Captain Marvel mesh/skin for classic FF?

Started by Lt. Vulture, February 11, 2020, 05:53:05 AM

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Lt. Vulture

Hey all, anyone know of a mesh/skin of Captain Marvel for classic FF?  The only one I found is for FFv3R.   :(

Thanks in advance!


As in "Shazam"? Alex has Renegade's:

It's on the page of Skins and Meshes in Renegade's Toybox. If you look in Da Glob's section, there is a Golden Age version by Yellow Lantern skinned by myself.

As for Mar-Vell, if you look in Courtnall 6's stuff, he has several nice skins for the character.

Lt. Vulture

Ah sorry, should have been more specific.  I meant the Marvel / Brie Larson version from the movie that came out last year.


A lot of newer characters have only been done for FFv3R; I'm not sure there is a FF1 version of the Brie Larson Cap. Hopefully, someone else will chime in and prove me wrong (and I'll get it too).