Death's Head (Minion) and Death Stalker (Daredevil Villain)

Started by AnarchistsXe, February 15, 2011, 12:38:14 AM

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Deaths Head- No, never seen one                 
Death Stalker, yes, I have a OLD skin by Moonswolf for the male_hunter _suit mesh I will send you


Tawodi Osdi

I have two Death's Heads; one by Kraven and the other by Soulman.


Oh jeeze I do have that DeathsHead, I even made a hero file for him.   I was looking through my marvel villains list not thinking he was in the heros list. :doh:


Which Death's Head are yoju talking about Agent? The Minion one or the other one?

President Raygun

Hey USAgent could I get a copy of that Death-Stalker skin as well ?