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FFx3.3 adjustments

Started by ELECTR0, March 18, 2014, 04:47:04 PM

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Been making some adjustments to my FFx3.3 was wondering what causes the shaking of the camera on the Twister attribute, the FX or the code? I need to turn the shaking off. Next I need to know what Power in FFEdit is linked to the Kamikaze attribute, because I need to decrease the radius and damage. It's a fun attribute but way to powerful. Last I would like to know if I can change something in the file in order to have hypnosis be a wining feature in Watchmode if the last standing enemy is hypnotized? I know it was like this in earlier FFX builds but TaskmasterX changed it. It would be fun to have it changed back unless there are other reasons why it should not be changed.


For Twister and Kamikaze, the effect is managed via the power ("ffx_superrotate" for Twister – and Human Top –, "evil male Annihilate" for Kamikaze). In the first case, you can either alter the power directly or, if you don't want to change the Human Top behaviour, edit line 28997  by replacing the power with another:


For Kamikaze, you can simply use the FFX Control Centre to select a different power for your character.

For hypnosis in skirmish, you could comment out the following lines at the end of
if (Object_GetPrimaryState(char)==PCSTATE_HYPNOTISED) and (oldTeam != team):
    return 1

#if (Object_GetPrimaryState(char)==PCSTATE_HYPNOTISED) and (oldTeam != team):
    #return 1
FFX add-on for FFvsTTR at


Thanks, that all worked just fine!