Characters in their civilian uniforms

Started by mac402, August 03, 2015, 08:30:47 PM

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I'm trying to collect meshes/skins of characters in their civilian identities (suits, casual outfits).

Here is what I have so far:
- Logan_Civilian clothes by ???
- PV_Atomic_Clark_Kent by Atomic Robot
- vxClarkKent by Vertex&Lightning Man
- PV_Atomic_Bruce_Wayne by Atomic Robot
- Adam West Bruce Wayne by Daglob
- Bruce Wayne for male_hunter_suit mesh by Dirk Thorazine
- Peter Parker by Catman
- Matt_Murdock_dm by DetourMe
- Diana Prince by El Insensantez
- Bruce Banner by Lord Ehmsidy
- Bruce Banner/Hulk by Daglob
- Billy_Batson_REN by Renegade
- Langstrom_skope by JKCarrier
- Tony_Stark by ???
- Clark_Kent by BeardedInLair
- Pepper Pots by Catman

Are there any others?


I did a couple of Adam West skins; check out the first post in the Skin-A-Rama under the "spoiler" for a (seriously out of date) list. I think they are on it. There is also a skin for TJ's Jekyll and Hyde, plus a scope that uses the Kirby Hulk, that shifts between Bruce Banner and his alter ego.

I also did some Superfriends civilian ID skins, but I'm not sure where they are (Marvel Adventures, maybe?)

Oops! That's Spiderman and his Amazing Friends.

If you can't find them, PM me an e-mail address and I'll send them Wednesday (If I remember; this getting old is no fun).



Thanks guys, I've updated the list :) . Oh, and the Adam West I had was actually yours Daglob as I have all your works released on Character Obscura :) . I couldn't find Spidey&Co though, so I'll PM you (maybe they weren't released with the MA yet). I've also found a Kirk Langstrom from you JKC in the Batman Family mod, and a Tony Stark skin from Marvel Adventures.


Yeah, Daglob did great Spider Friends skins for me.  They're in my crossover mod but I don't think he released them to the public yet.
BeardedInLair did a 1950's style Clark Kent.
Yellow Lantern smash!



Neither are complete on my end but I did a Green Goblin and an Iron Man (Superior) that have head bit's for their real personas (Osborn and Stark). The Osborn bits are also present on the Iron Patriot mesh. The idea was so that skopers could make civilian versions if they chose or that I would get around to them sooner or later. A Tony Stark that resembles the films and has a glowing arc reactor under his shirt. Just saying if anyone would desire them it would be a snap just to skope those hair bits onto anything else. My Rescue pack as well includes a full civilian version of Pepper Potts as well a Gwyneth Paltrow movie variant and a third from the series The Order wearing a Telepresence Unit. I also did a Clark Kent who more than anything resembles his Superman: TAS counterpart.


Quote from: yell0w_lantern on August 04, 2015, 01:27:31 PM
Yeah, Daglob did great Spider Friends skins for me.  They're in my crossover mod but I don't think he released them to the public yet.
BeardedInLair did a 1950's style Clark Kent.
Where is your crossover mod?


I did a Silver Age Pepper Potts on an early version of Yellow Lantern's Betty Page mesh. I'm pretty sure Benton has her. Although, Pepper isn't really a "super".

The Clark Kent by Bearded can open his shirt and wink at the camera.

"Where is your crossover mod?"



Maybe not in old issues, past that she basically became a cyborg and then donned an armor of her own. So really she has more " powers " than Tony at any rate as she's actually enhanced physically.


Quote from: SickAlice on August 06, 2015, 11:30:08 PM
Maybe not in old issues, past that she basically became a cyborg and then donned an armor of her own. So really she has more " powers " than Tony at any rate as she's actually enhanced physically.

Yeah, as I've said, I seem to be stuck in the Silver Age...


Television and music for me (what's a Twilight? Game Of Whatnow?). But yeah to most people coming into comics in the past few years she's Rescue now as opposed to Tony's assistant. It was one of the better change ups imo and I hope they stick with it after Secret Wars. She has much more dimension this way as opposed to being the girl that gives Tony support or flack and occasionally is in danger.


Oh my, I just realised that I'm still somewhere around 2010 when it comes to comic book lore  :o. I've yet to see any of the movies too...  Anyway, nice work on Pepper.


Yeah, but she wouldn't looks nearly as good without Yellow Lantern's mesh.


I'd probably trade the comic stuff to be up to date on movies myself. I haven't seen Avengers 2 yet and that kind of sucks. Comics are a little easier though, read a handful and they always fill you in on whats happening everywhere else (* see: Tales To Go Whoa About #356 -  John " Knowledge Database " Smith) else I just flip through the internet if I don't understand what I'm looking at. Rescue was pretty much the case as most modern comic characters in her popularity boom came from cross-promotion, being that she was introduced to the game Marvel: Avengers Alliance and was the choice "unbeatable " character for awhile. The comics of course pushed her status up in sync. I was playing that game a the time and reading that Heroic Age/Fear Itself stuff from Marvel so happened to catch it. Like I said imo she actually makes a more interesting character that way as cliche as the idea seemed at first. Plus that Mark1 armor design is really cool.

Also I'm just going to go ahead and make those Norman and Tony's myself today, it'll be a synch since I already have the parts done. I should get them uploaded by tonight at the latest. It's storming out so I'm out of work for the day anyways.


Finished a Tony. I added a little more detail than originally planned so the time passed. Norman will be up by tomorrow at the latest.


Quote from: bearded on August 06, 2015, 08:52:05 PM
Quote from: yell0w_lantern on August 04, 2015, 01:27:31 PM
Yeah, Daglob did great Spider Friends skins for me.  They're in my crossover mod but I don't think he released them to the public yet.
BeardedInLair did a 1950's style Clark Kent.
Where is your crossover mod?

Still working on it.  After a 3 year break, I figured out a major bug and I am back to work.  My failed attempt at creating a new map NIF  has, along with just the large amount of time since last seriously working on the project, engendered a significant reworking of parts and revision of the overall direction. I have about 32 Missions/submissions, in various states of completeness, added to the campaign .

It starts in the Golden Age with Hourman, picks up Captain America, and Captain Marvel before finishing out the Golden Age around 7 missions/submissions.  There is a brief narrative about the HUAC and decline of superheroes before Superman shows up in Mission 8 followed by another narrative segue where we land at approximately 1970 for the remainder of the planned Missions.

In the spirit of the original crossovers, the heroes all inhabit the same universe; the implication was that they were just always "off-camera" prior to the crossover.  So Spider-man and Superman had heard of each other in the comic but had never met before.  As a warning, I am taking HUGE liberties.
Yellow Lantern smash!


My hats off, to you and anyone else who makes mods. I've tried my hand a bit at map making and just poked at scripting. That is a silly amount of work to be doing. I'll stick with nifs and skins and slacking off. I do like making map props though if anyone wants any especially if I get to make an animated one.


Yellow Lantern smash!


Ya I know. Not a lack of ability but more a laziness. Like skoping keyframes I get really bored with that stuff and eventually frustrated. I'm a hard worker but only in so much as I'm doing something I enjoy. I should take some time though maybe this winter. I have a lot of ideas I'd like to implement that I requested in the scripting forum. Though right now getting ZBrush down and learning to dance the Thriller (seriously) are priority and I've not spent a second on either, lol. I'm content modelling and swapping for now.

Cyber Burn

If I remember correctly, I had Skoped a "Male_Civilain" Mesh to have a Cane instead of a Briefcase to be used as a Donald Blake (Thor). I don't remember who I gave it to, so I don't know if it ever got Skinned or released. If I still have the original, unskinned version, I could release that if anyone wants it, then they're free to do with it as they please.


Yep CB, he's Donald Blake in my Marvel mod.  He's unskinned, just using a regular Irrational skin, but he looks the part quite well.
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<Prof. X Telepathy> You must release.......You must release.......

Seriously.  It is a shame that we have lost a large part of the meshing community.  There are some interesting secret ids out there. (Freddy Freeman i.e.) And it could never hurt to have some more 'civilian' type meshes around.

The costumes are great, but sometimes you just want to SEE them change.
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