is there away to add more chars to the skrimish mode

Started by crosspotts1.0, November 22, 2016, 12:04:39 AM

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is there away to add more chars to the skrimish mode

i thought i saw a topic but cant find it now iv looked and searched but still cant find it

please any help is appreciated

Cyber Burn

Hey Crosspotts, could you please post a Link to what you found? I may try to add it to the Resources Yahoo Group.


heres the post that says how
for me how ever i put 56 chars in and tried to have 6 or 7 teams and when i started it only my side showed up with my budds and we instantly won so i think it cant process that many teams unfourtnly so i couldent put every one aginst each other but 2 teams work with 56 with out a lot of lag