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The Tomato request thread.

Started by Tomato, July 12, 2015, 06:38:29 AM

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So I've been re-reading Young Avengers again and I got this idea in my head to run the Young Avengers against "The Team" from the Young Justice cartoon. Of course, I'm in sort of a pickle because I have to restart from scratch again  but I am trying to amass whatever I can on my own

That said, I could use some help tracking down skins and such. As I stated, my main focus are skins, herofiles, and any FX I need to make a Young Avengers vs Young Justice brawl. Skins for the former are easy enough... AfghanAnt pretty much skinned every Young Avenger I could want and then some. But even though there are a few YJ comic-based skins floating around, I'd prefer those based on the cartoon. I might even be willing to make some myself, but I want to see what's out there first.

Anyway, here's what I'm looking for:

Young Avengers
Young Justice

  • Patriot- Skin, Herofile, FX
  • Hulkling- Skin, Herofile, FX
  • Wiccan- Skin, Herofile, FX
  • Stature- Skin, Herofile, FX
  • Vision II- Skin, Herofile, FX
  • Hawkeye II- Skin, Herofile, FX
  • Speed- Skin, Herofile, FX

  • Robin- Skin, Herofile, FX
  • Miss Martian- Skin, Herofile, FX
  • Zatanna- Skin, Herofile, FX
  • Aqualad- Skin, Herofile, FX
  • Superboy- Skin, Herofile, FX
  • Artemis- Skin, Herofile, FX
  • Kid Flash- Skin, Herofile, FX

I'll try to keep this updated as much as possible. Anything with a strike-through has been found already, and FX are totally dependent on the herofiles.


Hey Tomato i think i can help a little bit. In my yahoo group i have uploaded my personal hero files. I have made Patriot, Speed, Lady Hawkeye (we are both talking about Kate Bishop right?), Spped and Wiccan. If you can wait one more day i can make a Hulking hf in a flash (pun intended). As for the FX the only one i can think that you don't have might be Patriot stars. Unfortunately it's not an isolated fx but it's included in AA's heralds of Destiny mod. So you can download it and just transfer the fx, he has some really cool stuff in there.

Just pm me your e-mail address so i can send you the Hulking hf.


If you aren't using AA's Robin and Kid Flash skins, I'm not sure, but I think John Jr. Made some Young Justice skins.
Also, Revenant's Zatanna is pretty good too, although I think it's based on her appearance in the Justice league console game.


Quote from: detourne_me on July 12, 2015, 07:22:40 AM
If you aren't using AA's Robin and Kid Flash skins, I'm not sure, but I think John Jr. Made some Young Justice skins.
Also, Revenant's Zatanna is pretty good too, although I think it's based on her appearance in the Justice league console game.

I knew I'd seen at least Robin floating around somewhere. I'll go look through John's stuff, see if I can't find it. I used AA's comic based Superboy and Miss Martian because both were reasonably close to their show counterparts (I did kittbash some new gloves on Miss M to make her more show accurate) and AA had made a Young Justice based Aqualad already.

Given how young Zatanna is in Young Justice, I might have to just make her myself... or, at the very least make a new skope using a teen female mesh.

Edit: so... the YJ skin would be great, but it's on FRP, which is currently down. Damnit Prev. Anyway, if someone has it (or if John could maybe link me to a yahoo group with it) I'd appreciate it. my email is

Cyber Burn

Hey 'Mato, is it the "Robin_YJ" Skin/Skope Combo that you wanted? If so, I'd be glad to send that your way.

You may also want to check out John Jr's "Superboy_TT_alpha" Skin/Skope Combo.


I'd be interested in both, absolutely.

Cyber Burn

Give me 2 - 3 minutes, and they should be on their way.  :thumbup:

Cyber Burn

Sorry, got sidetracked. You have Mail!  :D


Thank you Cyber, I appreciate it.

Overall, I think I'm going to stick with AA's Superboy (though I might play with a new skope for it based on John's). I'd love to see John do a cartoon-accurate Superboy, however.


All right, updated the list with all the herofiles. I'm leaving the FX there for now, because I need to do some in-game testing to make sure I have all the FX I need, and I have to go to work now.


Ok, so going through this, here's the fx I'm missing:

Lady Hawkeye:


wind fury

blue flame

Hulkling I think is fine as is.


Tomato unfortunately i can't send you the isolated fx since i don't know what their texture files are. However i can suggest you to do a somewhat tiresome but really beneficial process. If you have DCUG by Benton take all the geneic and texture files and copy them over your main game/mod folder. Merge the dats and you will have a becy of fx for all tastes. Do the same with Heralds of Destiny mod by AA. Just the generic/textures foldera and merge the dats. You will find everything you need there plus some more :D


Fair enough. getting DCUG would also be a good way to get herofiles from the DC side anyway, since that really isn't my forte.

If anyone would be willing to help me skope them (I'm a bit rusty) I'd like to try my hand at skinning the YJ team... Kid Flash, Artemis, and Zatanna for sure, but I'm considering doing the others too. I'm in no rush either, since X-Ray and Vav season 2 will be starting soon and I suspect I'll be rolling out new skins for that first anyway.


So with X-Ray and Vav coming out in two days, I'm gonna switch gears a bit here... I want to get back to the YA/YJ stuff eventually, but my focus is on getting the X-Ray and Vav skins done right now. I'd like to get Hilda done this year (I kinda regret not getting her done last year) and I've already started a skin/skope for the mysterious Mogar.

Firstly, I need some help getting started on Hilda. The idea is to have her and Orf be reminiscent of Booster Gold and Skeets, with Orf just kind of floating around during Hilda's animations. The easiest way to do that would be to take a skope that does that already (either a booster gold/skeets skope or Mister Terrific) and skope on a version of female_basic that works with male_basic keyframes. I know there's a mesh like that, but I've never used it so I always forget what it is.

Second is Mogar... unfortunately there aren't a lot of good shots of him to work from yet (we only see him from the back so far) so I can't nail down many of the details, but one thing I would like is to have fur cuffs for the wrists and boots. It's just frustrating because I KNOW I've seen design elements like that before, and I just can not remember where from.


Take a look at Ink's Kitty Pryde and Lockheed meshes on hero force, they will also have her hairstyle