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Under 30 content vs over 30 content

Started by steamteck, December 06, 2012, 04:34:00 PM

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Under 30 seems to have a reasonable difficulty curve and be a fun open world experience. After 30 seems mainly redundant or suddenly insanely hard new missions without much intergration into the world. The pumped up missions are especially frustrating with security guards now having apparently nuclear handguns. I have several under 30 characters which I'm enjying the heck out of but once I saved Superman from Luthor in the hall of Doom everything seemed to go downhill and I feel far less powerful than I did at earlier levels.

Am I missing something or is 30 plus just not for me? I don't care for PVP but prefer to have the "adventures of" with coop with my family and friends or solo.


You just need better equipment once you hit 30. NPCs hit harder. First thing to do at 30, challenges, T1 duos & alerts. Work on easy feats from older missions, complete all the Booster Gold tours, exploration feats of both cities, finishing travel power races. That should push you in the mid 30s for skill points.


Seems like grinding rather than just having fun adventures. The level 30 catwoman one isn't bad but the simulationist in me hates the Penguin mission. Redos where the same foes are just buffed doesn't appeal to me. Alerts and duos that aren't just reworked stuff might be OK.

I actually have all the skill points I need having explored the heck around. I don't have many R&D thing ( something my new characters are correcting) maybe that's probelm. I guess the real shock is the sudden jump in how tough everything is makes me feel almost like 3rd level or so again. I find I really really enjoy my lower level characters still though.

i'll take your advice and see how it goes.



Pc and US.

My son, daughter and I just got our asses completely kicked at Ace chemicals by security.  We're playing our lower level characters alittle more now to feel more super.


Is your family in a league already? Guys want to join the FR league? We have a few family oriented members in the league.  ^_^



We have a pretty helpful group that could run you thru anything if you needed the help. Just drop a name for us to look up and we'll do what we can.  :thumbup:
Dreadlok-Officer of Freedom Reborn on DCUO (PC)
              -Founder of Freedom Reborn on Marvel:Contest of Champions (tablet)