green goblin alex ross to find nif and copy it on nifskope

Started by Skerdilajd Shehi, July 26, 2013, 02:21:49 PM

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Skerdilajd Shehi

 :ffvstr: hey it me i will make green goblin verison of alex ross not the classic but the new one so send me a link of other nif to make green goblin alex ross from heroes or villains please <_<

Cyber Burn

If I understand you correctly, you are asking for existing "Green_Goblin" Meshes that you can alter to make the Alex Ross version of the "Green_Goblin", am I correct?

If so, then there are two that I know of, one by Texas Jack, and the other by Tommyboy.

Texas Jack's "Green_Goblin" Mesh is located here:

And Tommyboy's "Green_Goblin" Mesh is located here:

I hope that helps you.

Skerdilajd Shehi

ok thanks i need a hood and this is how it looks like

Cyber Burn

If you check Tommyboy's website, you should be able to find a couple of meshes with hoods, however, I don't think any are exactly like your picture.

Skerdilajd Shehi

ok i make skin like spiderman earth-x as peter parker skinbase C6 Base Skins 10-Pack from mesh tomato new power INC Male_Football_TM Other meele


Tommyboy's Demogoblin  and Hobgoblin have hoods and already come with the glider and animations. Both of these are located on his main site: