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Great hunt Mod problem

Started by B A D, August 11, 2010, 12:02:59 AM

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Ok so in the great hunt i have gotten to the mish were you play as the phantom and you wake up in Karven's hunting grounds. I kill him and is raptors and go to the door which is impassible. So I look for a switch and find it under a rock. The thing is I cant click on it, desdroy it, or anything. Whats up with this. Do i break it? Do I wait for something? Is it a glitch? Plz help i really want to beat the lvl and kick Kane's but.
PROTIP: If you?re going to build a robot that can think for itself and then make it do menial labor, don?t make it twice your size, indestructible, and strong enough to pick you up and use your body to beat your friends to death. Alas, such is ever the folly of man.


This is an old, old OLD problem. Ive had it a couple of times myself when I played it. There IS a fix to it, but I cant remember, and the GHM page was taken down a while ago. Someone else may remember how to fix the problem.

The GH is perhaps the best mod Ive ever played. Lots of different heroes, lots of interesting missions and it has an epic feel to it. I love it.


BAD I'm stuck too!
Did you find a fix?  Anyone know the solution?


Any fixes for this yet? Or any saves so I can get past to level. Or any cheats. This is a great mod and I would hate to not see the end of it.


FFX is a terrific add-on of features for the original game of Freedom Force by Dr. Mike.

But in order to do all the cool stuff it does, it changes some of the files in the original game. This can cause a conflict with The Great Hunt. Beta testers found that with FFX installed, the later missions if TGH have no cut scenes or objectives.

A simple fix for this requires you to manually change the names of two folders.

After you have installed The Great Hunt, open up the following Directory:

C:/Program Files/Irrational Games/Freedom Force/data/mission:

You should locate two folders in the directory, one named scripts_GH, and one named simply scripts. First change the name of the scripts folder to scripts_ffx, the change the scripts_gh folder to simply scripts.

The Great Hunt should now run smoothly. When you're ready to play FFX again, all you have to do is to change the folders names back.


That seemed to work. Thanks! I know FFX has an option to turn it off for certain mods. I wonder if that would work too.