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Started by hmarrs, April 10, 2012, 09:23:42 PM

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Okay question let's say I want to skope a mesh in this case Irenhulk.
So who do I inform do I send him a private Message or is there a list?
Can someone help me because I don't want to disrespect anyone.


There's also a Nifskope Permission List here:

I'm pretty sure it's the same list, though.


So basically if the artist' name is on the list you can use any of their meshes?
I don't mean to be redundant be I want to be careful and sure.


You can "skope" any of their meshes, yes. If there are exceptions (Beyonder's Doc Ock being one I know offhand) they're on there as well.

One thing people need to keep in mind, permission to skope something is not the same as giving permission to use the niftool importers to edit them. It's less of a big deal with me (I include Max files half the time on my meshes anyway) but it's something to keep in mind.


Ok I'm sorry to be a nag but this is very important to me as I really appreciate the talent here.
Tomato can you please explain the difference of the two to me?

Cyber Burn

I don't know what the niftool importers do, but Nifskope is a tool that allows you to alter meshes. You can hide/unhide pieces of a mesh, move or re-size pieces of a mesh, copy and paste pieces from one mesh to another, etc.