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Overcharging attacks

Started by AnarchistsXe, March 20, 2019, 03:48:32 PM

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Is there a way to overcharge attacks in  :ffvstr:?
In  :ff: correct me if I'm wrong but you right clicked on an enemy and picked the level of your attack. In  :ffvstr: that seems to be removed. Unless I'm missing something.


Hold Ctrl when selecting a power or before you click on an enemy


It was right clicking in :ff: right?


Yeah, right-clicking on an enemy would bring up your power menu and right-clicking on a power in that list would give you the option to underpower (less power; less damage), overpower (more power; more damage), or super overpower (a lot more power; a lot more damage) your attacks.

Unfortunately, Irrational Games, in their infinite wisdom, decided to do away with FF's energy system, so now you can only overpower your attack.

You can still right-click and bring up your attack list, but holding Ctrl is what overpowers your attack. You might be able to right-click on your power, but I haven't used that functionality in forever.


Your first 4 powers are also set to the F1~F4 keys, too. So you can just click after selecting a power, and it saves tye whole right-click menu.
I used to make my heroes with only 4 powers, so I could play quickly without pausing the game to issue commands.