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"Romulus Reborn"

Started by BlueBard, April 10, 2013, 01:17:44 PM

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As some of you may know, the Star Trek Online game is launching Legacy of Romulus in May.  For the first time, you will be able to play as a Romulan survivor of the fall of the Romulan Star Empire after the Hobus supernova destroyed Romulus.

You may also know that Romulan players will be forced to make a choice at level 10 between allying themselves with the Federation or with the Klingon Empire.

A lot of people will be forming Romulan fleets allied with either the Federation or the KDF.  But it also appears that Romulans will be able to join existing fleets.

I am writing this to let you know that the Federation Reborn fleet will be welcoming Romulan refugees with open arms.

The Romulan Republic is an attempt to escape the yoke of the Tal-Shiar and the Military and live free as a part of the galactic community.

Yes, they have their own agenda. But that agenda is at least partly guided by the ideals of Ambassador Spock.

Throwing off tyranny to establish democracy is something that the Federation should wholeheartedly support, being fundamental to the Federation's own ideals.

And we of Federation Reborn support those ideals. Therefore we fully welcome the Republic as allies and support them in establishing a democratic society, trusting that we will endure as friends and one day live as brothers and sisters.

Yes, the Republic has their radicals and even some scoundrels. All the more reason to support those who desire peace and prosperity and are willing to defend it with their lives.

So if you're planning on playing a Romulan, and if you choose to ally with the Federation, I hope you'll keep Federation Reborn in mind when you choose a fleet.
STO/CO: @bluegeek


It's not too late..!

Legacy of Romulus launches this coming Tuesday, May 21st!

I've avoided any real spoilers, but from all I'm hearing this is going to be epic.

Pre-Patching for the expansion has already begun.  Patch or download now to get ready!
STO/CO: @bluegeek