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Even More help: 1/15/19 (check pretty far down)

Started by daglob, October 17, 2018, 07:10:40 PM

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I transplanted some pieces from one mesh to another, and suddenly they have acquired a high gloss. The pieces didn't have effects turned on, so it has no refl or glow textures. I have checked the color info, and the "gloss" is set to 0.00. I have been told how to do this this on other meshes, but it only has the one texture. Any ideas?


So the pieces you skoped on only have a base texture, right?
Well I think you pasted them under a parent that has effects enabled, if you look at the node in Nifskope you might see a Num of Children with one of the values pointing to NifTextureEffect or something. And that will refer to the lightmap texture.
Any piece that doesnt have it's own refl/gloss will just reflect the lightmap.
There are two ways to fix this:
1) remove the NiTextureEffect by reducing the Num of Children on the parent node
2) add a refl/gloss texture and skin your own (it could be just black)


I've tried adding the reflection and glow textures, but can't seem to get them to work. It would simplify things.


I never came back and thanked everybody. I'm sorry, but you all helped. And here I am asking for more. Below is a WIP of Sidney:

The black background is what she looks like in Nifscope (of course), and the other is what she looks like in CTool. The problem is that I need to add glasses, and it is working onto a really tough proposition, since I'm not sure where the glasses will be when viewed in CTool. The mesh itself is Female Teen Ponytail Pants, and I intend to use Clark Kent's glasses from Atomic Robot's PV Clarke Kent. Does anyone know why the orbs have to sit so low to display like I want? They are copies of The Emerald Enchantress's Eye shrunk quite a bit. The orbs also seem to have lost their reflections, but that is a small thing.

Any and all suggestions will be appreciated.

Deaths Jester

Are the glasses going to go on the orbs or on the main mesh? If on the main, you should be able to move the orbs up a little to allow space...course, I'm not familiar to this character so I'm probably just blowing smock everywhere.
Avatar picture originally a Brom painting entitled Marionette.


The glasses will go on the mesh itself. The character is this one:   This has a fairly decent shot of her showing her glasses and the orbs. And I noticed that she wears her pants tucked in her boots...  :banghead:

Deaths Jester

Then from what I can tell, you should be able to float the orbs higher then, the only problem you might have is some clipping during run, walk, and maybe some melee animations. At least that is what I think....
Avatar picture originally a Brom painting entitled Marionette.


I'm obviously not explaining this correctly. I put the orbs in the correct location in Nifscope, and they hovered at least an arm's length over her head in CTool. That is why the Nifscope view has them in her face, but the CT view is what I want. I tried putting glasses on the mesh, but the lenses were hovering above her head in CT if I had them located correctly in Nifscope. Of course, I'm going to convert it to another mesh, so all this may be for nothing.

Deaths Jester

Ah...okay...hmm...maybe the glasses have some extra bone info on them that is set up for a male character - seeing as it's from a male mesh. Of course, if you are attaching the glasses to the Head spot, then it might be keyframe probs...not sure though...I don't often mix male and female mesh pieces together due to size difference and some occasional...pieces errors/not working.
Avatar picture originally a Brom painting entitled Marionette.


It doesn't have a Niskininstance, and that is the only thing I know of that would mess things up like that.

Deaths Jester

Hmm...I don't know, DG, this is beyond my limited knowledge unhappily. Sorry, mate.
Avatar picture originally a Brom painting entitled Marionette.

Deaths Jester

One idea I had after sleeping my required 10 minutes: instead of using the kent glasses, could you use the shades from Ink's Extreme X-men Sage? While you don't get the distinct seperation of lens and under frames, you could use alphas to make it look like what you want AND we know they are female mesh compatible. Just an idea...still don't know why the kent glasses are doing what they are doing...
Avatar picture originally a Brom painting entitled Marionette.


Last night I re-built th scope using Female Teen Ponytail, and the orbs seem to be working. We'll have to see about the rest,

Thanks for your input, DJ.

Deaths Jester

Wish I could've been more help...
Avatar picture originally a Brom painting entitled Marionette.


You started making me think it was the mesh/keyframes, which does seem to be the problem.

Deaths Jester

Quote from: daglob on December 13, 2018, 05:30:31 PM
You started making me think it was the mesh/keyframes, which does seem to be the problem.

Perhaps but still...not a ton of help from me....
Avatar picture originally a Brom painting entitled Marionette.


Funny, the first post in this thread has to do with too much gloss, and now I'm asking about too little.

If you check out my scope/skin of G. I. Robot, you can see what I did. However, somehow all the parts I scoped in seem to have lost their reflections. I've been looking at the parts in Nifscope, and they all refer to the refl texture and the Male Basic Lightmap or whatever other reflection they are supposed to refer to. The Glossiness is set to 10.0 in the Material Property which is pretty common. Still, no reflections.

I have gotten help with this before, but whatever notes I had are lost on a dead hard drive. Any ideas would be appreciated.

Cyber Burn

If you want to send it my way, I'd be glad to take a look at it. While I know what I'm looking for, it's just hard for me to express.

Cyber Burn

I'm going to try and look at it tonight, but do you want me to Skope it onto any specific Mesh so it has any specific weapon animations?

Cyber Burn

Ok, I've only done the main body so far, just so I could try and get pics to try and explain what I'm doing. I put everything in spoilers because otherwise, it would be a pic heavy post.

So looking at your Skope, you have two "Male_Basic" Meshes in here, first is the original, which is highlighted (605 NiNode).


Then you have the second "Male_Basic" Mesh which is highlighted here, this is the one that you edited in Blender (690 NiNode).


Now, if you look at the original "Male_Basic" and look at the "Block Details", and then scroll all the way down, you will see 3 lines. One says "Num Effects", the next says "Effects" followed by a pair of Green Arrows, and under that is another line that says "Effects".

Next to the "Num Effects", there should be a "1". This will be the number you want for the pieces that you have Skoped onto the Mesh as well.


And next to the "Effects", there should be a "19". This will be the number you want for the pieces that you have Skoped onto the Mesh as well.


So now we look at the "Male_Basic" Mesh that you have Skoped in. Highlight that, look at your "Block Details", and then scroll all the way down. Notice that your "Num Effects" says "0" instead of "1". Also, if you click on "Effects", nothing happens. So we need to fix that.


To fix this, double click on your "Num Effects" that says "0", and change that "0" to a "1".


Now you need to double click on your little green arrows, which will allow you to open up the "Effects".


Now that you have your second "Effects" line open, you will see that it says "None".


But, as we stated earlier, next to this "Effects" line, there should be a "19". So double-click on "None", and replace it with a "19".


Save your work and your "Male_Basic" part of this Skope should have the effects enabled.

Now, if you don't have that original "Male_Basic" part of the Mesh, look at the "Omni01", and check the "NiTextureEffect", it should also have that same number that you are looking for.



I have a scope that won't convert, and I can't seem to rebuild it. I know "Lost Children" can be a problem, but I can't find any, and I don't know really where to look. I would gladly send the scope to anyone who thinks they might can convert it, just PM me an e-mail address.

Cyber Burn

There is no way I could estimate a time frame, but you're always welcome to send it my way.