.

STO's official NDA was lifted at the beginning of open beta (which isnt open at all really)


lol sompne had a Kiff eh? I saw a human named Zap Brannigan and they even colored him as much as possible as Zap
"That is not dead which can eternal lie, and with strange eons even death may die."


God Bless
"If God came down upon me and gave me a wish again, I'd wish to be like Aquaman, 'cause Aquaman can take the pain..." -Ballad of Aquaman
Check out mymods and blog!


I'd imagine that they'd just about -have to- fix the name filter issue before launch.
STO/CO: @bluegeek


An unofficial opinion on STO's beta from the creator of 'Starslip' (if you're interested):
STO/CO: @bluegeek


are you limited to play as Federation? I'd love to play as Romulans or Orions.


you play has the federation for a bit and as you level you unlock the Klingons. In this game the Klingons overtook the Orions, Nauusicans and Gorn so you can make one of those 4 as a Klingon. Also you can make an "alien" and free form create something like a Romulan or a Human etc. there seem to be cardassian parts too.
"That is not dead which can eternal lie, and with strange eons even death may die."


We've added a STO section to the MMO board for those of you playing the game.
[img width=145 height=45][/img]

"I hold to a simple philosophy: Just assume everyone's a piece of crap and then be pleasantly surprised if you find anyone who ain't." - Luke Cage


We have an MMO board?

*edit* I found it. They were minimized
"That is not dead which can eternal lie, and with strange eons even death may die."

Elmir Fud

Can anyone discuss, maybe in spoiler fashion, the races available to Klingons as touched on earlier and also the Federation, besides Klingon and Human. I heard a rumor that Ferengi were in the game, too.
Aw, I don't have a wicense for a fwickaseeing wabbit.

Rick Battlemage

The game is down right now so I can't check the races.

I do know Ferengi are in the game but they have to be purchased with points in the C-Store. I think the game comes with points so that shouldn't be much of a problem.


I am the cat that walks by himself, all ways are alike to me.


Canceled my subscription after after almost 4 weeks....about half way to Commander rank and I just got really bored of it. Far too repetitive...even for an MMO. I'll check back in a few months...hopefully they've added ship interiors by then and a whole host of new features (new factions, actual exploration missions, internal ship missions,etc) to make it feel more like Star Trek.

So glad I didn't buy that lifetime subscription.
Clothes make the man and colourful tights make the Super-Hero.


Been avoiding the game, but from what I've read, it sounds like the game has way too much ship-based combat?

Someone let me know when they release a free trial/demo, because that's the only way I'm giving it a try at all.


Someone here can give you a 5 day pass. But yes most of the game is ship combat. Personally after playing other MMOs this one is good for the ship combat. The ground combat isnt too spectacular.
"That is not dead which can eternal lie, and with strange eons even death may die."


Quote from: Ares_God_of_War on March 03, 2010, 03:30:02 AM
Someone here can give you a 5 day pass. But yes most of the game is ship combat. Personally after playing other MMOs this one is good for the ship combat. The ground combat isnt too spectacular.

See, that's what i thought about ground combat too, until the episode i played last night.  there were too many Klingons for me to breeze through so i actually played a more strategic game of ground combat setting up rally points and using bonus powers.  it was more akin to Mass Effect, so i liked that.

Still though,  I've yet to have any true role-playing with other people,  which was my primary reason for switching to STO from CO - i just want to be on my bridge with other captains...  real trek style.


I have been killing things like the Romulans and such and nothing is too spectacular yet. I guess I am used to WoW raids and such and pushing more buttons that this. lol. I do like the game alot. Ship combat is fun to me. I love the Bird of Prey
"That is not dead which can eternal lie, and with strange eons even death may die."