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Ultraverse prime.

Started by deanjo2000, June 15, 2015, 03:09:28 PM

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Is there a prime mesh/skope???
I've started a skin and a skope but my skoping skills are very basic.

I think ive got the body right, but idealy id like him a bit more buff but im looking for his arm/leg pieces.

"sorry she couldn`t wait" superman to wonderman jla/avengers.

Cyber Burn

Off the top of my head:


As far as other options, I believe Grenadier has a "Male_Heavy_Cape" floating around, but I don't know of anything that would be more buff than that. If you want, I'd be glad to try and Skope something up for you.

Cyber Burn

Apologies for the double post, but I just saw Gren's "Drax the Destroyer" on Force of Paradox which may serve as a good starting point for a "Prime" Skope.


There is a Prime for Male Heavy Cape Versatile, or whatever it's called. There are maybe 2-3 skins for it. Please don't let that stop you; this looks GREAT!

Cyber Burn

I'm looking at your Skope, and I'm kind of curious, what Mesh are you using? I like the long Cape, but I'm not sure where it comes from.


I think it was the omniman mesh with thor gren2 Cape.

"sorry she couldn`t wait" superman to wonderman jla/avengers.

Cyber Burn

I'm sorry this is taking so long DeanJo, I didn't realize how rusty I was with NifSkope after taking all that time off to focus on making FX. I'm thinking I just need to start over because I am going to have to remove the "NiSkinInstance" parts of the Bootcuffs and Armbands. That should allow me to move things around a bit easier to get them in the positions that I want them to be in. I should have just done this first,  :doh: , but the rust got the better of me. On the plus side though, he is on the top of my "To Do" List, so he will get done.


Totally no rush.
I'm grateful for any help :D

"sorry she couldn`t wait" superman to wonderman jla/avengers.

Amazo Version 2.2

hey guys, any chance you can make this an "all in one" skope?

Quote from: deanjo2000 on June 17, 2015, 08:32:09 PM
Im working on prime, but got a little sidetracked with this version of him.

Still got some things to do, different hair and some other things but so far im happy :thumbup:

just my opinion, but that would be awesome.
For anyone, and everyone, who has ever done anything to improve the FF/FFvs3R gaming experience, I want to say thank you. Life is so short, and you have all brought me so much joy. I hope that one day, I am somehow able to return the kindness and generosity that all of you have shown.

Cyber Burn

I'm always willing to try something new.  :D


I dont know how to do that but im game :thumbup:

"sorry she couldn`t wait" superman to wonderman jla/avengers.

Cyber Burn

While I've actually never done one, I'm thinking it's just a matter of merging the two Skopes, and Alpha'ing out the Skin that's not in use. Since I'm still working on the first "Prime" Skope (I think I finally found pieces that will blend together nicely), if you want, go ahead and send me what you have so far for this one, and I'll see what I can do.


Its been sent :thumbup:
Again no rush and only do it if you have time :D

"sorry she couldn`t wait" superman to wonderman jla/avengers.