Why don't the original Irrational meshes show up in Nifscope?

Started by daglob, November 08, 2016, 01:27:13 AM

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Because the Irrational meshes were exported using different converters than the ones that were made publically available. And, because several of the more notable characters were made available via max file, there hasn't been as much call to reverse-engineer them.



Another interesting thing about the FFVTTR meshes is that they actually appear twice in the mesh. Usually there is one mesh that you can see, and then there is an LOD_mesh that you can't see in Nifskope, but you'd be able to see in character tool.
Usually I end up deleting the visible mesh, and then hiding the LOD_mesh for my skopes.  Maybe if you delete the LOD one there is an error.  Im away from my pc now and cant check for certain.


This actually because the Irrational meshes use NIClod nodes. These are not fully supported in Nifskope, mostly because no other game seems to use them (including FF3R).

The later nif specifications (10.x.x.x etc) implemented NiLod nodes instead.
"You fertility deities are worse than Marxists," he said. "You think that's all that goes on between people."

Roger Zelazny, Lord of Light. 1971.