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Newb Needs Help: Windows 8

Started by skyflyerjen, August 05, 2016, 04:03:19 PM

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Hello, everyone, this is my first (of many I'm sure) post here.  I've played Freedom Force and FFVTTR probably a dozen times over the years.  I got a new PC but it's Windows 8.  I'm dying to play FF again, and I just got done installing it.  Now it says 'This program has compatibility issues'.  I went under "Properties" under the FF name and tried to run it under WIN 98 and Windows 8 but nothing seems to work.
I'm trying to give as much detail as possible.  This is a physical game and not a Steam download.  I am a very vanilla player and just want to play.  My technical prowess is lacking, to say the least.   :banghead:
I tried looking through the forums for an answer but nothing seemed to match me.  Please help a newbie out!!!  Thank you for your time!


Howdy Sky, and welcome to the best community on the internet!

I'm sorry you're having trouble with the game.  You have the CD version, hmm?  Well, first I'd make sure you've downloaded and installed the patch.  Then I'd run the game in XP SP 2 compatibility mode.  If that still gives you trouble, I'd recommend just buying it on GOG or Steam, as I know those versions work on 8, and they're very cheap these days.  Hopefully that won't be necessary, though.

Others may have more substantive advice, but that's all I've got off the top of my head.
God Bless
"If God came down upon me and gave me a wish again, I'd wish to be like Aquaman, 'cause Aquaman can take the pain..." -Ballad of Aquaman
Check out mymods and blog!


If you're running FF off the CD version, you'll likely need to install the patch. (FF didn't even run on Windows XP SP2 without this)

I remember getting it running on Win7 with the patch.
Not sure about 8 or 10.
Hope fully this makes it work for you.

Like Benton, said it might be easier to just spring for the GOG versions. (currently $7.48 for both)
I personally prefer GOG to Steam (I have both of those plus the CD versions) as it installs quickly and doesn't require the Steam connection.
I am currently using the GOG versions on Win10 without any issues.
Creator of EZ Danger Room, EZFX, EZHero, The JLA Mod, The X Mod, Superhero TV, & famous Hero Recipes, coming up: New mods.

Cyber Burn

I also have the Disk version, and had installed it onto Windows 8 prior to upgrading to Windows 10. And I'm also not a very big Tech Head either. But I do have a few questions for you.

Where did your games install to?

Have you installed anything besides the basic games (FFX, EZFX, ModTools, Etc.)?

Are you getting the error message with both games, or just one of them?


Thank you, guys!  I appreciate the quick replies!
I installed the patch from the site that you provided.  It seemed to get me a little further in that at least the option to play was available (the screen popped up).  I made sure it was XP service pack 2.  However, when I clicked "play" it just sits there doing nothing.
Is GOG like Steam, an online thing where you can download and play games? 
I know, it's painfully obvious how unknown I am to these kinds of things!
Cyber Burn, umm, I installed the game... onto my computer... (I'm so sorry, that's all I've got... not really sure what you mean as to where I installed it to)
All I have installed on my PC right now is Freedom Force, no VS the Third Reich or any mods, nothing like that.
I did think about just buying it on Steam but I worry it'll install and I'll just have the same issue: it won't work on 8.
Again, thank you guys for your help, it's appreciated!


No problem, Sky, that's part of what makes this community so awesome.

So, that sounds like progress.  We're getting closer.  There's probably a simple solution, but I'm afraid that I never ran  :ff: on 8, having used the Steam version when I had that system.  Someone else may have more to offer on that front.

GOG, Good Old Games, is very much like Steam, in that it's an online game store, but unlike Steam, it has no DRM (controls, often invasive, that ensure you purchased the game).  Basically, if you buy a game, all you need is the install file they give you.  You never need to get online, don't need to check in with anyone, and can move it from computer to computer as you like.  In general, GOG are the good guys in the modern, post-ownership software world.  They also have a truly awesome selection of classic games that aren't available anywhere else, and they do a good job of making sure they work with new versions of Windows.

No worries, nobody's born knowing this stuff!

I think CB is asking what directory you used when you installed the game.  The default one would be something like: C:\Program Files\Irrational Games\Freedom Force

Essentially, if you installed it to a different drive or something like that, it could affect how it works.

For what it's worth, I know that the Steam version works on Windows 8, at least on my laptop, though it doesn't run super smoothly.  If you download it, make sure you run Steam itself in compatibility mode too.  I've found that doing so solves a number of problems. 

I hope you can get it to work!  :)
God Bless
"If God came down upon me and gave me a wish again, I'd wish to be like Aquaman, 'cause Aquaman can take the pain..." -Ballad of Aquaman
Check out mymods and blog!


Thank you!  You guys are a treasure trove of information. 
It is indeed installed under the Program:C// thing. 
I did not choose "run" for the patch, I saved it.  Was that maybe the wrong thing to do? 
I eventually will most likely just download it but I figure, if I can save money, why not at least try?

Cyber Burn

For me, I'm a visual learner, I need to see something first hand in order to start understanding it. However, one of the things that I've always gone back to for help, is the FAQ section at Alex's Freedom Fortress.

Located here:

Number (27) is probably the one you want.

On a side note, with all the discussions about what the correct order is in regards to installing both Freedom Force, and Freedom Force vs the Third Reich, I kept the notes from when I did my install on my Windows 8. I know you said you don't have Freedom Force vs the Third Reich, but with so much Content being made exclusively for that game, It would definitely be worth checking out. Now back on track:

Install Order

FF1 (Basic):

1. Base Game
2. Patch 1.2 (or 1.3, depending)  -  I'm sorry, I don't remember the difference between the two of these.
3. EZFX 5.1
4. FFX 2.6

FFv3R (Basic):

1. Base game
2. EZFX 6.0
3. FFX 3.3
4. PFX 1.2

Every other extraneous add-on is a matter of merging the (.Dat) Files correctly. For example, GogglesPizanno's Map Pack, if you were to use it, uses FFX 3.2, but will still need EZFX installed into it if it doesn't already exist on your computer. Let's keep in mind that FFX 3.0 auto-detects and comes with (.Dat) Files that are pre-configured to included EZFX.

I hope this helps at least a little bit Sky. I know this can be daunting, but this is a great Community, and you'll find a lot of people willing to help out.


You're right, so far all I've gotten is help from this forum, from kind people taking time out of their day to help a stranger.  Thank you, guys.
I tried running every single compatibility, under administrator, I believe the patch is on, tried all of these little tips from all of these different sites, all to no avail.
I purchased the bundle from Steam, both games.  FFVTTR seems to work just fine.  I am getting the "fist bug" for the first game.
My heart swelled and I tried to temper my excitement over finally (!) getting to the main menu of the game, but when I try to move Minuteman, my cursor is a fist and he decides to run out of the map, into unknown darkness.

No worries about me installing the extra mod thingies, as I am a very vanilla player and at this point just want to try and play a game I've loved for over a decade.
I do own the sequel on disc, but I downloaded it because it was a better deal on Steam.  I was told that on GOG the fist bug isn't a problem but I would lose respect for myself if I had to buy it elsewhere again. 
I believe it was the 1.3 download that abenavides provided that I got.

Cyber Burn

For FF1, have you installed the EZ Danger Room from Alex's Site? Can you get that to run?


Nope, I haven't installed that.  I'm not entirely sure what that is.  Do you think that would help?  If so, I'll download it when I get home!

Cyber Burn

I don't know if it would help, per se. But it would at least show whether other aspects of the game were working. But, like I said, I am definitely not a Tech Head, I'm just hoping one of the Tech Heads will be able to get enough information to help you out.  :D


Well Sky, I know I encountered that fist bug (very annoying!) when I installed  :ff: on my Windows 8 machine, and I remember that I fixed it....unfortunately, I don't remember how!  However, here is a thread with a number of suggested fixes.  I imagine one of these should do the trick:

Be sure you're running Steam itself in compatibility mode!
God Bless
"If God came down upon me and gave me a wish again, I'd wish to be like Aquaman, 'cause Aquaman can take the pain..." -Ballad of Aquaman
Check out mymods and blog!


Haha, yes, my friend.  I have been prowling the Steam boards looking for answers (I have an open post myself!), thank you for the advice.  Running Steam in compatibility mode is something I've been a little afraid to try/don't really know how.  I just worry I won't be able to play my other games, which of course is just silly nonsense because I should be able to just change it back.

*I was able to play a little bit last night!!!*
I don't know if it'll work again, but I found some advice on a gamefaqs board where I access it through the... program file?  Anyway, I kept clicking through everything until I found the game listed.  I clicked on it and my heart clamored in my chest when I saw a CURSOR in my game!!!  (Who would ever think someone could get so excited over seeing a cursor in their lives?)  Here's hoping when I check tonight that process will work for me again!

Thank you ALL!


Haha, that's great news!  So, you launched the game from the .exe in your game file, and not through a shortcut or through Steam?

As for running Steam in compatibility mode, it CAN cause other games to be a bit weird, but all you have to do is change it back.  Just exit Steam, right click on the shortcut, and uncheck the compatibility mode box.  Boom, everything's back to normal.  Trust me, I do this every day.
God Bless
"If God came down upon me and gave me a wish again, I'd wish to be like Aquaman, 'cause Aquaman can take the pain..." -Ballad of Aquaman
Check out mymods and blog!