LSH fodder Dark Circle skins?

Started by El1jahSnowFan, November 14, 2014, 03:54:57 AM

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Hi, all!

I know I've seen these somewhere before, and though I know where much of the Legion content is, I have to admit, I can't remember who made these skins or where they are.

Anybody able to help?

Cyber Burn

They are on my list of Characters to re-do, but in the meantime:

Check in the "December 2012" Folder.


Quote from: Cyber Burn on November 14, 2014, 02:17:07 PM
They are on my list of Characters to re-do, but in the meantime:

Check in the "December 2012" Folder.

You're a good man, CB. A good and fine man, without a doubt.  :thumbup: :thumbup:

Cyber Burn

You give me much more credit than I deserve. But like I said, these guys are on my list to re-do, I'm just having trouble finding decent pics to base my Skopes on.


Quote from: Cyber Burn on November 15, 2014, 05:58:15 AM
You give me much more credit than I deserve. But like I said, these guys are on my list to re-do, I'm just having trouble finding decent pics to base my Skopes on.

Man, no worries -- you know me. My OCD would have killed me by now if it weren't for you guys. I appreciate all the things you guys do, because I simply can't skin and can barely skope a piece here and there.

Just looking at your thread you directed me to, for example, I still want to give you a big old man-hug for you and DaGlob doing that Monarch for me -- that was freaking awesome then and is still awesome now. I still break that character out when Superman starts to get a little uppity. :thumbup:

Cyber Burn

Quote from: El1jahSnowFan on November 15, 2014, 07:03:17 AM
Quote from: Cyber Burn on November 15, 2014, 05:58:15 AM
You give me much more credit than I deserve. But like I said, these guys are on my list to re-do, I'm just having trouble finding decent pics to base my Skopes on.

Man, no worries -- you know me. My OCD would have killed me by now if it weren't for you guys. I appreciate all the things you guys do, because I simply can't skin and can barely skope a piece here and there.

Just looking at your thread you directed me to, for example, I still want to give you a big old man-hug for you and DaGlob doing that Monarch for me -- that was freaking awesome then and is still awesome now. I still break that character out when Superman starts to get a little uppity. :thumbup:

Back in the day, Hawk and Dove (Hank and Dawn) were awesome, their struggle/balance between Order and Chaos were symbolic representations of another type of balance/struggle for me. I have to admit, I was really upset when Monarch was revealed, it changed that dynamic for me. Not a good thing. Monarch was one of the original Characters that I wanted to create when I joined the Community, but couldn't. Daglob was a lifesaver for me in regards to making Monarch a reality. It was...therapeutic. I still need a Hero File for him though.


Quote from: Cyber Burn on November 15, 2014, 07:13:00 AM
Quote from: El1jahSnowFan on November 15, 2014, 07:03:17 AM
Quote from: Cyber Burn on November 15, 2014, 05:58:15 AM
You give me much more credit than I deserve. But like I said, these guys are on my list to re-do, I'm just having trouble finding decent pics to base my Skopes on.

Man, no worries -- you know me. My OCD would have killed me by now if it weren't for you guys. I appreciate all the things you guys do, because I simply can't skin and can barely skope a piece here and there.

Just looking at your thread you directed me to, for example, I still want to give you a big old man-hug for you and DaGlob doing that Monarch for me -- that was freaking awesome then and is still awesome now. I still break that character out when Superman starts to get a little uppity. :thumbup:

Back in the day, Hawk and Dove (Hank and Dawn) were awesome, their struggle/balance between Order and Chaos were symbolic representations of another type of balance/struggle for me. I have to admit, I was really upset when Monarch was revealed, it changed that dynamic for me. Not a good thing. Monarch was one of the original Characters that I wanted to create when I joined the Community, but couldn't. Daglob was a lifesaver for me in regards to making Monarch a reality. It was...therapeutic. I still need a Hero File for him though.

What's that? You need a Herofile for Monarch? Now, I agree: I didn't like the Hawk/Dove reveal, so I totally disregard that. I use the Captain Atom version from "Countdown," instead -- that makes more sense to me, though I do love Captain Atom. (In my head, I found a way to resolve this so I have both).

Give this one a shot -- this is Monarch at his "I've absorbed all the other multiversal Captain Atoms and I'm now one of the baddest beings in the universe" version -- and remember, this dude is TOUGH. But he can still be beaten by the right mix of extremely powerful characters, and it definitely helps to come after him with a telepath or magic-user lurking in the background. If you don't...well. Good luck with that, Superman!  :thumbup::

Strength: 10
Speed: 6
Agility: 5
Endurance: 8
Energy: 10

Flier, True Invulnerability 15, Defense Mechanism, Combat Skill (Expert), Physical Resistance
Passive Defense: Energy Absorption at 95 percent (Radiation, Energy, Electrical, Fire) across all attack types
Note 1: "Quantum Drain" is a Weaken power for energy-based beings like Firestorm, where he just shuts them down immediately
Note 2:"Power Devour" is a Genetic Damage power where he rewrites you at a molecular level (And when he does that, you are about to get knocked the hell out, Superman!)  :thumbup:
Note 3:"Photonic blast" is an energy blast for his command over Quantum energy
Note 4:"Radiation beam" is a radiation blast for his command over the electromagnetic spectrum
Note 5:"Quantum Punch" is an energy melee
Note 6:"Red Sun Punch" is an radiation melee

   ["target enemy",
      'not flying',
   ["timer", 'auto',
      "TMoveTo(type='any', subtype='energy', mindist=100)",
      "TActiveDefense('proton shield',mindist='melee',time=4.78,situation='lowerhealthpct 25')",
      "TChargeUp('Draw on the Quantum Field',pct=30,time=2.31,subtype='higherstrength 8',situation=['not chargedup', 'not swarmed'],priority=10)",
      "TChargeUp('Draw on the Quantum Field',pct=30,time=2.31,situation=['not swarmed', 'lowerhealthpct 40'])",
      "TChargeUp('Draw on the Quantum Field',pct=50,time=2.31,situation=['not swarmed', 'lowerhealthpct 25'])",
      "TDirect('power devour',time=2.87,pct=25,subtype='ranged_energy or heat_vision or ranged_radiation or ranged_electrical')",
      "TDirect('Quantum Drain',time=2.87,pct=25,subtype='radiation or energy')",
      "TRanged('radiation beam',pct=40,time=1.27)",
      "TRanged('radiation beam',time=1.27,subtype='heat_vision or stunned',priority=11)",
      "TRanged('photonic blast',pct=40,time=1.27)",
      "TMelee('quantum punch',pct=30,time=1.04)",
      "TMelee('quantum punch',time=1.04,subtype='stone or energy',priority=6)",
      "TMelee('red sun punch',time=1.04,subtype='heat_vision or stunned or metal',priority=11)",
      "TMelee('punch',pct=35,time=1.04,subtype=['lowerstrength 9', 'not metal'])",
      'TMoveTo(mindist=\'short\',time=0.87,subtype=["not emitting_damage","flying"])',
      'TMoveTo(mindist="melee",subtype=["not emitting_damage","not flying"],time=0.87)',