Skinning Problems: Skin showing up in Character Tools 2 but not in game

Started by Razahl, February 07, 2012, 01:46:27 AM

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Ich, this certainly wasn't my idea of a first post but given my recent road block I suppose I have no choice. I've been playing Freedom Force on and off for the past year or so and recently decided to start modding it myself.

As a means of familiarizing myself with the tools and process I decided to just take one of the built in custom characters (NoCapeMan was my subject) and make some quick and minor changes to their mesh, then I would import the modified mesh into FFvtTR. As I went on I hit a few snags, but managed to sort them out and learn more about the programs I was using. Unfortunately I have no idea how to solve this new problem and Google has failed to find me a solution.

After modifying the mesh in Blender and using NifSkope to copy the new mesh into the default NoCapeMan character.nif I have loaded the subject into Character Tool 2. Upon first clicking on them they have no skin and default to a purple color, but when I click on one of their skin options it appears and they look exactly like what they are suppose to. I decided to see how serious this problem was by loading the character in-game, when I did the mesh appeared properly but the skin was a mix of black and white.

If I had to guess i would say the problem was caused by Blender, but would be solved with NifSkope. I have yet to find a solution online, but perhaps the people of this site are familiar with the problem. If you need any additional information or screenshots, just ask.


Check with nifskope to see if you're still set to look at the default skin name/type and location. The only problem I've ever had with Blender is the default setting of "force .dds" overriding the actual .tga texture.


Thanks Random, I reset the paths to the skin location and it worked fine. Why do I always miss the obvious solutions?

Well, back to experimentation.


Welcome to the community Razahl,glad ya got your problem fixed.