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Avatar Discussion!

Started by spydermann93, July 26, 2014, 08:35:43 PM

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This topic is to complement Cyber's Avatar Request forum and my Avatar Appendix.

Please post your Avatar Profiles in the "Avatar Appendix".  Thank you!

Cyber hasn't posted his Request Thread yet, but when he does, I'll link it, here! :D

EDIT: Cyber has posted "The Official Avatar Request Thread"!  If you don't have an avatar yet and you'd really like to get one, please head over to Cyber's thread and the community will help you get started!  A fine group of chaps, they are. *happy tear rolls down face*


Very cool idea, I like seeing what people have come up with since we have lots of very creative people in the community.


Hey Bat,

Do you happen to have any pics of your arch enemies?  I'd very much be interested in seeing what they look like. :D

Also, I love that people are posting many different pictures of their avatar; from the beginning to now.  It's just amazing how people grow in skill over time.


Oh sure, although I won't post any bios for them (only additional notes on some of them) in order not to turn this topic into "Black Dragon's rogues gallery"   ;) Don't have screens of all of them, since I uninstalled Champions Online a while ago and don't have DCUO screens for any that I remade there atm. Ofc would like to see them in  :ffvstr: some day

Bakemono (reffered to as O Bakemono by his underlings), has several different looks for story reasons here in his armored look

Big Boss (Al Capone meets Kingpin)

The Hawk

Bloody Mary

Fire Wall

Golden Mask

Voodoo (had an alternate look in purple trenchcoat and facepaint instead of the mask)

Sewer King


Wow, those are pretty awesome!

I think Bakemono, Voodoo, and Sewer King are the coolest looking ones of the group with Bakemono leading the pack.


Haha! I'm really enjoying your entry, Cat!

I don't think I've ever seen anything about your avatar, before. Thanks for sharing with us! :thumbup:

To everybody, thank you for sharing your profiles! I'm enjoying them all greatly!


Quote from: spydermann93 on July 29, 2014, 10:37:19 PM
Wow, those are pretty awesome!

I think Bakemono, Voodoo, and Sewer King are the coolest looking ones of the group with Bakemono leading the pack.

Ty, I appreciate that ^_^

Cyber Burn

I'm really enjoying the Avatar threads, it's nice to learn a little bit about the Members of Freedom Reborn.

I also want to note that my original Avatar was NOT designed, Skoped, or Skinned by me, it was a gift presented to me upon joining FR, and is still something I very much appreciate.